Calendar:Status Meetings:2006-06-01

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
  • Access Code
    • 3646989
  • Conference controls
    • *6 mute line
    • *7 unmute line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's talking



Proposed Agenda Items

  • Sunbird default branding (tri-licensed vs. trademarked)
  • l10n move status
  • face to face meeting nuts&bolts
  • Review of Task/Feature Matrix
    • Agreement on proposed usage scenarios
    • Agreement on next steps
  • Status of UI review process
  • Roadmap: Sunbird vs. Lightning vs. Calendar

Sunbird Default Branding

  • Non-trademark-protected branding (e.g. desktop icon, about box, look-and-feel)
    • Why? Same reasons as Firefox and Thunderbird:
      • Make it clear which builds are blessed and tested
      • Allow others (e.g. Debian) to use the code in ways not compliant with the trademark policy without diluting the Sunbird brand
    • Logistical disadvantge
      • Requires build/release team to turn branding on before releases and off after
    • Mark Carson contributed graphics at lilmatt's request
  • Attendees present agreed; needs decision from mvl to going ahead
  • Action item(ssa): sounds worth addressing in Lightning also; file separate bug to track

Localization move

  • Want to take advantage of same processes in use by Firefox & Thunderbird
  • Has been on hold since before Lightning 0.1
  • lilmatt driving w/ server op folks
    • Copy CVS history for en-US localization, no history copy for others
    • Waiting for confirmation from preed

Face To Face Meeting

  • Start at 9:00 or 10:00 AM Saturday July 8th through Tuesday July 11th afternoon
  • Consensus: 1 big room rather than multiple small rooms
  • Action item(dmose): wiki pages
    • tentative list of attendees
    • logistics
    • agenda items
      • consensus: highest priority is planning, design, and coordination, coding low priority
  • Action Item(dmose): will contact folks who have requested travel & lodging assistence
  • Action Item(dmose): ask about whiteboards & projectors

Task/Feature List Review

  • ssa: survey results to be posted in small number of days
  • dmose: questions can be re-used for our target users, perhaps
  • ssa: concerned about postponing decisions
    • dmose: talk to ssa next week about this and related concerns


  • Currently multiple outdated roadmap, which is confusing
  • Action item: archive old roadmaps
  • Action item: create new shared roadmap
  • Consensus re publicity: keep planning in the open, but very clear that this is a draft