Calendar:Creating a recurring event

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Follow the following simple steps to create a recurring event in a calendar. This walk-through is intended for English speakers using Thunderbird with the Lightning extension installed or using Sunbird. This walk-through applies for all operating systems. This walk-through also assumes that you have already created a calendar.

  • Click on the New Event icon. New event.png
  • Fill in the Title, Location, Start and End fields.
  • Select the calendar that the event will be created for in the Calendar drop-down menu.
  • Select the repeat pattern from the Repeat drop-down menu.
  • If you selected 'Custom...' for the repeat pattern, the Edit Recurrence window will appear:
  • In the Repeat drop-down menu select the basic frequency of this event (Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Anually).
  • In the Every text-box type in how often the frequency will be relevant. For example, for an event that takes place every other week choose Weekly and then 2.
  • If you choose a frequency of weekly or monthly you will be asked which days of the week or month the event will occur. Choose those that apply.
  • If this event will occur indefinitely put a dot in "No end date".
  • If this event will only occur for a limited amount of time put a dot in either "Create __ Appointment(s)" or in "Repeat until" as applicable and fill in the corresponding fields.
  • Click on the OK button.
  • Click on the OK button to close out the final dialog and complete the event creation.

Congratulations, your recurring event should be setup correctly.