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Brand Strategy and Services
Team Lead: Mary Ellen Muckerman Mailing List: branding at mozilla.com
We are a group of thinkers and makers dedicated to refining and growing the voice of Mozilla in the world.

What we do

  • Develop and deliver Brand Strategies for the Mozilla Brand
  • Consult, support and co-create Brand Strategies with Product Groups
  • Provide creative insights and services for the Project, Products and Initiatives

>> Check out the 2014 Brand Townhall video and shared presentation.

How we do it

To organize our thinking and making we use several models:

  • Brand Map - this model helps us understand how all of the activities Mozilla contains organize. It’s a map that guides how we support and grow the voice of any initiative or product within the Project. Basically, it’s how we organize our thinking.
  • Commitment Curve - this model helps us understand what we’re really asking of our audiences so we can design an experience that matters to them as well as to Mozilla. Here's a template you can use to create your own commitment curve.
  • Contribution Funnel - each initiative speaks to a specific audience. Some overlap and some are very committed to a single audience.
  • Brand Guidelines and Resources - these are guidelines and other tools to help Mozillians brand new projects in a way that doesn't damage the Mozilla brand. If you have questions about naming, logos, swag design or websites for a team or project, please check this out.

What we’re working on

With our new CEO firmly in place, now is the time to help more people understand who we are, what we care about, and how our work impacts our online and offline lives for the better.

One of the most visible ways we create positive impact in the world is with our beloved Firefox products, but we also need people to know about the other things we do, from web literacy to technology innovation to ground-breaking policy. This unique combination of work, achieved in partnership with our global volunteer community, is what distinguishes Mozilla from other technology companies, and enables us to pursue our mission on multiple fronts.

By being clear and focused with the stories we tell, we’ll be able to give people the tools to quickly and easily share our message with others, amplifying our voice and impact in the world. So, we're working on a series of projects that will help us tell that Mozilla story through multiple experiences and platforms.

Current Brand Projects

On-going planning: (in progress)

Key Major projects:

>> View all of Engagement's projects.

The Team

Brand leads:

Brand also contains a few talented functional groups:

Team Lead: Matej Novak Mailing List: fistbump@mozilla.com
We are the creative team and we are responsible for all of the visual elements that tell the Mozilla story and define our brand.
Web Production
Team Lead: Ben Sternthal Mailing List: webprod@mozilla.com
We are the Web Productions team. We are the engineering arm of the Engagement organization and we create compelling and innovative web products, user-centered prototypes, and make data-driven decisions.
Team Lead: Shezmeen Prasad Mailing List: eventsteam@mozilla.com
We are a team of dedicated event professionals that can help support the organization with it's event strategy. Mostly focused on Brand, Developer, Partner, Product Marketing and Community events, reach out to us if you have any questions on how you can fully leverage our tools and resources to make your event a massive success.