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Bon Echo Planning Center

This was a starting point for planning and design information for the Firefox 2 "Bon Echo" release, including schedules, feature sets, and branch process information.

Project Status

The Bon Echo project ended with the successful shipping of Firefox 2 on the Gecko 1.8.1 Platform on October 24th, 2006 (release notes). Security and bug fix releases (Firefox, etc.) continued as part of Mozilla 1.8.1 branch maintenance. See the Firefox 3 (Gran Paradiso) Planning Center for information on the next release.

Project Documentation

Note: the Firefox Feature Brainstorming page has been moved to reflect the fact that it's not locked to a specific version.

(original versions of Product Requirements Document (under review) and Feature Plan (to be removed?) are being reworked into above categories)

Any proposed changes to these project plans should be written up and submitted to the Bon Echo steering committee for discussion, and the Product Management team will make the appropriate changes to this document.

To bring attention to a bug which is not covered by the requirements, but which should be fixed as part of the Bon Echo project, mark it as blocking-firefox2? (for browser modules) or blocking1.8.1? (for gecko modules).


Theme of Firefox 2

Firefox 2 will aim to build on the success of Firefox by addressing issues related to the problem of managing the vast amounts of information available on the Internet. Our goal is to provide a browser that helps users manage and organize their online information channels.

About Bon Echo

Continuing the tradition, Firefox 2 will use a pre-release code name taken from a public park. Bon Echo Provincial Park is located in Ontario, Canada. The name literally translates to "good echo", and reflects how our goal echoes that of Firefox 1, once again focusing on improving the browsing experience for our users, making it simple, effective, fast and useful.