MDN/Archives/Community meetings/2014/2014-08-13

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The MDN community meeting takes place in the #mdn channel on at 10 AM PDT (17:00 UTC). See the meeting time in your time zone. It's open to anyone that would like to participate, so please feel free to join in!

Add your agenda items below. Please include your IRC nickname in parens, so we know whose item it is.

New people?

  • If you're new to this meeting or to MDN, please speak up and introduce yourself.



  • Jean-Yves will send his current blog post to Janet for possibly publishing on about:community.


  • Ali will write a blog post on how to host a "Hacking MDN" event.



  • Regional MDN Hack Days in Q3/4
    • BrasilJS (Porto Alegre)
    • JS Conf EU (Berlin)
    • JSFoo (India) - to be confirmed
    • Portland, US - to be confirmed
  • MozFest, October 24-26, London



  • Welcome emails are now sent to all new members (for English language signups). Other locales will be supported soon (for some definition of "soon" -- any input from the dev team here?).
  • Sign-in using GitHub authentication is now in a closed alpha test. Beta is planned for next week. See bug 1052453 for tracking.
  • L10n improvements! You can now view the original source of the English document side-by-side while translating. Also, you can toggle into a one-column mode while translating.
  • Template/macro editing pages no longer have a "preview" button.
  • More improvements to the new notification bubbles. Aren't they pretty?
  • Feedback on broken code samples wanted:!topic/
    • The problem: people are pasting in code from elsewhere that has classes, styles, etc included that should not be included on MDN; this breaks samples and/or looks bad