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The MDN community meeting takes place in the #mdn channel on at:


Since lots of people lurk in #mdn, if you're actively attending the meeting please speak up and introduce yourself.

  • Attending:
    • Janet
    • Sebastian
    • Priyanka
    • Sheppy
    • Florian
    • Chris M.
    • Danielle

Discussion/Q&A topics

  • Improving this meeting -- ideas from Laura Hilliger on How to run a community call, things we are not doing well/already:
    • Record the purpose of your call; need to spell this out so we're clear on it, put it on the main MDN Community meetings page.
    • Reach out to influencers, Promote your call; we announce only on dev-mdc, not very far in advance. Need to announce more broadly, further in advance, and invite key people personally.
    • Write the agenda; "Provide enough presentation so so people have something to respond to, but offer enough time for interaction, too, so people feel invited to speak." We do not currently have any "presentation". Maybe we should have some time for planned Q&A with our "experts" about aspects of contributing to MDN. Need to brainstorm a list of topics, and schedule them.
    • Write a reflection.

Help wanted

Please share documentation bugs that need work, or other things where you need short-term help.


Is there anything keeping you from making progress?

What are you working on?

Please share recent accomplishments, and goals you have for the next few weeks.





Anything else we need to discuss synchronously?

  • Who will moderate the next meeting?