Mobile/Projects/About:home - Add-ons can add content to the "promotional banner" tile

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Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
862801 P1 Create Java UI for home banner RESOLVED Sriram Ramasubramanian [:sriram]
905262 -- [fig] Create a JS add-on API for adding content to the promotional banner VERIFIED :Margaret Leibovic

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (50%); 1 Verified (50%);


To make it possible for add-ons to add content to the "promotional banner" space to the main page of the about:home redesign.


  • The "promotional banner" space is a replacement for the Dynamic Snippets in the about:home redesign, so the purpose here is to make it possible for add-on developers to add content to the rotation in that space.
  • We will also have to create a "Dynamic Snippets" add-on -- that we will bundle -- so we can use it to pull Dynamic Snippets into the about:home page.
  • We will also have to create other bundled add-ons in various releases to do things like promote new Sync set up, Marketplace, etc.

User stories

Add-on developer

  • As an add-on developer, I want to be able to add to the rotated content displayed in the "promotional banner" space on the main page of the about:home redesign.
  • As an add-on developer, I want to be able to invoke other actions within the browser from the content I have added. For example: tapping the banner could open up a webpage in a new tab, or invoke the process to start setting up Sync, etc.


No end-user stories at this time. Need to think about this a bit.

Product manager

  • As a Mozilla product manager, I want to approve any content that is added to that tile by a bundled add-on.
  • As a Mozilla product manager, I want to ensure that AMO is appropriately and suitably prepared for add-ons that incorporate this feature.
  • As a Mozilla product manager, I want to ensure that all add-on development tools and supporting documentation is appropriately and suitably prepared for aiding add-on development that includes this feature before this feature is available for use.
  • As a Mozilla product manager, I want to ensure we have customization guidelines prepared for partner use that are approved and circulated to all relevant stakeholders to ensure appropriate expectations are set around the use and governance of this space. This will protect our users and ensure a degree of content quality that is displayed on the Mozilla home page.

Dynamic Snippets & other related add-on

These probably belong in different project pages, will move once I've created them

  • As a Mozilla product manager, I want to have up to 4 pieces of rotatable content.
  • As a Mozilla product manager, I don't want content displayed that requires an action that a user has already taken, ie: stop promoting new sync if new sync has already been setup on that device.

UX design