Mobile/Projects/My List: Save any web-viewable content

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  • Meta-bug to be filed


The Reading List is great, but we want to be able to add more than just text-centric articles to it, including any piece of web-hosted content that can be viewed in Firefox, including (but not limited to):

  • video files
  • audio files
  • PDFs
  • images
  • web pages that don't work with "Readability mode"
  • web pages that can be rendered with "Readability mode"

As part of this we also want to change this feature name from "Reading List" to "My List".

Use cases & user stories

This project is largely about enabling users to save anything -- any type of page or any type of media/content -- to My List. Specific user flows and user stories will be detailed over in My_List: How My List works.

UX design

See Mobile/Projects/Third-party_service_integration_MVP#UX_design.


See Mobile/Projects/Third-party_service_integration_MVP#Justification.

Quality criteria

  • No user-perceptible performance degradation
  • All goals are met
  • All user stories are implemented & tested