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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

This page documents all communication channels the Reps program uses as well as their purpose. Additionally this documents our content strategy.

Communication Channels

Currently used channels

These are the current channels we are using for announcements and discussion:

Internally facing:

Channel URL Type Purpose
Asynchronous discussions Main forum for discussions about the Reps program. We create a discussion here for all announcements and other program related discussions we need to have. These links are cross-posted to reps-general. The ultimate goal is to just use Discourse for all discussions while still providing several interfaces to interact with (email is completely possible with Discourse as well). The NDA category is used for sensitive information discussion.
Matrix Chat! Synchronous chat Chat for synchronous and informal discussions about Reps and Mozilla in general. This channel is not thought to have NDA'd content (please use the Discourse NDA category for this).
Matrix Announcement Channel! Notifications Read-only announcements, new Discourse topics and important information is shared through that announcement channel. It is not possible to respond to those. This channel is not thought to have NDA'd content (please use the Discourse NDA category for this).
Reps Council Alias Governance Used by the Reps Council for their coordination and discussions. This is automatically posted to a private inbox on Discourse to allow an archive for future Council members. This is the preferred way of reaching out to the Council for private matters. For public discussions please use the Discourse category.
Newsletter Notifications The Newsletter Team is sending out newsletters to all Reps. This includes all important information and discussions.
reps-general Deprecated All Reps are subscribed to the reps-general mailing list. We are posting announcements and discussions with a link to Discourse. Eventually we will decommission this. This is read-only. IMPORTANT: This channel is not thought to have NDA'd content (please use the Discourse NDA category for this). Please read the mailing list policy carefully before writing a message on the list.

Externally facing:

Channel URL Purpose
Reps Twitter Account Communications about the Reps program and Mozilla in general. This is thought to be internally as well as externally facing. This is one of our main channels towards the broader organization.
Reps Blog Announcements such as OKRs, Rep of the Month, and other program relevant pieces for a broader audience (whole Mozilla org, other interested parties, ..)
Facebook Reps page This page is maintained by Mayur Patil, Vishal Chavan, Yofie Setiawan and Srushtika Neelakantam.

Communication Content Strategy

Our current strategy is to identify further improvements to be done. For now, in terms of publication of information, we will continue as-is. This means the following:

Topic Channels
  • Post to start discussion on Discourse
  • Share link to reps-general
Rep of the Month
  • Blog post on Mozilla Reps blog
  • Discourse post
  • reps-general info with Discourse post link
  • send to Matrix
  • Discourse post
  • Blog post
  • reps-general info with Discourse post link
  • send to Matrix
Announcements about the Program
  • Discourse post
  • reps-general info with Discourse post link
  • send to Matrix
Reps Weekly Meetings
  • Discourse post
  • reps-general info with Discourse post link and agenda
  • make noise on Matrix
Council Weekly Meetings
  • Discourse post with meeting notes
Infos about the program
  • Newsletter to mail
  • Discourse post with newsletter content for discussion

Tweets by Reps

With Content Queue we can have a GitHub repository which holds issues that will be tweeted through @MozillaReps once the issue is approved.

Repository to hold the tweets, everyone can contribute:

Further information on how to file tweets:


Currently there are no ongoing communication experiments.