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pulsetranslator moved to mozilla-services org on GitHub
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The disadvantage of using the BuildConsumer is that you need to spend time understanding what messages Buildbot publishes to Pulse, and how these can vary, and associate particular messages with what you're trying to accomplish.  The format of Buildbot messages is undocumented, and can change without warning, which makes services based on the BuildConsumer potentially fragile.
The disadvantage of using the BuildConsumer is that you need to spend time understanding what messages Buildbot publishes to Pulse, and how these can vary, and associate particular messages with what you're trying to accomplish.  The format of Buildbot messages is undocumented, and can change without warning, which makes services based on the BuildConsumer potentially fragile.

To address some of these disadvantages, a translator is run against the BuildConsumer (the [ pulsetranslator]) which re-publishes a subset of Buildbot messages to a NormalizedBuild exchange, which are available using the NormalizedBuildConsumer of mozillapulse.  The content of these messages is simplified and normalized, making it easier to consume without the need to have a thorough understanding of how Buildbot publishes messages to Pulse.  The re-published messages also protect consumers against some changes to the Pulse stream, although significant enough changes will likely break pulsetranslator as well as direct users of BuildConsumer.
To address some of these disadvantages, a translator is run against the BuildConsumer (the [ pulsetranslator]) which re-publishes a subset of Buildbot messages to a NormalizedBuild exchange, which are available using the NormalizedBuildConsumer of mozillapulse.  The content of these messages is simplified and normalized, making it easier to consume without the need to have a thorough understanding of how Buildbot publishes messages to Pulse.  The re-published messages also protect consumers against some changes to the Pulse stream, although significant enough changes will likely break pulsetranslator as well as direct users of BuildConsumer.

Another advantage of the NormalizedBuildConsumer is that it will only publish messages for a given build or test job after the logs for that job are available; using the BuildConsumer directly can result in the reception of messages for a build before the build artifacts are available, which can cause problems in consumers if they don't explicitly guard against this.
Another advantage of the NormalizedBuildConsumer is that it will only publish messages for a given build or test job after the logs for that job are available; using the BuildConsumer directly can result in the reception of messages for a build before the build artifacts are available, which can cause problems in consumers if they don't explicitly guard against this.
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