Community:SummerOfCode15:Brainstorming: Difference between revisions

Added idea to Calender
(→‎Bugzilla: Add details for Bugzilla Extension Exchange Format installer)
(Added idea to Calender)
(36 intermediate revisions by 17 users not shown)
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== Firefox Developer Tools ==
{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments
| Python library and Sublime Text plugin for Firefox Developer Tools
| Develop a Python library that can use the Firefox [ Remote Debugging Protocol] to interface with Firefox from an external text editor, and create a plugin for Sublime Text to showcase the capabilities of the library. An old [ prototype] is already available and can serve as a starting point for further development.
| JavaScript, Python
| [ past]
| [ past]

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! Comments
| Contact Blacklist
| {{bug|1133501}} Implement a blacklist to prevent specified contacts from calling or messaging the user.
| [ Vishnu Teja (:ythej)]
| [ Doug Sherk (:drs)]
| Already assigned to [ Vishnu Teja (:ythej)]

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| Summer of Code is about coding, not about UX work; asking students to do UX work often leads to disappointing results -- florian. This may be too large a task; narrowing focus could be useful.
| Summer of Code is about coding, not about UX work; asking students to do UX work often leads to disappointing results -- florian. This may be too large a task; narrowing focus could be useful.
| Alternate protocol for mailnews folders
| Integrated pdf.js support in thunderbird (bug 810815)
| Thunderbird has long-term plans to implement a variety of mail and mail-like protocols to be managed as mailnews folders. An existing addon (SkinkGlue) exists to provide the glue for this. Implement one other protocol, which might be Twitter, Fastmail's JMAP, or Calendar events & tasks
| Firefox ships with integrade PDF viewing capabilities using pdf.js. This functionality is not present in Thunderbird yet but would obviously be useful.
| Javascript
| JavaScript
| rkent
| mkmelin
| rkent and, depending on protocol, a chat guy (clokep?), brong from Fastmail, or Fallen
| ?
| I doubt having 2 twitter implementations in Thunderbird is a valuable investment of time. JMAP seems the most promising protocol idea here; do we know if brong is on board to (co-)mentor this? Even though the code would be primarily written in JS, I suspect having some C++ skills to be able to understand some of mailnews' internals would be very helpful.
| Unclear about how much work it is.
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! Mentor(s)  
! Mentor(s)  
! Comments
! Comments
| Infinite scroll
| Add additional messages from the logs on-demand as the user scrolls up/down. Old messages should be removed when no longer needed, while not breaking any existing features.
| JavaScript, XUL, CSS
| nhnt11
| nhnt11 + ???
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! Mentor(s)  
! Mentor(s)  
! Comments
! Comments
| Keyboard Accessibility for Calendar
| [ bug 242112] Make Calendar keyboard-accessible. Keyboard actions to be added for navigation through various calendar elements and allow for alternative keyboard actions for point-and-click options.
| Javascript, XUL
| [ babhishek21]
| [ Fallen]
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! Comments
| Bugzilla Extension Exchange Format
| Write an installer script for Bugzilla extensions
| Perl
| dylan (
| dylan
| Spec:

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! Comments
|Treeherder for mobile
|Threeherder is a tool that allows to monitor test and build results generated by the gecko CI system.
The goal of this project is to build a simplified version of Treeherder, targeted to a mobile audience.
The data is already available through a restful API.
The mobile UI should allow to see if a push has failures and eventually drill down to identify which job failed on which platform.
|Good knowledge of JavaScript and CSS. Previous experience with angularjs would be beneficial, but it's not needed.
| mdoglio
| mdoglio

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! Comments
| [ NoFlo-UI] something
| Something TBD related to flow-based programming w/ browser-based IDE
| javascript, coffeescript, ux
| [[User:Forresto|Forresto]]
| [[User:Forresto|Forresto]]
| ...

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! Comments
| Server-Sent Events
| Servo lacks an implementation of the [ EventSource Web API]. The goal of this project is to implement that API, following the [ specification] as closely as possible and enabling the [ tests] for this feature that already exist.
| Prior experience with [ Rust] valuable. Comfortable reading and writing JavaScript for the web.
| [ jdm]
| [ jdm]

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! Comments
== Webmaker ==
{| class="standard-table" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse"
! Title
! Details
! Skills Needed
! Reporter
! Mentor(s)
! Comments
| AWS cli tool for deploys/rapid prototyping
| Help build/explore options for a heroku-like cli tool for rapid prototyping and development in the Webmaker ecosystem that interfaces with our AWS infrastructure.
| nodejs
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| clokep: There are tools that let you interact with AWS on the command line. I'm unsure if they do exactly what you want and doubt they're written in node (the [ official one] is written on top of their [ Python library]).
| Developer experience for Cordova Android/Firefox OS
| Help fix bugs, improve documentation, learning resources, and developer experience for build tools, tests, and deployment of Cordova Firefox OS / Android projects
| javascript, nodejs
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| clokep: I'm unsure what this is, it sounds like "Work on Cordova Android/Firefox OS and fix some documentation for 3 months". We like GSoC projects to have a specific goal in mind. Maybe this just needs a bit of rewording though.
| for iOS
| Develop an iOS version of our Cordova application (currently implemented for Android/Firefox OS)
| javascript, nodejs
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| clokep: I have no idea how works, but does this not need any iOS specific development skills (e.g. ObjectiveC)?
| Prototype in-app payments for
| Users can create mobile web apps with, but what if they could accept payments? Explore options like paypal, stripe, etc. and develop a prototype using Cordova/web tech.
| javascript, nodejs, css, html
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| [[User:k88hudson|k88hudson]]
| clokep: I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the final end goal of this: is it simply to have a prototype that includes, e.g., PayPal? What will that help us do?

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! Comments
| [ Contributorship Badges] Visualizations
| Create a series of javascript snippets that authors and publishers can use to display authorship badges on their sites. Badges will be issued using PaperBadger -- a service using Open Badges to issue badges to an ORCID and paper DOI. Exploring the use of digital badges for crediting contributors to scholarly papers for their work.
| javascript, PaperBadger API (in development)
| [[User:Abby|Abby]]
| [[User:Abby|Abby]]
| As the research environment becomes more digital, we want to test how we can use this medium to help bring transparency and credit for individuals in the publication process. This work is a collaboration with publishers BioMed Central (BMC) and the Public Library of Science (PLoS); the biomedical research foundation, The Wellcome Trust; the software and technology firm Digital Science; the registry of unique researcher identifiers, ORCID; and the Mozilla Science Lab.
Background Reading:
Note for clokep: I removed dependent projects if that's what's holding this project back in brainstorming?