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==FXOS Engineering Program Management Office (PMO)==
==FXOS Engineering Program Management Office (PMO)==
<!-- This set of numbers and wikilinks is an imagemap.  It is tricky to edit by hand.  It is suggested that any errors should be corrected in the version on "[[The Club (dining club)]]" so that others can recopy to fix long standing errors.  Note hyperlinks will not go in the description - its a known bug in 2007 -->
rect 10 125 170 200 [[FxOS Portfolio Management|FxOS Portfolio Management]]
rect 10 186 170 235 [[2.5 Program Manager|2.5 Program Manager]]
rect 10 395 170 408 [[Aha Admin|Aha Admin]]
rect 10 409 170 430 [[Hackability|Hackability]]
rect 10 431 170 450 [[Bugzilla Lite|Bugzilla Lite]]
rect 10 451 170 470 [[Wikis|Wikis]]
rect 171 125 320 195 [[NSEC (New Security Model)|NSEC (New Security Model)]]
rect 171 196 320 215 [[Foxfooding|Foxfooding]]
rect 171 216 320 230 [[Next Gen Design|Next Gen Design]]
rect 171 395 320 408 [[TV|TV]]
rect 171 409 320 430 [[Marigold|Marigold]]
rect 171 431 320 450 [[RTL (Right to Left)|RTL (Right to Left)]]
rect 171 451 320 470 [[Emulator|Emulator]]
rect 320 125 470 180 [[Kill Switch|Kill Switch]]
rect 320 140 470 200 [[Task Continuity Description|Task Continuity Description]]
rect 320 395 470 408 [[Voice|Voice]]
rect 320 409 470 430 [[Data Sync|Data Sync]]
rect 320 431 470 450 [[Cloud Storage|Cloud Storage]]
rect 320 451 470 490 [[NSEC (New Security Model)|NSEC (New Security Model)]]
rect 320 491 470 505 [[Geolocation Description|Geolocation Description]]
rect 320 506 470 530 [[Bluetooth|Bluetooth]]
rect 470 395 620 430 [[Red Tai/Red Square|Red Tai/Red Square]]
rect 470 431 620 480 [[OTA (Over the Air) updates|OTA (Over the Air) updates]]
rect 630 125 770 180 [[Privacy|Privacy]]
rect 630 140 770 200 [[Late Customization|Late Customization]]
rect 630 196 770 215 [[Marketplace TV|Marketplace TV]]
rect 630 216 770 230 [[Pin the Web|Pin the Web]]
rect 630 395 770 408 [[Performance|Performance]]
rect 630 409 770 460 [[DRM (Digital Rights Media)|DRM (Digital Rights Media)]]
rect 780 125 950 180 [[Add-ons Description|Add-ons Description]]
rect 780 395 950 438 [[NGA (New Gaia Archived)|NGA (New Gaia Archived)]]
rect 780 439 950 450 [[Metrics|Metrics]]
rect 780 451 950 480 [[Data|Data]]
desc bottom-left

[[FxOS Portfolio Management]]
[[FxOS Portfolio Management]]

Revision as of 01:40, 3 October 2015

FXOS Engineering Program Management Office (PMO)

FxOS Portfolio Management2.5 Program ManagerAha AdminHackabilityBugzilla LiteWikisNSEC (New Security Model)FoxfoodingNext Gen DesignTVMarigoldRTL (Right to Left)EmulatorKill SwitchTask Continuity DescriptionVoiceData SyncCloud StorageNSEC (New Security Model)Geolocation DescriptionBluetoothRed Tai/Red SquareOTA (Over the Air) updatesPrivacyLate CustomizationMarketplace TVPin the WebPerformanceDRM (Digital Rights Media)Add-ons DescriptionNGA (New Gaia Archived)MetricsDataFxOS Portfolio .png
About this image

FxOS Portfolio Management 2.5 Program Manager NSEC (New Security Model) Foxfooding Next Gen Design Kill Switch Task Continuity Description Privacy Description Late Customization Marketplace TV Pin the Web Add-ons Description Aha Admin Hackability Bugzilla Lite Wikis TV Marigold RTL (Right to Left) Emulator Voice Data Sync Cloud Storage Geolocation Description Bluetooth Red Tai/Red Square OTA (Over the Air) updates Performance Description DRM (Digital Rights Media) NGA (New Gaia Archived) Metrics Data

Bugzilla Flags

The team will be using the following whiteboard text for tracking user stories and their priorities in Bugzilla.


  • ONE bug per user story. Implementation tasks and bugs should be marked as blocking the user story bug.
  • ALL user stories that are either committed or targeted to a release must have a bug filed.
  • If a bug is not a user story it will NOT have any of these flags in the whiteboard.


  • The user story id, as found in the Product backlog spreadsheet, is written in the bug whiteboard as "ucid:{id}", eg: "ucid:Browser326".
  • The functional team that is responsible for the implementation of the user story is written as "ft:{teamname}", eg: "ft:media".


  • Grammar: [ucid:{id}, {release-version}, ft:{team-id}]
  • The entire block is contained within square brackets
  • Case-insensitive. UCID and ucid are both valid.
  • Key and value are separated by a colon (no spaces).
  • Key/value pairs are separated by a space and comma.


  • [ucid:System26, 1.3, ft:systems-fe]
  • [ucid:Comms27, 1.3, ft:comms]

feature-b2g Flag

The purpose

  • The feature-b2g flag is intended to be used to help define scope for a particular release.
  • The feature-b2g flag enables us to isolate the particular engineering tasks that make up the completion of the feature in a release time frame.
  • feature-b2g version#? is defined as "this feature is being proposed for this release"
  • feature b2g- version#+ is define as "this feature has been committed (by the engineering team(s)) for this release"

How to tag

  • [meta] bugs features and all dependencies targeted for a particular release should mark feature-b2g flag.
  • The feature-b2g flag should assigned to engineering tasks falling under the user stories AND the user stories themselves.
  • feature-b2g should flag to feature work only, not polish, enhancement or refactor work. Unless there's a user story dedicated for those work in a particular release. This gives us a more stable feature-b2g bug number and better prediction/tracing.
  • You can only mark the flag for engineers assigned on your team - not partner teams.

Who has the permission

  • PM and EPM, engineer managers and partner peers have the access