Compatibility/Meetings/2017-06-work-week: Difference between revisions

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=== Wed, Jun 28, 2017 ===
=== Wed, Jun 28, 2017 ===

*Team Dinner, somewhere, somehow*
'''Team Dinner, somewhere, somehow'''
Let's eat together as a team, for one evening. The rest are up to you.
Let's eat together as a team, for one evening. The rest are up to you.

Revision as of 22:35, 20 June 2017

This is the agenda and logistics page for Web Compatibility Team Work Week meeting in San Francisco (USA) from June 26 - June 30, 2017.


  • Location: San Francisco, USA
  • Hotel: Hilton Hotel


  • [Parc55] Adam Stevenson (Arrival: Monday 3:38pm, Departure: Saturday, 11:55am)
  • [Union] Dennis Schubert (Arrival: Monday 6:15pm, Departure: Sunday, 2:05pm)
  • [Union] Eric Tsai (Arrival: Monday 2:25pm, Departure: Sunday 1:40am)
  • [Union] Guillaume Demesy (Arrival: Monday 12:30pm, Departure: Saturday 03:10pm)
  • [Parc55] Karl Dubost (Arrival: Monday 10:30am, Departure: Saturday 11:25am)
  • [Parc55] Mike Taylor (Arrival: Monday 3:44pm, Departure: Friday, 11:59pm)
  • [Union] Ola Gasildo (Arrival: Monday 7:05pm, Departure: Saturday 3:05pm)
  • [Parc55] Tom Wisniewski (Arrival: Monday 7:03pm, Departure: Saturday 7:55pm)
  • Carol Chung
  • Beatriz Machado



Mon, Jun 26, 2017

Tue, Jun 27, 2017

Wed, Jun 28, 2017

Team Dinner, somewhere, somehow Let's eat together as a team, for one evening. The rest are up to you.

Thu, Jun 29, 2017

Fri, Jun 30, 2017

Topics Bank

Use the following template in one of the section below:

 ==== Topic ====
 Description with [ links] when necessary

webcompat - H2 planning

What are the projects we will continue to work on for the rest of 2017? What should we kill? What new projects?

webcompat - team meetings

A quick discussion on all our current meetings to decide if what we do works for us.

go faster - H2 planning

What's the current status for webcompat gofaster and what comes next?

Google Tier 1 planning

Review bugs filed by SoftVision and plan how we can move forward.

webcompat - transparency on what the team is working on

As Dennis mentioned a few weeks back, it's hard to keep track on who is working on what right now. Maybe we can find a good way to make things more transparent as a short brief in our meetings on everyone's status or making everyone's quarterly goals transparent (if possible). - Living Style Guide (LSG)

With the refactor, we'd like to work on a Living Style Guide to build a base for the upcoming refactor of the page. This will include - a "grid system", - website modules that will be build upon the grid system including defined HTML semantics, - the structure for the LSG (usage of modules, documentation of colors, fonts etc), - Tests (How much do we need to change due to CSS / semantics refactor) - Visual Regression Testing for LSG ( - Ownership of LSG

With the LSG we will be on the same page to proceed with the refactor remotely as well as be able to manage small releases plus have a clearer entry point for new contributors. - Discuss LSG related questions

A few questions need to be discussed before we start working on the LSG: - How do we want to handle SVG's? - How do we want to handle font loading as we will probably switch to Open Sans (Example: - How should the naming conventions for CSS look like? - We would need to decide on the audience of contributors for the LSG, so we know how the documentation should look like. - How do we want to handle the CSS development (e.g. pull from in LSG for testing purpose) as the same CSS should serve both ( & LSG), so we can run manual / automated visual testing for it. - Discuss roadmap for refactor in Q3 / 4

With everyone working remotely, it would be great to discuss a rough roadmap for the refactor of A few questions that fall under that topic would be: - What needs to be done? - Who would like to help and take over which tasks? - What needs to go in which milestone? - When do we tackle the JS refactor? - Discuss roadmap for refactor in Q3 / 4 (low prio)

Following questions can be interesting to discuss, but are not high priority as they can be discussed in a remote meeting at some later point: - Webpack rebuild - Tooling for JS refactor (Mostly framework discussion + tools for handling npm dependencies, test coverage...) - testing

As we will change semantics and naming conventions for and the LSG, we will need to put some work in the tests. How much do we want to change? Just fixing the tests? Or do we want to make more improvements as we are on it already? How would those improvements look like? What is out of scope?

webcompat - lightning talks

We introduce a topic to the rest of the team in 5 minutes. A technique we used for coding. A way of working on something. A python dev issue. A devtools hack. An organization/management suggestion. Or maybe something completely different from your life. Your garden. Your cooking skills. Your reading. - type-media

We receive a lot of type-media issues. We need to clarify a couple of things. - Do we push them in needs-diagnosis once identified? - Who is handling them in needs-diagnosis? alfredoyang? - We have the webhook being developed by karl. - Do we kill the handling of those? - Atom feed for issues

Part of the SF Milestones on Github. I will work on this during San Francisco Work Week. - alexa top and priority

Handling alexa through webhooks by Eric dev - committing on your repo

It seems there are two styles of coding for branches. Some people will commit on repo a branch, and some will do it on their personal fork. We pushed people to do it on their own repo in the past to avoid any kerfuffles on

Communications channels and openess

There is a trend that we need to stop and fix. We have a tendency to use non-open communication channels for things which are not Mozilla-secret sensitive. Each time we share something on a private channel, each time we lower the sense of the community. Mundane stuff, simple links to geeky stuff, etc. All of that is useful for the community even if there are just peeping.

Triage Consistency

(Adam, Eric, Karl) When doing triage we need to define some consistent strategy. Examples: when do we close as incomplete? When do we move to non-compat and with which status? When it's a bug report for another browser, do we automatically move it to needsdiagnosis? Etc.

This Week Minutes

Let's make sure that we minute everything or have summaries for everything we discussed. Hawaii was a good work week but poorly minuted. We are usually good on the first day and then slowly with fatigue let things slip.

  • Use the etherpad for minutes taking with the usual format.
  • Minutes on the wiki by the end of each day. Karl will generate them.
  • If working in smaller groups, write the minutes for your group on the etherpad at the usual place.
  • Record clear Action items which can be understood out of context.
    • Example: Karl to do review peace in the world policy framework in webcompat-dev issue 6969 by 2020-03-16
  • Send the minutes to the mailing-list. Karl will do it. Responsibilities Overview

How the responsibilities worked out since Berlin Meeting? Do we need to readjust the path? tweak? Do we sail as-is? San Francisco Milestone

We have a San Francisco Milestone for Let's try to tackle it before the work week.

Half-day or evening team building

Let's do something not work related together. The bigger the team the harder it becomes but we will probably find out something. If you have ideas, propose them here.