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== Firefox 3.5 ==
== Firefox 3.5 ==
'''Firefox 3.5 Release Schedule'''
* first version of the RC went to 800,000 beta testers on Monday
* second version of the RC went live on Friday afternoon PDT
* will make ship/no-ship evaluation on Wednesday of this week
* still on target for last week of June
'''Firefox Front End Work'''
'''Firefox Front End Work'''
* moved on to .next work

* moving on to [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=sw:tsnap TSnap] bugs which aim to make Firefox observably faster
* also returning to [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=polish- polish] bugs and [[Firefox/Sprints|exploratory sprints]]
* reminder to review and add your comments/feedback on the [[Talk:Firefox/Namoroka|discussion page]] or in the [http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.planning/browse_thread/thread/cba189f02aa448d8# dev-apps-firefox thread]

== TB 3 ==
== TB 3 ==

Revision as of 19:45, 22 June 2009

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Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Development Updates

Branch work: Firefox 3.0.x / Thunderbird 2.0.0.x

  • Firefox 3.0.12
    • Missed blockers for code freeze a week ago
    • Still trying to get in a couple more
    • Pushing out release by one week due to blockers missing code freeze
  • Thunderbird / Gecko
    • Shipping today!

Gecko 1.9.1

  • Dan Witte now full time! He's initially working with Taras on static analysis.
  • Check out Chris Jones' post on a very raw demo of our ongoing multi-process browser work. This work completes Phase I, and we're really excited to see such great progress so quickly.
  • Last week, Andreas Gal, David Anderson, and David Mandelin were in Dublin for PLDI to present their paper Trace-based Just-in-Time Type Specialization for Dynamic Languages, which describes some of the guts of TraceMonkey, the new Javascript engine and a key feature of Firefox 3.5.
  • Oh, and no new blockers holding the release. So far.

Firefox 3.5

Firefox 3.5 Release Schedule

  • first version of the RC went to 800,000 beta testers on Monday
  • second version of the RC went live on Friday afternoon PDT
  • will make ship/no-ship evaluation on Wednesday of this week
  • still on target for last week of June

Firefox Front End Work

  • moved on to .next work


TB 3



Release Engineering

  • FF3.5rc1build1, rc1build2, rc2build1,rc2build2...and today rc3
    • another MU FF3.0.11->FF3.5rc2build2 handed to QA
  • TB2.0.0.22 going out today
  • converted almost all the talos slaves from "dedicated" to "pool-of-talos-slaves"
    • reduced/eliminated wait times?


Test Execution

  • Shipped 3.5RC1 [Testplan], and next day, shipped 3.5RC2 [Testplan]
    • Extra thanks to qa team, build team, and the fx-team for pulling short notices for builds and tests!
  • Tested Thunderbird
  • Investigated bugs for 3.0.12
  • Tested Firefox 3.0.11 to 3.5 Major Update
  • Worked with Microsoft to test the .NET Framework Assistant patch for Fx3.0, Fx3.5, and Fx3.0->Fx3.5. See results (Thanks AaronMT, tchung)

Web Dev Testing

Metrics, Accessibility, Localization, Community

  • Community
  • Accessibility
    • Trying out the new Window-Eyes 7.1 public beta. Marco will include it in his WAI-ARIA shootout.
    • Worked on a number of 3.next bugs
  • Metrics - Working with Simon on modifications to warehouse transformations. Working with RE to get the mochitest splitter into code coverage runs set-up. Created checks-in vs bugs data table for review by Robert Strong.

Test Development

  • Javascript Ref Tests for browser based tests are up for review: bug 469718
  • Mozmill Tinderbox integration is getting closer many thanks to bhearsum and catlee! bug 457265
  • Mozmill 1.2 development is still ongoing - in a find fix mode, 3 blockers remaining.
  • Got FennecMark up and Running on Tinderbox bug 493057
  • Will be having a Fennec Testday on Friday!



Firefox 3.5 Launch

  • Firefox 3.5 Launch Parties: Call to Action (CTA) is live on the home page of SFx. Directions on how to host a party are here.
  • Regional Social Network outreach. We need help updating regional social networks and Mozilla/Firefox groups. Please sign up here if you would like to take on one.



  • Velocity 2009, June 22-24, 2009, San Jose, CA - Speakers: Dion Almaer, Ben Galbraith & Chris Blizzard. Schedule here.
  • FISL 2009, June 24 - 27, 2009, Porto Alegre, Brazil - Kicking off later this week.
  • Renegade Craft Festival, July 18 - 19, 2009, San Francisco - Looking to showcase add-ons and demonstrate how to make a persona.
  • Maker Faire Africa August 14 - 16, 2009, Accra, Ghana - Working out level of participation. Check out the wiki for early details. Let Sarah know if you are interested in helping. To sign up visit the wiki.

Fastest Firefox

Joining the Team

  • we're excited that Jeff Zeller has joined the marketing team as a summer intern. He comes to us from Stanford and will be working on various community marketing projects, including launching the Mozilla Creative Collective.




  • Mozilla Developer Center
    • Documentation work is now focused on organization and cleanup work rather than Firefox 3.5 specific material, but we're watching the 35 Days posts to be sure anything they talk about is documented cleanly.
    • Working on developing new plugins for MDC to start augmenting its functionality.
    • Tracking ongoing work for this summer's planned MindTouch wiki software update.
  • Chris Blizzard, Mark Surman + Paul Rouget at the open video conference
    • Tons of people there from various segments of the industry - producers, hosters, codec people, companies, browser vendors
    • Great conference, great to work with the open video conference people
    • Got a lot done with the Xiph folks on Theora
    • Got to give a few great demos - great feedback from people as well


Developer Tools

No updates this week.



  • on-site last week
  • AMO 5.0.7 -- work continues


Firefox 3.5



Foundation Updates

Foundation Updates


New Interns

We have 3 new interns joining us this week:

  • Jeff Zeller (Marketing)
  • Pejman Pour-Moezzi (Legal)
  • David Keeler (Security)

Show & Tell

Starting this week, we'll have a Show & Tell session at the end of each All-Hands where a small group of interns will give an overview of the progression of their project(s). This week we have the following interns:

Other Business