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* Dev Team: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://abp.mozilla-hispano.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://ankeena.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla : Web Applications]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://apps.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://appstore.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://banners.mozilla-europe.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Bilgi Bankası - Bilgi Bankası]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://bb.mozillazine-tr.org/Bilgi_Bankas%C4%B1
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Bespin/Skywriter project has merged with Ace]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://bespin.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Blocker Reports]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blocker-reports.brasstacks.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla en version française]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blog.frenchmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Getfirebug Blog 
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blog.getfirebug.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|The Mozilla Blog | News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blog.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template| MozillaDanmarks blog]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blog.mozilladanmark.dk
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Planet Mozilla Online]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blog.mozillaonline.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|European Mozilla Community Blog
<div class="post-content">running with Firefox<span style="font-family: Arial;">Every year in </span><a tooltip="linkalert-tip" style="font-family: Arial;" href="http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&amp;source=s_q&amp;hl=fr&amp;q=Tours,+Indre-et-Loire,+Centre&amp;sll=47.424245,0.662375&amp;sspn=0.019105,0.038581&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;cd=1&amp;geocode=FVYe0wId04IKAA&amp;split=0&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Tours,+Indre-et-Loire,+Centre&amp;ll=46.164614,3.999023&amp;spn=20.033496,39.506836&amp;z=5">Tours, France</a><span style="font-family: Arial;">&nbsp;
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blogs.mozilla-europe.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Messaging Blogs 
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://blogs.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Bonjour Mozilla]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://bonjourmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://bonsai.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Brendan Eich
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://brendaneich.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Learn More : Mozilla Firefox]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://browserchoice.mozilla.com/lang/en-GB
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://build.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Welcome to MUCkl]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://chat.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Creative Collective]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://creative.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://demos.hacks.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Labs Design Challenge | Home]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://design-challenge.mozillalabs.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Labs Design Challenge | Home]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://designchallenges.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Despot -- configure mozilla.org users]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://despot.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template| Mozilla Developer Street (modest)]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://dev.mozilla.jp/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|ftp.mozilla.org / archive.mozilla.org]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://dm-download02.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Doctor - select file to edit]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://doctor.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://download-cdnetworks.mozilla.net
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://download-speed-test.mozilla.net
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Ana sayfa - Eklentiler]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://eklentiler.mozillazine-tr.org/Ana_sayfa
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Europe Events Registration]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://events.mozilla-europe.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla F1]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://f1.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Upload Your Video - Fastest Firefox]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://fastestfirefox.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Feedback &amp; Ideas for MozillaLabs (and our projects)]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://feedback.mozillalabs.com/forums/49085-general
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|mozillaZine feedHouse]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://feedhouse.mozillazine.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://filer.mozilladanmark.dk
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Fortunes #frenchmoz
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://fortunes.frenchmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Fortunes #frenchmoz
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://fortunes.frenchmozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Boardindeks &bull; MozillaDanmark]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://forum.mozilladanmark.dk
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|mozillaZine - Türkçe &bull; Ana sayfa]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://forum.mozillazine-tr.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|MozillaZine.jp :: 一覧]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://forums.mozillazine.jp
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index page &bull; mozillaZine Forums ]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://forums.mozillazine.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index page &bull; mozillaZine Forums ]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://forums-test.mozillazine.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla en fran&ccedil;ais]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://frenchmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla en fran&ccedil;ais]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://frenchmozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://ftp-developer.mozilla-japan.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://ftp.mozilla-japan.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Test Page for the Apache HTTP Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://ftp.mozillaonline.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|ftp.mozilla.org / archive.mozilla.org]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://ftp.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla en fran&ccedil;ais]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://fwww.frenchmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Personas for Firefox | Dress up your web browser]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://getpersonas-cdn.mozilla.net/en-US/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Community Mozilla]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://guides.mozilla.org/Mozilla_Community
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://hardhat.mozilla.net
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Firefox Heatmap]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://heatmap.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|L10n en-US: Summary]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://hg.frenchmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://hg.mozilla-hispano.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|L10n en-US: Summary]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://hg_trunk.frenchmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|interFORest]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://interforest.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Jetpack | Home
]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://jetpack.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://jp-nii01.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://jp-nii02.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Knowledge Base - MozillaZine Knowledge Base]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://kb.mozillazine.org/Knowledge_Base
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Kraken JavaScript Benchmark (version 1.1)]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://krakenbenchmark.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|<head>l10n.mozilla.org</head>]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://l10n.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Landfill: The Bugzilla Test Server]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://landfill.bugzilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://lists.mozilla-europe.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Litmus - Active Test Runs]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://litmus.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://live.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mail.mozillaes.net
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|<TITLE>mail.mozilla.org Mailing Lists</TITLE>]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Welcome :: Firefox Input]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://m.input.mozilla.com/en-US/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Forside &#8226; MozillaDanmark]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozilladanmark.dk
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozillaes.net
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino au quotidien : actualit&eacute; des produits utilisant le moteur Gecko de Mozilla - MozillaZine-fr]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozillazine-fr.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template| ]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozillazine.hu
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|MozillaZine.jp 
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozillazine.jp
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|MozillaZine T√ºrk√ße 
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozillazine-tr.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozmill Results Dashboard]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozmill-archive.brasstacks.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozmill Results Dashboard]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozmill-crowd.brasstacks.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozmill Results Dashboard]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mozmill-release.brasstacks.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template| Updating the MPL]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mpl.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Cross-Reference]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://mxr.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Demo Dashboard]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://myapps.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Firefox Nightly Builds]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://nightly.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Messaging - NOC]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://noc.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|みんなで作る時刻表 : Open Timetable]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://opentimetable.jp
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://ostats.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|unst unst]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://outgoing.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Pastebin - collaborative debugging tool
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|<head>people.mozilla.com</head>]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://people.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|<head>people.mozilla.com</head>]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://people.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://pj-mirror01.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Planet Bugzilla]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://planet.bugzilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Planet Mozilla (de)]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://planet.mozilla.de
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|mozillaZine feedHouse]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://planet.mozillazine.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Pulse]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://pulse.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://pv-mirror01.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|<TITLE>ftp.osuosl.org :: Oregon State University Open Source Lab</TITLE>]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://releases.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Rock Your Firefox]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://rockyourfirefox.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Websites/Template]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://s3.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Firefox Sync &raquo; Home]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://services.mozilla.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Site Temporarily Unavailable]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://soiree.mozilla-europe.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Public Website Health Status for Mozilla
Public Website Health Status for Mozilla]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://status.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Firefox Support Home Page | Firefox Help]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://support-release.allizom.org/en-US/home
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Community Surveys]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://surveys.mozilla-europe.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Labs Test Pilot]] ==
* Prod URL:  https://testpilot.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|<TITLE>tinderbox</TITLE>]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://tinderbox.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Firefox 4 の灯 [ともしび]]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://tomoshibi.mozilla.jp
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Messaging]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://trunk.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Labs - Ubiquity]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://ubiquity.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Firefox User Panel]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://userpanel.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Index of /]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://videos-cdn.mozilla.net
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|MozillaZine Weblogs]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://weblogs.mozillazine.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|webtools.mozilla.org]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://webtools.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Accueil - Frenchmozilla]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://wiki.frenchmozilla.fr/wiki/index.php/Accueil
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Support - MozillaDanmark]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://wiki.mozilladanmark.dk/wiki/Forside
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|FrontPage - Mozilla 訳語決定会]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://wiki.mozilla-japan.org/yakugo/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla.org - Home of the Mozilla Project]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www-archive.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Home :: Bugzilla :: bugzilla.org]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.bugzilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Labs Design Challenge | Home]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.designchallenges.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla en fran&ccedil;ais]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.frenchmozilla.fr
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla en fran&ccedil;ais]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.frenchmozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla Firefox Web Browser | Free Download]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/new/
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|MozillaES la comunidad de Mozilla en español
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.mozillaes.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template| Mozilla Hispano « Tu comunidad en español de Mozilla
]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.mozilla-hispano.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino au quotidien : actualit&eacute; des produits utilisant le moteur Gecko de Mozilla - MozillaZine-fr]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.mozillazine-fr.org
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template| ]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.mozillazine.hu
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy
== [[Websites/Template|火狐起始页]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://zh-cn.start3.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Licensing:
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* QA Lead: Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
* Last reviewed: Person on mm/dd/yyyy

= Retired Websites =
= Retired Websites =

Revision as of 02:25, 5 June 2011

A list of Mozilla websites and the important details about each of these sites.

For reference purposes, these lists contain a list of most (not all) of the websites in the Mozilla umbrella:


The details we would like to record for each site are included in the template below.

Each website should have its own wiki page. If a wiki page is not available, please create one at:

Stage Credentials


AMO / Add-Ons

Air Mozilla


  • Prod URL: http://aviary.pl
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

Bespin Plugin Gallery

BMO / bugzilla.mozilla.org

Build Your Own Browser

Builder / AMO Builder

Community Store

Creative Collective


Extend Firefox

Firefox China

  • Prod URL: http://firefox.com.cn/
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

Firefox Input

Get Firebug

  • Prod URL: http://getfirebug.com/
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -


Graph Server



  • Prod URL: http://hacks.mozilla.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: - Wordpress plus static files (?)
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -


  • Prod URL: http://intlstore.mozilla.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: Engagement; John Slater
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email:


ISP Database

Join Us

Learning Freedom and the Web

  • Prod URL: http://learningfreedomandtheweb.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: Ben Moskowitz (ben@mozillafoundation.org)
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

Lizard Feeder




  • Prod URL: http://mozilla.jp/
  • Stage URL: - nonpublic
  • Code Repo: - nonpublic; portions of the site are published with a CMS
  • L10N Repo: - N/A
  • Code: - PHP
  • Product Owner: - Mozilla Japan
  • Dev Team: - Kohei Yoshino, Shoko Tsutsui
  • Team Email: - webmaster@mozilla.jp


  • Prod URL: https://addons.mozilla.jp/
  • Stage URL: - nonpublic
  • Code Repo: - nonpublic
  • L10N Repo: - N/A
  • Code: - PHP
  • Product Owner: - Mozilla Japan
  • Dev Team: - Kohei Yoshino
  • Team Email: - webmaster@mozilla.jp




  • Prod URL: http://mozilla.status.net
  • Stage URL: (none)
  • Code Repo: (none)
  • L10N Repo: (none)
  • Code: Hosted by status.net, not webdev or Mozilla managed
  • Product Owner: ???
  • Dev Team: ???
  • Team Email: ???


Mozilla Developer Network / MDN

Mozilla Labs

  • Prod URL: https://mozillalabs.com/
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: Labs; -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

Mozilla Labs Gaming

Mozilla Status Board


Open Video Lab

  • Prod URL: http://webmademovies.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

Plugin Directory




  • Prod URL: http://planet.mozilla.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -


Note: we are in the process of changing this to "Planet Thunderbird"

QMO quality.mozilla.org


Socorro / Crash Stats


Spread Thunderbird


  • Prod URL: http://store.mozilla.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

Student Reps

SUMO / Mozilla Support


Thunderbird Support


Twitter Collage


  • Prod URL: http://videos.mozilla.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -


Virtual Park

Web o' Wonder

Webify Me

Website Archive


  • Prod URL: http://wiki.mozilla.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email:

Women & Mozilla


  • Prod URL: http://xulfr.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

Index of /

Index of /

Mozilla : Web Applications


Index of /

Bilgi Bankası - Bilgi Bankası

Bespin/Skywriter project has merged with Ace

Blocker Reports

Mozilla en version française

== Getfirebug Blog ==

The Mozilla Blog | News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project

MozillaDanmarks blog

Planet Mozilla Online

== European Mozilla Community Blog

running with FirefoxEvery year in <a tooltip="linkalert-tip" style="font-family: Arial;" href="http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&q=Tours,+Indre-et-Loire,+Centre&sll=47.424245,0.662375&sspn=0.019105,0.038581&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FVYe0wId04IKAA&split=0&hq=&hnear=Tours,+Indre-et-Loire,+Centre&ll=46.164614,3.999023&spn=20.033496,39.506836&z=5">Tours, France</a>  ==

== Mozilla Messaging Blogs ==

Bonjour Mozilla


== Brendan Eich ==

Learn More : Mozilla Firefox

Index of /

Welcome to MUCkl

Mozilla Creative Collective

Index of /

Mozilla Labs Design Challenge | Home

Mozilla Labs Design Challenge | Home

Despot -- configure mozilla.org users

Mozilla Developer Street (modest)

ftp.mozilla.org / archive.mozilla.org

Doctor - select file to edit

Index of /

Index of /

Ana sayfa - Eklentiler

Mozilla Europe Events Registration

Mozilla F1

Upload Your Video - Fastest Firefox

Feedback & Ideas for MozillaLabs (and our projects)

mozillaZine feedHouse

Index of /

== Fortunes #frenchmoz ==

== Fortunes #frenchmoz ==

Boardindeks • MozillaDanmark

mozillaZine - T√ºrk√ße • Ana sayfa

MozillaZine.jp :: ‰∏Ä˶ß

Index page • mozillaZine Forums

Index page • mozillaZine Forums

Mozilla en français

Mozilla en français

Index of /


Test Page for the Apache HTTP Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

ftp.mozilla.org / archive.mozilla.org

Mozilla en français

Personas for Firefox | Dress up your web browser

Community Mozilla


Firefox Heatmap

L10n en-US: Summary


L10n en-US: Summary


== Jetpack | Home ==

Index of /

Index of /

Knowledge Base - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

Kraken JavaScript Benchmark (version 1.1)


Landfill: The Bugzilla Test Server


Litmus - Active Test Runs

Index of /


<TITLE>mail.mozilla.org Mailing Lists</TITLE>

Welcome :: Firefox Input

Forside • MozillaDanmark

Index of /

Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino au quotidien : actualité des produits utilisant le moteur Gecko de Mozilla - MozillaZine-fr

== MozillaZine.jp ==

== MozillaZine Türkçe ==

Mozmill Results Dashboard

Mozmill Results Dashboard

Mozmill Results Dashboard

Updating the MPL

Mozilla Cross-Reference

Demo Dashboard

Firefox Nightly Builds

Mozilla Messaging - NOC

„Åø„Çì„Å™„Å߉Ωú„ÇãÊôÇÂàªË°® : Open Timetable


unst unst

== Mozilla Pastebin - collaborative debugging tool ==



Index of /

Planet Bugzilla

Planet Mozilla (de)

mozillaZine feedHouse

Mozilla Pulse

Index of /

<TITLE>ftp.osuosl.org :: Oregon State University Open Source Lab</TITLE>

Rock Your Firefox


Firefox Sync » Home

Site Temporarily Unavailable

== Public Website Health Status for Mozilla Public Website Health Status for Mozilla ==

Firefox Support Home Page | Firefox Help

Community Surveys

Mozilla Labs Test Pilot


Firefox 4 の灯 [ともしび]

Mozilla Messaging

Mozilla Labs - Ubiquity

Mozilla Firefox User Panel

Index of /

MozillaZine Weblogs


Accueil - Frenchmozilla

Support - MozillaDanmark

FrontPage - Mozilla 訳語決定会

Mozilla.org - Home of the Mozilla Project

Home :: Bugzilla :: bugzilla.org

Mozilla Labs Design Challenge | Home

Mozilla en français

Mozilla en français

Mozilla Firefox Web Browser | Free Download

== MozillaES la comunidad de Mozilla en español ==

== Mozilla Hispano « Tu comunidad en español de Mozilla ==

Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino au quotidien : actualité des produits utilisant le moteur Gecko de Mozilla - MozillaZine-fr


Retired Websites



  • Prod URL: bounceradmin.mozilla.com (internal) / download.mozilla.org
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: https://github.com/fwenzel/tuxedo
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: Python / Django
  • Product Owner: IT
  • Dev Team: Flux; wenzel
  • Team Email: -


  • Prod URL: basket.mozilla.com
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: https://github.com/abuchanan/basket
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: Python / Django
  • Product Owner: Web Dev
  • Dev Team: Flux
  • Team Email: -


  • Prod URL: -
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -


  • Prod URL: -
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: Python / Django
  • Product Owner: QA; Coop
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -


  • Prod URL: -
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/playdoh
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: Python / Django
  • Product Owner: Web Dev
  • Dev Team: Flux; Fred Wenzel, Austin King
  • Team Email: fluxdev@mozilla.com

SSO / Single-Sign On

Universal Subtitles Widget

  • Prod URL: -
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -


Worker Management App

  • Prod URL: -
  • Stage URL: -
  • Code Repo: -
  • L10N Repo: -
  • Code: -
  • Product Owner: -
  • Dev Team: -
  • Team Email: -

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