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A list of Mozilla websites and the important details about each of these sites.
#REDIRECT [[Websites/Active_List]]
= Details =
The details we would like to record for each site are included in the template below.
Each website should have its own wiki page.  If a wiki page is not available, please create one at:
* https://wiki.mozilla.org/Websites/Website_Name
== [[Websites/Template|Website Name]] ==
* Prod URL:  http://www.example.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.example.com/
* Code Repo: http://www.code-repository-url.com/
* L10N Repo: http://www.l10n-repository-url.com/
* Code: Language / Framework
* Product Owner: Group; Person
* Dev Team: Group; Person
* Team Email: team-email@example.com
=== Stage Credentials ===
* [https://intranet.mozilla.org/Websites/Stage_Passwords Stage Server Credentials]
= Websites =
== [[AMO|AMO / Add-Ons]] ==
* Prod URL: http://addons.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://addons.allizom.org
* Code Repo: https://github.com/jbalogh/zamboni/
* L10N Repo:
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Add-Ons; Justin Scott
* Dev Team: AMO Development; clouserw, jbalogh, davedash, potch, chowse
* Team Email: amo-drivers@mozilla.org
== [[Air_Mozilla|Air Mozilla]] ==
* Prod URL: http://air.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://air.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP / Wordpress
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Aviary ==
* Prod URL: http://aviary.pl
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Labs/Bespin/Bespin_Gallery|Bespin Plugin Gallery]] ==
* Name: http://bespinplugins.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: http://bespinplugins.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/bespinplugins/
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP / Kohana
* Product Owner: Dev Tools; Kevin Dangoor
* Dev Team: Flux; Ryan Snyder
* Team Email: -
== BMO / bugzilla.mozilla.org ==
* Name: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Build Your Own Browser ==
* Prod URL: http://byob.mozilla.com/
* Stage URL: http://dm-partdist-stage01.mozilla.org/
* Code Repo: https://github.com/lmorchard/byob/
* L10N Repo: (no l10n, yet)
* Code: PHP / Kohana
* Product Owner: Kev Needham
* Dev Team: lorchard, chowse
* Team Email: -
== Builder / AMO Builder ==
* Prod URL: https://builder.addons.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/FlightDeck
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Add-Ons; Justin Scott
* Dev Team: AMO Development; clouserw
* Team Email: -
== Community Store ==
* Prod URL: http://communitystore.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Design/CreativeCollective|Creative Collective]] ==
* Prod URL: http://creative.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: http://mcc.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/mcc/
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP / Kohana
* Product Owner: Engagement; Tara Shahian
* Dev Team: Flux; Ryan Snyder
* Team Email: -
== Donate ==
* Prod URL: https://donate.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Drumbeat]] ==
* Prod URL: https://www.drumbeat.org/
* Stage URL: https://drumbeat.allizom.org/
* Code Repo: https://github.com/paulosman/batucada
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: paulosman
* Dev Team: Drumbeat; paulosman
* Team Email: drumbeat-website@lists.mozilla.org
== Extend Firefox ==
* Prod URL: http://extendfirefox.com/mobile-cup/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Firefox China ==
* Prod URL:
** http://firefox.com.cn/
** http://www.mozillaonline.com
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Firefox Live ==
* Prod URL:
** http://firefoxlive.mozilla.org/
** http://firefoxlive.com
* Stage URL: https://panda.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/fxcubs
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP / Wordpress
* Product Owner: Engagement; John Slater
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Firefox/Input|Firefox Input]] ==
* Prod URL: http://input.mozilla.com/
* Stage URL: http://input.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: https://github.com/fwenzel/reporter
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: QMO; Aakash Desai
* Dev Team: Flux; Fred Wenzel
* Team Email: input@mozilla.com
== Get Firebug ==
* Prod URL: http://getfirebug.com/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Glow ==
* Prod URL: http://glow.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://glow.allizom.org
* Code Repo:
** https://github.com/potch/glow
** https://github.com/jbalogh/glow
* L10N Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/glow/locale/
* Code: - AWESOME (Python / JavaScript)
* Product Owner: jbalogh
* Dev Team: jbalogh, potch
* Team Email: jbalogh@mozilla.com
== [https://wiki.mozilla.org/Perfomatic Graph Server] ==
* Prod URL: http://graphs.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://graphs.allizom.org
* Code Repo: https://github.com/rhelmer/graphs
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python, Javascript
* Product Owner: WebDev
* Dev Team: rhelmer
* Team Email: rhelmer@mozilla.com
== Hacks ==
* Prod URL: http://hacks.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: - Wordpress plus static files (?)
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== intlstore.mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: http://intlstore.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: Engagement; John Slater
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email:
== intranet.mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: https://intranet.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email:
== irc.mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: http://irc.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== ISP Database ==
* Prod URL: http://ispdb.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.ispdb.mozillamessaging.com/
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/mozillamessaging.com/sites/ispdb.mozillamessaging.com/
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python/Django
* Product Owner: [[User:Sancus|Sancus]]
* Dev Team: [[User:Sancus|Sancus]]
* Team Email: sancus@mozillamessaging.com
== Join Us ==
* Prod URL: -
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: Drumbeat; Crowd Favorite (dev), Posman (steward)
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Learning Freedom and the Web ==
* Prod URL: http://learningfreedomandtheweb.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Lizard Feeder ==
* Prod URL: http://feeds.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: (none)
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/lizardfeeder/
* L10N Repo: (none)
* Code: Python, based on Planet Venus
* Product Owner: (none)
* Dev Team: lorchard
* Team Email: (none)
== Mozilla.com ==
* Prod URL: http://mozilla.com/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: jlongster, steven garrity (silver orange), anthony ricaud (Rik)
* Team Email: -
== Mozilla.jp ==
* Prod URL: http://mozilla.jp/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Mozilla-europe.org ==
* Prod URL: http://www.mozilla-europe.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Mozilla-japan.org ==
* Prod URL: http://www.mozilla-japan.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: http://mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: - http://www-stage.mozilla.org/
* Code Repo: - http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/mozilla.org/
* L10N Repo: - n/a
* Code: PHP
* Product Owner:
** Content Owner: David Boswell
** Design Owner: John Slater
** Technical Owner: TBD
* Dev Team: - David Boswell and contractors
* Team Email: - n/a
* Discuss Forum: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.mozilla-org/topics
== mozillamessaging.com ==
* Prod URL: http://www.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/mozillamessaging.com/sites/mozillamessaging.com/
* Code: PHP, Mozilla.com duplicate
* Product Owner: Rafael Ebron
* Dev Team: [[User:Sancus|Sancus]]
* Team Email: sancus@mozillamessaging.com
== mozilla.status.net ==
* Prod URL: http://mozilla.status.net
* Stage URL: (none)
* Code Repo: (none)
* L10N Repo: (none)
* Code: Hosted by status.net, not webdev or Mozilla managed
* Product Owner: ???
* Dev Team: ???
* Team Email: ???
== [[Websites/Markup|MarkUp]] ==
* Prod URL: http://markup.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://markup.allizom.org
* Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/markup
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Engagement; Laura Mesa
* Dev Team: Flux; TBG (Dev), Fred Wenzel (Steward), Ryan Snyder (Steward)
* Team Email: -
== [[MDN|Mozilla Developer Network / MDN]] ==
* Prod URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL:
** https://developer-stage9.mozilla.org/
** https://kuma-stage.mozilla.org/
* Code: Python / Django, DekiWiki
* Code Repo:
** https://github.com/fwenzel/mdn
** https://github.com/mozilla/kuma
* L10N Repo:
** http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/mdn/trunk/locale/
** http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/deki/trunk/mozilla/resources/
* Product Owner: Engagement; Jay, Sheppy
* Dev Team: MDN; luke crouch, craig cook, ?
* Team Email: - dev-mdn@lists.mozilla.org
== Mozilla Labs ==
* Prod URL: https://mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: Labs; -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Mozilla Labs Gaming ==
* Prod URL: https://gaming.mozillalabs.com/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/doozer
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Labs; -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Mozilla Status Board ==
* Prod URL: http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/weekly-updates.fcgi/
* Stage URL: (none, though there was an effort to stage it)
* Code Repo: http://hg.mozilla.org/users/bsmedberg_mozilla.com/weekly-updates/
* L10N Repo: (none?)
* Code: Python / CherryPy
* Product Owner: bsmedberg
* Dev Team: (none; {{bug|582454}} lorchard started working on a transition in Aug 2010, but not a priority / no spare cycles - anyone want it? :) )
* Team Email: (none)
== Mozillians ==
* Prod URL: http://mozillians.org
* Stage URL: http://www.gerv.net/usability/domesday/
* Code Repo: Coming soon
* L10N Repo:
* Code: Python, LDAP
* Product Owner: David Boswell
* Dev Team: Gerv Markham
* Steward: Austin King
* Team Email: n/a
* Discussion Forum: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.mozillians/topics
* Planning wiki: [[Mozillians]]
== Open Video Lab ==
* Prod URL: http://webmademovies.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Plugins:PluginDirectory|Plugin Directory]] ==
* Prod URL: http://plugins.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: http://plugins.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: http://github.com/lmorchard/plugindir
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP / Kohana
* Product Owner: Kev Needham
* Devs: lorchard, ozten
* Team Email: -
== [[Personas]] ==
* Prod URL: http://www.getpersonas.com/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: :dria, clouserw
* Dev Team:
* Team Email: personas@mozilla.com
== planet.firefox.com/mobile ==
* Prod URL: http://planet.firefox.com/mobile
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== planet.mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: http://planet.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== planet.mozillamessaging.com ==
* Prod URL: http://planet.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[QA/QMO|QMO quality.mozilla.org]] ==
* Prod URL: http://quality.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://quality-new.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP / Wordpress
* Product Owner: Metrics; Aakash Desai
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== School of Firefox ==
* Prod URL: http://www.schooloffirefox.com
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Seamonkey ==
* Prod URL: http://www.seamonkey-project.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Socorro|Socorro / Crash Stats]] ==
* Prod URL: http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/
* Stage URL: http://crash-stats.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: http://code.google.com/p/socorro/
* L10N Repo: n/a
* Code: Python back-end; PHP / Kohana front-end
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: Webtools; Laura Thomson
* Team Email: socorro-dev@mozilla.com
== [[Websites/Spark|Spark]] ==
* Prod URL: http://spark.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL:
** http://spark.allizom.org/
** http://spark.allizom.org/en-US/m/
* Code Repo:
** https://github.com/mozilla/spark
** https://github.com/mozilla/spark-lib
* L10N Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/spark
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Engagement; Caitlin Looney
* Dev Team: Flux; Ryan Snyder (Steward), Little Workshop (Dev)
* Team Email:
== Spread Thunderbird ==
* Prod URL: http://www.spreadthunderbird.com
* Stage URL: http://stage.spreadthunderbird.com/
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/mozillamessaging.com/sites/spreadthunderbird.com/
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP/Drupal
* Product Owner: Mozilla Messaging; Paul Booker
* Dev Team: paulbooker
* Team Email:
== store.mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: http://store.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Student Reps ==
* Prod URL: http://studentreps.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Support|SUMO / Mozilla Support]] ==
* Prod URL: http://support.mozilla.com/
* Stage URL: http://support.allizom.org/
* Code Repo: https://github.com/jsocol/kitsune
* L10N Repo: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org/vc/projects/sumo/locales
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: David Tenser
* Dev Team: jsocol, pcraciouniou, rrosario, chowse, erikrose
* Team Email: sumo-dev@mozilla.com
== Support / Mozilla Messaging Support ==
* Prod URL: http://support.mozillamessaging.com
* Stage URL: http://stage-kitsune.mozillamessaging.com/
* Code Repo: https://github.com/sancus/kitsune
* L10N Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/sumo/locales/
* Code: Python/Django, fork of Kitsune
* Product Owner: Mozilla Messaging; Roland Tanglao
* Dev Team: [[User:Sancus|Sancus]]
* Team Email: sancus@mozillamessaging.com
== tools.mozilla.com ==
* Prod URL: http://tools.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Engagement/Social/Twitter/Firefox_4_collage|Twitter Collage]] ==
* Prod URL: http://twitterparty.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: http://twittercollage.allizom.org
* Code Repo: https://github.com/quodis/Twitter-Collage (original) / https://github.com/mozilla/Twitter-Collage (eventual)
* L10N Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/l10n-misc/trunk/twitterparty/
* Code: PHP (bespoke framework by vendor)
* Product Owner: Engagement; William Reynolds
* Dev Team: Flux; Les Orchard (Steward), Quodis (Dev)
* Team Email: -
== videos.mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: http://videos.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== viewvc.svn.mozilla.org ==
* Prod URL: http://viewvc.svn.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Virtual Park ==
* Prod URL: http://virtualpark.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Web o' Wonder ==
* Prod URL: http://demos.mozilla.org/ http://webowonder.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/webowonder
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Engagement
* Dev Team: Flux; Austin King, Jason Grlicky
* Team Email:
== [[Websites/WebifyMe|Webify Me]] ==
* Prod URL: http://webifyme.org
* Stage URL: http://webifyme.allizom.org
* Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/internet_things
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: https://github.com/mozilla/webifyme
* Product Owner: Engagement; Mayumi Matsuno
* Dev Team: Flux; TBG (dev), Austin King (steward), Ryan Snyder (steward)
* Team Email: mozillaffbrowser@barbariangroup.com
== [[Websites/Website_Archive|Website Archive]] ==
* Prod URL: http://website-archive.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: http://archive.stage.mozilla.com/
* Code Repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/projects/website-archive.mozilla.org/
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: PHP / Wordpress
* Product Owner: Website Taskforce
* Dev Team: Flux; Ryan Snyder, Fred Wenzel
* Team Email:
== WikiMo ==
* Prod URL: http://wiki.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email:
== Women & Mozilla ==
* Prod URL: http://womoz.org
* Stage URL: http://womoz.org/stage/
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Milos
* Product Owner: Delphine Lebedel
* Dev Team: Milos, Gloria
* Team Email: -
== XulFr ==
* Prod URL: http://xulfr.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
= Projects =
== Bouncer ==
* Prod URL: bounceradmin.mozilla.com (internal) / download.mozilla.org
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: https://github.com/fwenzel/tuxedo
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: IT
* Dev Team: Flux; wenzel
* Team Email: -
== Basket ==
* Prod URL: basket.mozilla.com
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: https://github.com/abuchanan/basket
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Web Dev
* Dev Team: Flux
* Team Email: -
== Bugzilla ==
* Prod URL: -
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Litmus ==
* Prod URL: -
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: QA; Coop
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Playdoh ==
* Prod URL: -
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/playdoh
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Web Dev
* Dev Team: Flux; Fred Wenzel, Austin King
* Team Email: fluxdev@mozilla.com
== [[Single_Sign_On|SSO / Single-Sign On]] ==
* Prod URL: -
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: https://github.com/mozilla/secret-squirrel
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: Python / Django
* Product Owner: Web Dev
* Dev Team: Flux; Fred Wenzel, Austin King
* Team Email: fluxdev@mozilla.com
== Universal Subtitles Widget  ==
* Prod URL: -
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== [[Verbatim]] ==
* Prod URL: https://localize.mozilla.org/
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -
== Worker Management App ==
* Prod URL: -
* Stage URL: -
* Code Repo: -
* L10N Repo: -
* Code: -
* Product Owner: -
* Dev Team: -
* Team Email: -

Latest revision as of 18:25, 7 June 2011