Webdev:Meetings:2011-06-07: Difference between revisions

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(35 intermediate revisions by 23 users not shown)
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Meeting will be in Peanut Butter Jelly; Dial in is x.300.
Meeting will be in Peanut Butter Jelly; Dial in is x.300.

= Agenda =
= Agenda =
* Morgamic is out today; meeting proceeds per usual
* New folks!
*Morgamic is out today; meeting proceeds per usual  
* Goals reminder
*New folks!  
* [https://intranet.mozilla.org/Webdev:Offsite Off-site]
*Todd Update
** Enter your email address and travel info in the [https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CNXTzbgB&hl=en&key=tK6PKrCZ2qe8acO9maLis1Q&hl=en&authkey=CNXTzbgB#gid=0 spreadsheet].
*Goals reminder  
** Ryan will send in your email address to Open Source Bridge, they will email you a registration link.
*[https://intranet.mozilla.org/Webdev:Offsite Off-site]  
* Team Updates
**Enter your email address and travel info in the [https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?authkey=CNXTzbgB&hl=en&key=tK6PKrCZ2qe8acO9maLis1Q&hl=en&authkey=CNXTzbgB#gid=0 spreadsheet].  
** AMO
**Ryan will send in your email address to Open Source Bridge, they will email you a registration link.  
** Flux
** MDN
***Expense a cab ride / Caltrain to SJC/SFO if needed
***Take the Max to downtown PDX
** UX
**Working on Mozilla Party
** Web Production
**Working on a team activity
** Web Tools
*Team Updates  
***shipping 0.9.5 today (Developer Derby)
**Web Production  
**Web Tools  
***Shipped Socorro 1.7.8, now working on 2.0 (ElasticSearch)
***Elmo still waiting on new infra, now on weekly triage mtgs (tell laura if you want to contribute), staticfiles!
***Build API project morphed into "add to existing build api"
***graphs 2 RC status on [http://graphs-new.mozilla.org graphs-new], looking for developer/community input
***Adopting Weekly Updates project for Q3

= Roundtable =
= Roundtable =
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== andy ==
== andy ==
* At djangocon.eu, apologies for missing.
* Bacon butties.
== basta ==
== basta ==
== bsavage ==
== bsavage ==
* Killing Socorro bugs and helping get 1.7.8 released
* Finishing up last issues on Personas for push
== chowse ==
== chowse ==
* MDN navigation and front page redesign
* AMO Developer Hub touch-ups
* I like my bacon on '''MOAR BACON'''
== cmore ==
== cmore ==

Line 34: Line 59:

== dd ==
== dd ==
* Dealing with staging issues for Input
* Trying to get Elastic Search stuff done for Input and Flightdeck
* Inteviews
* Code Reviews
* Bootcampery - http://mozweb.readthedocs.org/en/latest/?redir
* Sammiches
== erik ==
== erik ==
* Worked on a [https://github.com/erikrose/kitsune/tree/chat-gevent chat prototype] using gevent and socketio in Python. Custom bare-bones WSGI server. Should scale to hundreds if not thousands. Redis pubsub backend to support multiple chat servers.
* Hunting for a good intern project
* Ready-for-l10n flag (and associated semantic ripples throughout the system), a Q2 SUMO goal
== gkoberger ==
== gkoberger ==
== jbalogh ==
== jbalogh ==
== jgrlicky ==
== jgrlicky ==
* Moved into a new office! A++++, hope to never work from home again
* Tried to get things rolling on mozilla.com/.org merge
* Helped out Firefox Home guys a bit
* Blog posts!
* Salad? Anything, really.
== jlongster ==
== jlongster ==
== jsocol ==
== jsocol ==
* SUMO roadmapping.
** Starting to look toward Q3.
** Zeroing in on a chat server implementation.
* Working with QA to improve our Selenium test suite.
* Working with IT to improve and automate deployment.
* Talking about scottbot again next week.
* Favorite thing to put bacon on: More bacon! (Or an omelet with gruyère or chèvre and thinly sliced green apples.)
== kumar ==
== kumar ==
* Checking addon compatibility for Firefox 6
** then auto-upgrading or sending sad emails
* Integrating with addon performance testing service
* [http://www.youtube.com/user/EpicMealTime#p/u/3/eah23WvLYsQ Four Loko Chili]?
== lars ==
== lars ==
* Socorro
** minor contributions to the push of 1.7.8
** project killwolf - worked on resolution for
*** replace TCBS and TCBU
*** new FF channel system eff'd our aggregate data views
*** osdims table shows that FF is used by more than 2K os/version combos
**** need to reduce to maybe 4 or 5
** guidance/advice for new intiatives
* favorite dish to put bacon on:
** http://bit.ly/jtKTeN
** those dishes that I pulled from my mother's basement in 1986 and have used daily for twenty-five years turn out to be the subject of a collector's cult
== laura ==
== laura ==
* See Webtools updates above
* Clarified needed reports for the four channel system with crashkill team
* BuildAPI work
* Code reviews
* Starting to plan Q3
* Bacon?  On a fresh, warm from the oven, crusty baguette.
== lcrouch ==
== lcrouch ==
* MDN 0.9.5
* MDN 0.9.5
Line 63: Line 137:
== morgamic ==
== morgamic ==
== ozten ==
== ozten ==
* Mozillians
** Getting LDAP Consultant on board
** Working through design and copy
** Learning LDAP
* Running interference on Newsletter Preference work
* Babysitting Webifyme
== paulosman ==
== paulosman ==
* Working on hiring plan for foundation webdev team.
* Planning iteration and release schedule for Betafarm.
* Starting to plan out Mozilla festival website.
* Cutting up Andy's mockups into Django templates (http://betafarm.mozillalabs.com)
== peterbe ==
== peterbe ==
* PTO'ed two days plus UK Bank holiday made for a big break
* ripping more embedded javascript and css out to be bundled
* decided to switch from jingo_minify to django.contrib.staticfiles. rewrites rewrites rewrites.
* various easy bug fixes done
* started writing basic unit tests for every view template that renders static files in some form
* launched my private project on Saturday [http://kwissle.com Kwissle]
** featured on HN
** about 300 users signed up
* bacon?! mhee! I'm more a [http://360jokes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/lady-gaga-meat.jpg sausage kinda guy]
== potch ==
== potch ==
* Impala v1 is in QA! w00
** Hit it with hammers here: https://addons.allizom.org/z/i/
* Thinking about mobile pjax-iness
* LESS is awesome. You should try it!
** Les is also awesome, but you already knew that.
== rhelmer ==
== rhelmer ==
* worked on Socorro 1.7.8/, helping out w/ Socorro 2.0 tasks
* working on incoming [http://graphs-new.mozilla.org graphs 2.0] bugs
* encouraging community participation in graphs/socorro
** vagrant support for both
** blogging, also participating in external irc/forums
== ricky ==
== ricky ==
** Karma backend (redis)
** Many small fixes and enhancements
** [https://github.com/rlr/django-gevent-socketio-redis-chat-example Played around with gevent-socketio for live chat]
* Bacon on '''everything'''
== rik ==
== rik ==
* Went to SudWeb http://sudweb.fr/
* Holidays ! (and a sprained ankle on the first day)
* Fight with Vagrant/Puppy
* Getting used to tuxedo
* Mozilla.com
== rsnyder ==
== rsnyder ==
* Meetings, meetings
* Product Owner documentation
* Abandoned Sites
* Launching Markup
* Helping WebifyMe roadblocks
* OSBridge planning
* Prioritization
* Favorite bacon dish - Millas - Bed of polenta, bacon, fried egg, paprika, drizzle of maple syrup
== seanmonstar ==
== seanmonstar ==
*Preparing for FlightDeck beta!
*Camped down in San Diego
*Ate plenty of bacon each morning.
== tanay ==
== tanay ==
* Settled in very well.
* Fixed a bunch of bugs, very comfortable with Kitsune.
* Working with ErikRose and the SUMO team to get a long-term intern project; hopefully will have one this week.
* Bacon is best on burgers. Thick, crispy, salty bacon. Mmmm.
== tofumatt  ==
== tofumatt  ==

Line 78: Line 220:
*We're having troubles with Input on the staging server (it's going crazy with CPU usage) so a few of us are trying to track that problem down and fix it. It's affecting other staging sites, or at least was yesterday :-(  
*We're having troubles with Input on the staging server (it's going crazy with CPU usage) so a few of us are trying to track that problem down and fix it. It's affecting other staging sites, or at least was yesterday :-(  
*I'll be shifting gears to Mozillians soon.
*I'll be shifting gears to Mozillians soon.
*Some Webdev bootcamp stuff too.

Line 86: Line 229:

== wenzel ==
== wenzel ==
* Interviewing possible new hires, and embarrassing actual new hires at the Monday meeting (welcome, Mike Kelly!)
* Code reviews for contractors (Markup's almost ready!)
* getting the mozilla.com/org merge back up to speed!
* Best thing to put bacon on? The question is, what not to put bacon on! Chocolate ice cream perhaps? Thoooough...
== wil ==
== wil ==
* so much stuff; Getting down to the wire on Q2 goals, making sure we hit them
* lots of exciting stuff landing these days

Latest revision as of 10:02, 8 June 2011

Meeting will be in Peanut Butter Jelly; Dial in is x.300.


  • Morgamic is out today; meeting proceeds per usual
  • New folks!
  • Todd Update
  • Goals reminder
  • Off-site
    • Enter your email address and travel info in the spreadsheet.
    • Ryan will send in your email address to Open Source Bridge, they will email you a registration link.
    • Travel
      • Expense a cab ride / Caltrain to SJC/SFO if needed
      • Take the Max to downtown PDX
    • Working on Mozilla Party
    • Working on a team activity
  • Team Updates
    • AMO
    • Drumbeat
    • Flux
    • Infrasec
    • MDN
      • shipping 0.9.5 today (Developer Derby)
    • SUMO
    • UX
    • Web Production
    • Web Tools
      • Shipped Socorro 1.7.8, now working on 2.0 (ElasticSearch)
      • Elmo still waiting on new infra, now on weekly triage mtgs (tell laura if you want to contribute), staticfiles!
      • Build API project morphed into "add to existing build api"
      • graphs 2 RC status on graphs-new, looking for developer/community input
      • Adopting Weekly Updates project for Q3


Enter your updates below. +971 points if you add your favorite dish to put bacon on. Vegetarians, you can earn points by entering your favorite fake meat.


  • Socorro 2.0 on the track
  • Middleware API for ElasticSearch and PostgreSQL is almost ready


  • At djangocon.eu, apologies for missing.
  • Bacon butties.



  • Killing Socorro bugs and helping get 1.7.8 released
  • Finishing up last issues on Personas for push


  • MDN navigation and front page redesign
  • AMO Developer Hub touch-ups
  • I like my bacon on MOAR BACON


  • New magic Mozilla domain number: 417 -- wiki page is auto-magically generated from shell scripts on Khan.



  • Worked on a chat prototype using gevent and socketio in Python. Custom bare-bones WSGI server. Should scale to hundreds if not thousands. Redis pubsub backend to support multiple chat servers.
  • Hunting for a good intern project
  • Ready-for-l10n flag (and associated semantic ripples throughout the system), a Q2 SUMO goal




  • Moved into a new office! A++++, hope to never work from home again
  • Tried to get things rolling on mozilla.com/.org merge
  • Helped out Firefox Home guys a bit
  • Blog posts!
  • Salad? Anything, really.



  • SUMO roadmapping.
    • Starting to look toward Q3.
    • Zeroing in on a chat server implementation.
  • Working with QA to improve our Selenium test suite.
  • Working with IT to improve and automate deployment.
  • Talking about scottbot again next week.
  • Favorite thing to put bacon on: More bacon! (Or an omelet with gruyère or chèvre and thinly sliced green apples.)


  • Checking addon compatibility for Firefox 6
    • then auto-upgrading or sending sad emails
  • Integrating with addon performance testing service
  • Four Loko Chili?


  • Socorro
    • minor contributions to the push of 1.7.8
    • project killwolf - worked on resolution for
      • replace TCBS and TCBU
      • new FF channel system eff'd our aggregate data views
      • osdims table shows that FF is used by more than 2K os/version combos
        • need to reduce to maybe 4 or 5
    • guidance/advice for new intiatives
  • favorite dish to put bacon on:
    • http://bit.ly/jtKTeN
    • those dishes that I pulled from my mother's basement in 1986 and have used daily for twenty-five years turn out to be the subject of a collector's cult


  • See Webtools updates above
  • Clarified needed reports for the four channel system with crashkill team
  • BuildAPI work
  • Code reviews
  • Starting to plan Q3
  • Bacon? On a fresh, warm from the oven, crusty baguette.







  • Mozillians
    • Getting LDAP Consultant on board
    • Working through design and copy
    • Learning LDAP
  • Running interference on Newsletter Preference work
  • Babysitting Webifyme


  • Working on hiring plan for foundation webdev team.
  • Planning iteration and release schedule for Betafarm.
  • Starting to plan out Mozilla festival website.
  • Cutting up Andy's mockups into Django templates (http://betafarm.mozillalabs.com)


  • PTO'ed two days plus UK Bank holiday made for a big break
  • ripping more embedded javascript and css out to be bundled
  • decided to switch from jingo_minify to django.contrib.staticfiles. rewrites rewrites rewrites.
  • various easy bug fixes done
  • started writing basic unit tests for every view template that renders static files in some form
  • launched my private project on Saturday Kwissle
    • featured on HN
    • about 300 users signed up
  • bacon?! mhee! I'm more a sausage kinda guy


  • Impala v1 is in QA! w00
  • Thinking about mobile pjax-iness
  • LESS is awesome. You should try it!
    • Les is also awesome, but you already knew that.


  • worked on Socorro 1.7.8/, helping out w/ Socorro 2.0 tasks
  • working on incoming graphs 2.0 bugs
  • encouraging community participation in graphs/socorro
    • vagrant support for both
    • blogging, also participating in external irc/forums



  • Went to SudWeb http://sudweb.fr/
  • Holidays ! (and a sprained ankle on the first day)
  • Fight with Vagrant/Puppy
  • Getting used to tuxedo
  • Mozilla.com


  • Meetings, meetings
  • Product Owner documentation
  • Abandoned Sites
  • Launching Markup
  • Helping WebifyMe roadblocks
  • OSBridge planning
  • Prioritization
  • Favorite bacon dish - Millas - Bed of polenta, bacon, fried egg, paprika, drizzle of maple syrup


  • Preparing for FlightDeck beta!
  • Camped down in San Diego
  • Ate plenty of bacon each morning.


  • Settled in very well.
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs, very comfortable with Kitsune.
  • Working with ErikRose and the SUMO team to get a long-term intern project; hopefully will have one this week.
  • Bacon is best on burgers. Thick, crispy, salty bacon. Mmmm.


  • Reviewed the Firefox sheriff app (Ruby/Sinatra web app) -- my thoughts are captured in this bug. Basically: I think we'll need to do a re-write here; there seems to be a number of bugs out-of-the-gate.
  • Mostly worked on Input, including finishing a new mobile dashboard which is pretty cool.
  • We're having troubles with Input on the staging server (it's going crazy with CPU usage) so a few of us are trying to track that problem down and fix it. It's affecting other staging sites, or at least was yesterday :-(
  • I'll be shifting gears to Mozillians soon.
  • Some Webdev bootcamp stuff too.

Best thing to put bacon on? Obviously: bacon.

My favourite (and only liked) fake meat is the Yves veggie taco ground beef stuff. I made tacos last night with it and they were DELICIOUS.


  • Interviewing possible new hires, and embarrassing actual new hires at the Monday meeting (welcome, Mike Kelly!)
  • Code reviews for contractors (Markup's almost ready!)
  • getting the mozilla.com/org merge back up to speed!
  • Best thing to put bacon on? The question is, what not to put bacon on! Chocolate ice cream perhaps? Thoooough...


  • so much stuff; Getting down to the wire on Q2 goals, making sure we hit them
  • lots of exciting stuff landing these days