Webdev:Meetings:2011-08-02: Difference between revisions

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* Piano snippet is a hit! Steal potch's synth code to remove need for samples.
* Piano snippet is a hit! Steal potch's synth code to remove need for samples.

My favorite thing about interns is that I'm not one anymore.
My favorite thing about interns is that I'm not one (at EA) anymore.

== morgamic ==
== morgamic ==

Revision as of 18:18, 2 August 2011

Open Items

  • All-hands questions
  • Hiring update



  • Socorro
    • ElasticSearch gets closer and closer to production
    • Did a lot of code refactoring, optimizations and unit tests lately
  • Favorite thing about interns: being one!


  • API's for perf and builder.
  • Contribution front end fun for AMO.
  • AMO killed Arecibo, need to fix that.
  • In UK this week and next, some PTO.
  • Interns: They make me breakfast.



  • More validator bugs
  • Grizwald prototype this week
  • Tablet fun
  • Does anyone actually read my updates? Yup.

Favorite thing about interns: knowing where to go for lunch.


  • Making progress on the DLL directory
  • Closing out last of my AMO bugs
  • Learning Django/Python
  • Favorite thing about interns: They make great co-pilots.


  • Webifyme: Go Live August 16th
  • Affiliates: Front-end and back end code in process
  • Snippets: persona preview snippet on Aurora on Thursday the 4th.
  • Interns: They know everything about Star Trek


  • Mozillians stuff
  • sifting through the recruiting queue
  • A tiny bit of input work
  • Interns: They are S-M-R-T


  • Added arecibo support to SUMO.
  • Wrapping up GSoC project (Python MediaWiki parser). It seems to parse stuff! Lots of performance and polishing to do, but we've already got working HTML and text output backends, so we've exceeded our goals. :-D Did you know there's not a single HTML entity in the Deutsch Wikipedia?
  • Tanay's been doing an awesome job on the KB helpfulness metrics—lots of good query optimization going on.
  • SUMO bugs
  • Resurrected our gevent-based chat branch.
  • Favorite thing about interns: fun to watch smart people learn at crazy-fast rates!




  • Helping out Pancake (formerly Firefox Home) team with frontend work
  • Getting ramped up on Apps
  • Designed a couple mockups for mobile-in-mind



  • Lots of interviews.
  • Looking at resumes.
  • Context switching. I owe a lot of people things, I swear I'm working through the list.
  • The best thing about interns is how awesome our interns always are!


  • initial support for submitting web apps to AMO. Woo!
  • exposing addon performance data in API
  • in Israel for next 2 weeks on PTO
  • RE: favorite thing about interns? The Balrog code review smackdown.




  • MDN 0.9.9
  • Hacking on agzilla/bugile to give time-ordered agile charts from bugzilla-agile
  • Favorite thing about interns: I'll make John come up with something for that.


The interns do everything right.


  • MDN 0.9.9 push
  • Badger 2
  • Interns tend not yet to be curmudgeons


  • Project planning for Game On II, Labs Coding Challenge, Apps, others..
  • Interviews
  • Mozillians house keeping
  • Resource allocation for Q3 Engagement and Moz.com projects
  • "You know, interns are little miracles -- their winning smiles, their faces alight with wholesome mischief. They reminds me of me before the weight of the world crushed my spirit." (paraphrased Homer Simpson quote).


  • Affiliates backend in progress
  • Persona preview snippet goes to Aurora within the week
  • Piano snippet is a hit! Steal potch's synth code to remove need for samples.

My favorite thing about interns is that I'm not one (at EA) anymore.


  • Had 11 recruiting-related meetings last week (interviews, debriefs)! New record!
  • Working with managers, recruiting to tackle the webdev queue; good problem to have (and thanks to Dave Dash for all his help too).
  • This may be my last webdev meeting since I'm playing basketball with Owen tonight.
  • Favorite thing about interns: never having to say you're sorry. (jk)


  • Finishing the Mozillians 1.0 LDAP backend... almost there.
  • Writing tests in Django, been a while

My favorite thing about interns - Enthusiasm!






  • SUMO
    • New header style
    • Karma
  • Interns are too productive




  • Leaving August 19th =(
  • Intern project (SUMO KB helpfulness metrics) coming along well
    • In final phase: aggregate metrics page

Favorite part about interns: I am one!


  • Fixed nightly.mozilla.org (Android builds were weird)
  • Doing lots of Mozillians stuff
  • Did some WebFWD stuff
  • Switched from TextMate to MacVim!

Favourite thing about interns? They make good drinking buddies when I'm in Mountain View, because college kids will drink on a Wednesday!


  • hiring!
    • tackling the monster that is jobvite
    • job interviews
  • webifyme
  • mozilla.org merge ("one mozilla") project
  • Favorite things about interns: That we get to hire them full-time when they graduate :)
