WeeklyUpdates/2007-03-19: Difference between revisions

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== Other ==
== Other ==
== IT ==
== IT ==
* GSLB - working to reduce & complaints around probes
* Continued MXR migration - issues from the community, not ready for cutover
* Remora launch, FF launch
== Build ==
== Build ==

Revision as of 19:58, 19 March 2007

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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm PDT (20:00 UTC)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 866 879 4799 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • +1 650 903 0800 x91 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • [Use *1 to mute yourself]
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for attendance taking

In Attendance

Development Updates

Fx + Fx

  • Firefox 15011/2003rc1 was pushed to beta users on the beta channel last week, so far there are no reports of problems.
  • We are on schedule for releasing Firefox 15011/2003 tomorrow, Tuesday @4pm


  • We started triage last week
  • We will work this week on a release schedule

TB 2.0

  • Still at zarro bugs for Thunderbird 2.
  • Very successful test day last Friday. Thanks to everyone who partcipated!
  • Release is scheduled to start work on making an RC build this Wednesday.

Gecko 1.9

Firefox 3



  • GSLB - working to reduce & complaints around probes
  • Continued MXR migration - issues from the community, not ready for cutover
  • Remora launch, FF launch



  • Test Execution
    • FFx [juanb is QA lead]
      • Ran the Security regression and JavaScript tests [bc]
      • Top site testing [bc and others]
  • Test Development
    • Updated download checker to report arbitrary preference data. [bc]
  • Test Automation and Infrastructure
    • Bob documented his test automation framework
    • Breakpad - We worked on Airbag/Breakpad planning. Attended breakpad planning meeting on Fri. 3/16 to go over action items [jay, coop]. Worked with morgamic to discuss Breakpad DB schema design and go over crash reporting and query tool requirements [jay].
  • Community
    • There was a very successful Thunderbird Test Day on Friday, March 16th. [jay, Marcia, others]
    • Continued work on QMO- Gathered more content to integrate into QMO. Got in touch with Liz Chak at Seneca to get folks involved in QMO development (she has a small group interested in helping out) [jay]

Product Management and Marketing Updates



Developer Relations

Webdev, Add-ons, AMO

Last week

  • AMO release scheduled for Thursday March 22nd (had to work around Fx reschedule)
  • Met with Jay about Breakpad schema, working with DBA this week
  • Met with build regarding automation, cleared up quite a bit

TODO this week

  • Breakpad draft schema by Fri
  • Build automation tasks
  • AMO release w/ IT

Foundation Updates


Other Business

Can someone report on our status on Summer of Code? Axel