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=== Plan of Change ===
=== Plan of Change ===
In patch of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=989198, Gina will keep both mozChromeEvents and new KeyboardEvents dispatching at the same time. But we only need to listen to one of them in Gaia.
==== Part 1 ====
The state objects in hardware_buttons.js and software_button_manager.js all have dependency on low level input event names listed above.
In this part, we stop listening to 'mozChromeEvent' and start listening to 'mozbrowserbeforekeydown' and mozbrowserbeforekeyup' event, and do a translation in handleEvent of hardware_buttons.js.
Translations are as follows:
[[File:Mozbrowserkeyxxx translate.png|800px|frameless|center]]
==== Part 2 ====

=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===

Revision as of 10:32, 11 June 2014

Dispatch KeyboardEvent across BrowserElements

This is a proposal to enable applications to handle/override the behavior of certain KeyboardEvent. For implementation, see bug 989198.

There are four scenarios which should be fulfilled:

Scenario Description Example Keys
SYSTEM-ONLY For keys which should be handled by mozbrowser embedder iframe only. 'Power', 'DisplaySwap'
SYSTEM-FIRST For keys which can be handled by mozbrowser embedder iframe first and can also be handled by mozbrowser embedded iframe then. 'Info', 'Settings'
APP-CANCELLED For keys which should be handled by mozbrowser embedded iframe only. 'ColorF0Red', 'ColorF1Green', 'ColorF2Yellow', 'ColorF3Blue', 'ColorF4Grey'
APP-FIRST For keys which keys can be handled by mozbrowser embedded iframe first and can also be handled by mozbrowser embedder iframe then. 'Info', 'Settings'

Note that some keys could be either SYSTEM-FIRST or APP-FIRST. The behavior is decided by the author of applications.

Proposal Concept

Concept diagram

Four new events are proposed:

  • mozbrowserbeforekeydown
  • mozbrowserkeydown
  • mozbrowserbeforekeyup
  • mozbrowserkeyup

When a key is pressed down, the event sequence would be:

  1. 'mozbrowserbeforekeydown' is dispatched to mozbrowser-embedder iframe
  2. 'keydown' is dispatched to mozbrowser-embedded iframe
  3. 'mozbrowserkeydown' is dispatched to mozbrowser-embedder iframe

Similarly, when a key is released, the event sequence would be:

  1. 'mozbrowserbeforekeyup' is dispatched to mozbrowser-embedder iframe
  2. 'keyup' is dispatched to mozbrowser-embedded iframe
  3. 'mozbrowserkeyup' is dispatched to mozbrowser-embedder iframe

Nested mozbrowser iframes case

This proposal can be extended to nested mozbrowser iframes. The four new events will be dispatched to all mozbrowser-embedder iframes.

Concept diagram for nested mozbrowser iframes

How to Fulfill Scenarios?

Here are some examples for each scenario.

Let's define some functions first.

function handleEvent(event) {
  dump("Receive event \'" + event.type + "\'.");
function handleEventAndPreventDefault(event) {
  dump("Receive event \'" + event.type + "\'.");
function checkAttrAndHandleEvent(event) {
  dump("Receive event \'" + event.type + "\' with embeddedCancelled equals to \'" + event.embeddedCancelled + "\'.");
  if (!event.embeddedCancelled) {
    // do something


  • mozbrowser-embedder iframe
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeydown', handleEventAndPreventDefault);
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeyup', handleEventAndPreventDefault);
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeydown', function() { });
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeyup', function() { });
  • mozbrowser-embedded iframe
   window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEvent);
   window.addEventListener('keyup', handleEvent);
Order mozbrowser-embedder iframe mozbrowser-embedded iframe Output
1 mozbrowserbeforekeydown Receive event 'mozbrowserbeforekeydown'.
2 mozbrowserkeydown
3 mozbrowserbeforekeyup Receive event 'mozbrowserbeforekeyup'.
4 mozbrowserkeyup


  • mozbrowser-embedder iframe
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeydown', handleEvent);
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeyup', handleEvent);
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeydown', function() { });
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeyup', function() { });
  • mozbrowser-embedded iframe
   window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEvent);
   window.addEventListener('keyup', handleEvent);
Order mozbrowser-embedder iframe mozbrowser-embedded iframe Output
1 mozbrowserbeforekeydown Receive event 'mozbrowserbeforekeydown'.
2 keydown Receive event 'keydown'.
3 mozbrowserkeydown
4 mozbrowserbeforekeyup Receive event 'mozbrowserbeforekeyup'.
5 keyup Receive event 'keyup'.
6 mozbrowserkeyup


  • mozbrowser-embedder iframe
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeydown', function() { });
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeyup', function() { });
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeydown', checkAttrAndHandleEvent);
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeyup', checkAttrAndHandleEvent);
  • mozbrowser-embedded iframe
   window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEventAndPreventDefault);
   window.addEventListener('keyup', handleEventAndPreventDefault);
Order mozbrowser-embedder iframe mozbrowser-embedded iframe Output
1 mozbrowserbeforekeydown
2 keydown Receive event 'keydown'.
3 mozbrowserkeydown Receive event 'mozbrowserkeydown' with embeddedCancelled equals to 'true'.
4 mozbrowserbeforekeyup
5 keyup Receive event 'keyup'.
6 mozbrowserup Receive event 'mozbrowserkeyup' with embeddedCancelled equals to 'true'.

Scenario APP-FIRST

  • mozbrowser-embedder iframe
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeydown', function() { });
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserbeforekeyup', function() { });
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeydown', checkAttrAndHandleEvent);
   window.addEventListener('mozbrowserkeyup', checkAttrAndHandleEvent);
  • mozbrowser-embedded iframe
   window.addEventListener('keydown', handleEvent);
   window.addEventListener('keyup', handleEvent);
Order mozbrowser-embedder iframe mozbrowser-embedded iframe Output
1 mozbrowserbeforekeydown
2 keydown Receive event 'keydown'.
3 mozbrowserkeydown Receive event 'mozbrowserkeyup' with embeddedCancelled equals to 'false'.
4 mozbrowserbeforekeyup
5 keyup Receive event 'keyup'.
6 mozbrowserkeyup Receive event 'mozbrowserkeyup' with embeddedCancelled equals to 'false'.

Proposal Details


Type mozbrowserbeforekeydown
Interface KeyboardEvent
Sync/Async Sync
Bubbles Yes
Target Document, Element
Cancelable Yes
Default action keydown event


Type keydown
Interface KeyboardEvent
Sync/Async Sync
Bubbles Yes
Target Document, Element
Cancelable Yes
Default action Set mozbrowserkeydown.embeddedCancelled to false; others defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#event-type-keydown


Type mozbrowserkeydown
Interface KeyboardEvent
Sync/Async Sync
Bubbles Yes
Target Document, Element
Cancelable Yes
Default action None


Type mozbrowserbeforekeyup
Interface KeyboardEvent
Sync/Async Sync
Bubbles Yes
Target Document, Element
Cancelable Yes
Default action keyup event


Type keyup
Interface KeyboardEvent
Sync/Async Sync
Bubbles Yes
Target Document, Element
Cancelable Yes
Default action Set mozbrowserkeyup.embeddedCancelled to false; others defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#event-type-keyup


Type mozbrowserkeyup
Interface KeyboardEvent
Sync/Async Sync
Bubbles Yes
Target Document, Element
Cancelable Yes
Default action None

Related Gaia Changes

Current Implementation

Currently, shell.js filters all hardware key event and wraps them in mozChromeEvent and then dispatch to Gaia System app. In Gaia System app, hardware_buttons.js listens for these low-level `mozChromeEvents`, processes them and generates higher-level events to handle autorepeat on the volume key long presses on Home and Sleep, and the Home+Sleep key combination. Other system app modules should listen for the high-level button events generated by this module. How hardware buttons handle in B2G currently

The low level input events wrapped in mozChromeEvent are:

  • home-button-press
  • home-button-release
  • sleep-button-press
  • sleep-button-release
  • volume-up-button-press
  • volume-up-button-release
  • volume-down-button-press
  • volume-down-button-release

Hardware Buttons module (hardware_buttons.js) implements a state machine in it. Each state object has a mandatory `process()` method to process incoming low level input events and two optional `enter()` and `exit()` method when enter and exit state. Hardware Buttons module will listen to all low level input events and relay it to current state object to process. An all state transitions happen in `process()` or timer in `enter()` method.

Plan of Change

In patch of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=989198, Gina will keep both mozChromeEvents and new KeyboardEvents dispatching at the same time. But we only need to listen to one of them in Gaia.

Part 1

The state objects in hardware_buttons.js and software_button_manager.js all have dependency on low level input event names listed above. In this part, we stop listening to 'mozChromeEvent' and start listening to 'mozbrowserbeforekeydown' and mozbrowserbeforekeyup' event, and do a translation in handleEvent of hardware_buttons.js.

Translations are as follows:

Mozbrowserkeyxxx translate.png

Part 2


