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(→‎IRC Chat and Mailing Lists: Fixed confusion about
(update to reflect end of WADI)
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The Open Web apps project aims to bring the best aspects of installed applications to the Web.  This page contains links to documents, repos, and blog posts that are part of the project.

= Overview Documentation =
== Web App Developer Initiative ==

* [[Apps/Overview|Product Overview]] - a high-level description of the product and design pieces
In 2015, Mozilla launched an initiative to energize web app development, the Web App Developer Initiative (WADI). The initiative focused on several emerging Web APIs -- [ service workers], [ web push], and the [ W3C web app manifest] -- and invited the participation of browser makers, web frameworks, cloud service providers, and content providers.
* [[Apps/WebRT|WebRT]] - a discussion of what a Web Runtime must do
* [[Marketplace]] - Mozilla's Marketplace for app discovery, distribution, and monetization
* [ MDN docs] - MDN page with Apps Documentation
* [[Apps/QA | Apps QA]] - QA activities to test the Web Apps platform
* [ Security Reviews] - Security reviews for the Apps project
* [ Market Place Project Plan] - Scope of current and upcoming releases of Marketplace
* [ Marketplace Developer App Submission] - Developer submission page for submitting apps to the marketplace
* [[Apps/UserStories|UserStories]] - a living list of user stories, prioritized for upcoming releases
* [[Apps/Ecosystem|Apps Ecosystem]] - Current projects and development efforts for the Apps Developer Ecosystem
* [[Apps/UX|Apps UX]] - Recommendations for the User Experience (UX)

= Meetings =
The WADI initiative has now ended, but Mozilla continues to develop and evangelize these and other modern web app development technologies along with the other participants. What unites all these disparate parties is a belief in the power of web apps that work reliably with bad networks, reengage users with notifications, and can be installed like native apps. We believe developers will use these technologies to deliver experiences that will redefine the role of the web.

== Marketplace ==
For more information about these APIs and their availability in Mozilla products, see the [ Mozilla Developer Network's App Center] and [ Firefox Platform Status].
* What: Engineering and UX discussions related to the Mozilla Marketplace
* When: Mondays 10:30 - 11:00 AM pacific
* Where: Mt. View 3A, Public - see Notes page below for how to dial in.
* [ Meeting Notes]
== Apps product delivery ==
* What: Cross functional meeting to track upcoming Apps releases
* When: Wednesdays 10:00am - 11:00am pacific
* Where: Mt. View 2C, Public - see Notes page below for how to dial in.
* [ Meeting Notes]
== Apps Engineering ==
* What: discussion of engineering topics that cross multiple engineering teams
* When: Wednesdays 9:05 - 9:55 AM PT (16:00 - 16:45 UTC)
* Where: multiple locations, public - see [Apps/StatusMeetings/Engineering|meeting page]] for how to attend
* [Apps/StatusMeetings/Engineering#Notes Meeting Notes]
== Apps Content ==
* What: Mozilla internal cross functional communication and coordination of topics relating to content within Marketplace, pre-installed for devices and supporting major events
* When & Where: [ Wiki page]
== Show and Tells ==
* What: Weekly demos of various Apps projects
* When: Fridays Noon - 1:00 PM pacific
* Where: Mt. View Warp Core, Public - Vidyo: "Warp Core" - see Notes page below for how to dial in.
* [ Meeting Notes]
= IRC Chat and Mailing Lists =
* IRC: [ #openwebapps]
* Packaged & Preinstalled Apps: [ #packagedapps]
* Payments on FFOS Mobile: [ #b2gpay]
'''Mailing Lists:'''
* dev-webapps(at) - Web Apps Development Mailing List
* mozilla-apps(at) - Mailing list for general interest, questions, reporting bugs, etc
* packagedapps(at) - mailing list for teams supporting packaged apps and apps preinstalled on mobile devices
* ffospay(at) - mailing list for teams supporting the delivery of payments on FFOS Mobile
There is also for internal Mozilla folks. File an IT bug in Bugzilla to get added to this list, as it is *not* a Mailman/listserv address.
= Important References =
== What is the Mozilla Apps program? ==
* [ Apps program overview]
* [[Apps/Architecture|Apps Software Architecture overview and goals]]
== QA References ==
* [ WebRT Bugs] - All WebRT web apps bugs in bugzilla
* [ Web Apps Integration Into Desktop Test Plan]
* [ Web Apps Desktop Test Cases] - Test cases document used for the web apps integration into desktop feature
== Other References ==
* [ Apps site] - an overview of the technology ideas
* [ Sample App Directory] - Sample apps you can install
* [ Apps in the Cloud] - The specification for the next version of sync for apps
=== "Authenticated Application" Idea Explorations ===
* Providing a one-click launch experience would be really nice, but we want to do it in a distributed and privacy-protecting way - one approach would be to use the [ Verified Email Protocol] developed in the Identity project.
=== "Service Integration" Idea Explorations ===
* [ Using Web Applications for Service Discovery] - blog post by mhanson on how apps can power service integration
* [ openwebapps-aboutme repo] - an app that just provides a "personal profile" service
* [ openwebapps-flickr-connector repo] - an app that connects to Flickr for photo save and retrieval
* [ openwebapps-photosite-connector repo] - a more generic app that connects to multiple photosites for save and retrieve
= Help Wanted =
Positions we need to fill for Apps (hiring manager):
* [ HTML5 Apps Partner Engineer] (Kev Needham)
* [ Android Developer, Apps] (?)
* [ Apps Partner Marketing Manager] (?)
* [ User Experience Designer, Apps] (Bryan Clark)
* [ Automation Developer, HTML5 Apps] (Bob Moss)
= Parking Lot - Things to Do =
* write design guidelines for making a killer app
* create sdk app
* write app review guidelines
* reframe what an app is so devs are confident in their submissions
* design a "get it on the Mozilla Marketplace" button
* design visual element on icon to show that these apps run everywhere
== Outdated References ==
* [ WebRT Testing Setup and Runs] - Outdated documentation for setting up and running test cases in the WebRT infrastructure
* [ OWA Extension Test Plan] - QA documentation for testing the web apps extension for testing, using the product, etc. A good amount of the testing on the OWA extension will likely apply to the desktop-version of the feature on firefox.
* [ OWA Extension Test Cases] - Test cases used in the past for testing the OWA extension. Some of these will likely be used in testing the desktop feature
* [ Q/A Extension and Apps] - Questions and Answers on the Extension and Apps
* [ App Sync] - Specification for understanding sync in the cloud for Apps
* [ Open Web Apps GitHub Repository] - contains documentation, including architecture notes and "install" API.  Also a Firefox addon that implements the API and a pure-HMTL/JS site that implements the API.
* [ Soup Releases] - Major tagged releases of Soup
* [ Dashboard Spec] - Dashboard specification for web apps
* [ Web Activities] - Web Activities documentation for Apps
* [ OWA Extension and Soup Builds] - Builds of the OWA extension and Soup
* [ OWA Extension Bugs] - Bug query for the Apps extension bugs. Some of these bugs will likely be migrated to the Web Apps Integration into Desktop feature.
* [ March 1st OWA Extension Test Run] - The results of the latest test run against the extension
* [ Extension and Apps Questions] - Common questions and answers on the extension and apps

Latest revision as of 00:02, 11 June 2016

Web App Developer Initiative

In 2015, Mozilla launched an initiative to energize web app development, the Web App Developer Initiative (WADI). The initiative focused on several emerging Web APIs -- service workers, web push, and the W3C web app manifest -- and invited the participation of browser makers, web frameworks, cloud service providers, and content providers.

The WADI initiative has now ended, but Mozilla continues to develop and evangelize these and other modern web app development technologies along with the other participants. What unites all these disparate parties is a belief in the power of web apps that work reliably with bad networks, reengage users with notifications, and can be installed like native apps. We believe developers will use these technologies to deliver experiences that will redefine the role of the web.

For more information about these APIs and their availability in Mozilla products, see the Mozilla Developer Network's App Center and Firefox Platform Status.