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==Program Summary==
==Program Summary==
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''Managers work to get their employees to do what they did yesterday, but a little faster and a little cheaper. Leaders, on the other hand, know where they'd like to go, but understand that they can't get there without their tribe, without giving those they lead the tools to make something happen.
''Managers work to get their employees to do what they did yesterday, but a little faster and a little cheaper. Leaders, on the other hand, know where they'd like to go, but understand that they can't get there without their tribe, without giving those they lead the tools to make something happen.

Revision as of 20:16, 5 March 2015

Program Summary

TRIBE Sticker.png

Managers work to get their employees to do what they did yesterday, but a little faster and a little cheaper. Leaders, on the other hand, know where they'd like to go, but understand that they can't get there without their tribe, without giving those they lead the tools to make something happen.

Managers want authority. Leaders take responsibility.

We need both. But we have to be careful not to confuse them. And it helps to remember that leaders are scarce and thus more valuable. [1]

TRIBE is a program designed to inspire our leaders, and those with the potential to lead, to become their best. The curriculum will challenge each participant to explore their own leadership strengths and challenges, as well as learn how to create sustained, positive transformation within Mozilla. Beyond that, the program will help our current and future leaders learn how to nurture an environment of mutual trust and respect, one that creates stronger employee performance and engagement and ultimately results in greater overall impact on our business objectives.

TRIBE invites participants to play an active role in their own learning. There will be no PowerPoint. These sessions intend to create an environment where people feel safe to step forward and be more vulnerable about their strengths, successes, and challenges. TRIBE is filled with relevant concepts and practical skills so participants walk out of each session equipped to immediately use what they’ve learned.

All courses are two full days beginning at 9:00am and ending at approximately 4:30pm (local time). Your manager must be aware and supportive of your participation in each session. Registering to participate means you will be given one of a set number of spots within the session and that the entire cohort will expect you to attend. If, after your have been approved, you are unable to attend, we require at least five days notice and the support of your manager in order to withdraw you.

Sessions Overview

Leadership Discovery: Know Your Strengths, Build Your Skills* – 2 days

*Prerequisite for all other sessions

This two-day, immersive leadership course starts with you: your strengths as well as the behaviors and habits that get in the way of you being the most effective you can be. It’s based on leading edge research from the Leadership Circle Profile and from Dr. Donald O. Clifton, author of Strengths-based Leadership. The course is based on the proven concept that when people understand and apply their strengths and are aware of their reactive tendencies the effect on their lives and work is transformational.

Together with a small cohort of Mozillians, participants in Leadership Discovery will work together to develop an awareness of their individual strengths and limitations, learn to appreciate failure as a key part of success, and support each other in becoming better leaders.

Practical Outcomes

Participants in Leadership Discovery, can expect to come away with: a new awareness of their own leadership strengths; skills to reduce their reactive tendencies; and practical ways to work better with others, including listening and creating stronger work relationships. Participants will also walk away with a detailed action plan for how to practically apply their new skills in their work, and personal life.

When people are able to use their strengths every day, their engagement with work increases by 6x. Fully engaged leaders cultivate committed employees who strive to lead as well. The cycle is a beautiful thing.

Collaborative Leadership: Working with Others – 2 days

In most successful organizations, the best leaders create environments where people naturally work together to do remarkable things. In this two-day session, participants will come together to learn how to develop and support a culture of trust; one where people feel valued and listened to. With a cohort of peers, you will learn how to have courageous conversations, cultivate genuine curiosity, recognize other people’s strengths and be even more collaborative.

Practical Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will have learned and practiced a set of skills that enable them to: have “courageous conversations” with anyone - whether as initiator or recipient; recognize and shift their perspective; give positive, affirming feedback; and more effectively collaborate with those they work with. Over time, with application, these small acts of leadership will begin to transform our culture to one where everyone feels like they belong and our collective energy is aimed at the same goals.

Leadership Presence: Discovering your Impact – 2 days

As a follow on to the foundational session Leadership Discovery, Leadership Presence takes the idea that deep self-awareness is a key attribute of the world’s best leaders, a few steps-further. This session reveals and underscores the natural leadership presence of each participant.

All too often, we work hard to present a side of ourselves at work that we believe the world wants to see rather than expressing other compelling, sometimes more quirky and/or intriguing aspects of ourselves (because we think it makes us look stupid or incompetent, for example). This prolonged suppression of your “real” self can lead to stress and distraction and get in the way of you becoming a truly great leader.

In this two-day session, participants will learn about an alternative system that encourages them to be “on type” and to contribute to the work environment in a way that is more creative, more spontaneous, and with increased resilience.

Practical Outcomes

With input from the group, participants will discover their “type” and how much more impactful they are when they communicate with others in their natural state. This process helps participants differentiate between what they do and the impact they have. With practice, this level of deep self-awareness will enable good leaders to become great.

Dates & Locations For 2015

Session Name Session Location Session Date Sign up for this Session Available spots
Leadership Discovery: Know Your Strengths* Mountain View April 15-16 Sign up Link
Leadership Discovery: Know Your Strengths* Toronto May 13-14 Sign up Link
Leadership Discovery: Know Your Strengths* San Francisco July 15-16 Sign up Link
Collaborative Leadership: Working with Others San Francisco July 22-23 Sign up Link
Leadership Presence: Discovering your Impact Toronto August 19-20 Sign up Link
Leadership Discovery: Know Your Strengths* Mountain View September 16-17 Sign up Link
Leadership Discovery: Know Your Strengths* Paris October 7-8 Sign up Link
Leadership Presence: Discovering your Impact San Francisco October 28-29 Sign up Link
Collaborative Leadership: Working with Others Toronto November 18-19 Sign up Link

*REMINDER -- Leadership Discovery: Know Your Strengths is a prerequisite to the remaining sessions.


If you would like to inquire about or be added to a wait list, please email