SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2008-12-16: Difference between revisions

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==== Neil ====
==== Neil ====
==== Ratty ====
==== Ratty ====
* Triaging and closing some old/obsolete bugs.
* Track mozillazine threads on the new Smart Locationbar.
==== sgautherie ====
==== sgautherie ====
==== Standard8 ====
==== Standard8 ====

Revision as of 12:05, 16 December 2008

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SeaMonkey Meeting Details


  • Who's taking minutes?

Action Items

(who needs to do what that hasn't been recorded in a bug)

  • Summarize SeaMonkey vision thread to useful goals, post them, and get a final series of comments before deciding on them in the Council [KaiRo]

SeaMonkey 2 Alpha 2

Has been released.

Thanks to everyone who helped achieving that!

Any feedback we should care about?

SeaMonkey 2 Alpha 3

Bug Queries

open blockers all blockers blocker requests

  • Plans for freeze?
    • Thunderbird probably freezing on Jan 29, would that be a good target for us?

Longer-Term SeaMonkey 2 Planning

open wanted wanted requests

Major wanted/needed features:

  • bug 381157 Download manager
    • Has some more progress, delayed from some personal build issues (upgraded MozBuild and ran into conflicts with GDesktop I didn't expect) and my patch I was going to attach came at a time tree was red (rebuilding now and will get new patch up this week) finally.
  • bug 390025 Kill-wallet (password manager)
    • status/progress?
  • bug 382187 Places history
    • landed for alpha3.
    • Some followups filed, some already being actively worked on.
  • bug 36810 Session restore
    • Still waiting for review - Andrew promised he'll have son time within a week and should be able to look into it.
  • bug 394288 / bug 413385 Toolbar customization.
    • status/progress?
    • Toolkit bug 407725 is in mozilla-central and 1.9.1 now and seems to stay for good now.
  • bug 456757 Modern theme update
    • status/progress?
  • bug 460699 Make the default theme look better on mac
    • Work in slowly progress. A new set of toolbaricons, based on the old ones, are attached in the bug. Lots of css work left, though.
  • bug 454847 Fishcam update
  • bug 410613 OpenSearch
    • helpwanted
  • Handling bug 420506 Thunderbird kill-rdf
    • bug 460952 Ensure Thunderbird kill-rdf doesn't break SeaMonkey
      • status/progress?
    • bug 460953 Port jminta's kill-rdf to SeaMonkey where applicable
      • status/progress?
  • bug 415372 Implement Feed Preview
    • helpwanted - Callek to concentrate on download manager instead.
      • Callek still promising fast reviews, since he knows the general lay of the Firefox code and how it all ties together fairly well.
  • bug 460960 Port Thunderbird tabbed interface to MailNews
      • status/progress?


Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what's the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).


  • Will be gone Dec 21-31



  • More work on DLMGR, I have progress dialoges (roughly) working locally -- I think (see Build issues comments above)
  • After briefly talking with KaiRo I decided to put the plate I was saving for feed Preview back in the cabinet for someone else to take... I will provide all the help I can here (including fast reviews! something hard to come by)... See my newsgroup post for more.
  • Various discussions regarding longer term planning and testing infrastructure.



  • As always, my blog has more detailed status about my work.



  • bug 36810 (session restore).
  • bug 459550 (Port Bug 448976 (turn the Session Restore prompt into an error page) to SeaMonkey).
  • bug 425480 (non-ASCII characters should be decoded in the urlbar).
  • bug 455877 (port Bug 254714 to SeaMonkey).
  • Tests for cert error page.





  • Triaging and closing some old/obsolete bugs.
  • Track mozillazine threads on the new Smart Locationbar.




  • Started to work a bit on bug bug 460699. Fixed a couple of minor ui bugs.


Any other business?

  • ?