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Imagine your mail filtering rules stored where they belong: with your mail.
Imagine your mail filtering rules stored where they belong: with your mail.
While it would of course be much neater to have a standard to do this in a client independend way, it would already be a vast improvement if it just worked for Thunderbird.
While it would of course be much neater to have a standard to do this in a client independend way, it would already be a vast improvement if it just worked for Thunderbird.
The address book is another object which would gain a lot of usability if it was autmagically synced between computers via IMAP.
The address book is another object which would gain a lot of usability if it was autmagically synced between computers via IMAP.--[[User:Elm|Elm]] 16:21, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Revision as of 00:21, 30 November 2005

better offline-IMAP-support

it would be nice to have better offline-imap-support. At the moment you have to download the whole folder if you want to read Mails offline... And: if you read a message while you are online, this Mail ist also not available offline, if it is not downloaded again with the offline-function. It would be better if one can select single mails to download for offline-use, and if mails that are already opened and downloaded online, could be used offline. --sebi 06:21, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Search IMAP folder, especially the content of messages, not only adress, subject an other header data.

better Meta-Data usage like

The colour-coding of eMails in Thunderbird is a nice feature and with customisation I can do a bit of cross-cutting-concerns tagging. But I would love to use easy custom keyword like a column where I can type in things like "projectX", "projectY", "informative", "justMarketing", etc. Then of course sorting, filtering of these custom meta-data e.g into virtual folder: "projectX"+"informative" would be great. I think of for my eMails. If one could use the RDF infrastructure it would be sustainanble for even more complex meta-data-handling. Starting with RDFS where I can build small taxonomies/trees of keywords.

synchronize different inboxes

I'd like to have the possibility to synchronize different thunderbird inboxes (of different pcs), e.g. import all mails, import new mails etc., this way I dont't have synchronize by hand and make sure that i'm not importing the same mail twice or even more times.

PGP / GPG Support

I would like to see direct integration of enigmails PGP / GPG Support into Thunderbird, to make the setup for novice users as easy as possible. --Sleepy 06:49, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Palm Desktop/Adressbook Support

It would be nice to get direct access to your Palm Desktop addressbook when you're writing Mails out of Thunderbird instead of the build in addressbook. --Sleepy 06:51, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Centralized administration and administration plugins

What about central administration? It would be cool if there was a way control thunderbirds settings (especially account settings, etc.) from a central place. As there might be many ways to do this, the interfaces between thunderbird and the centralized settings could be done by plugins. For example: Imagine an MS Windows environment. Managing accounts with Active Directory would be cool. Under such a situation one would need an AD plugin. For other administration means or other platforms one could use another plugin. --mmweber 29 Nov 2005

More Usenet Features

I use Thunderbird even more as an Usenet-client than as an Email-client. So I'd like to see some enhancements there. Like scoring or better support for killfiles.

Perhaps a dynamic scoring like in Gnus. If i delete a message or did not read it, the sender score will be decreased and vise versa. --Driessel 07:18, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

I think users with mail-list-subscription for software developement would benefit from this too. (phj)

Ability to setup Workflows

What about this Idea: I get an email. This email is converted to a task (perhaps in Evolution or SunBird). When I finished the task the sender receives an message, that i have done the task. With some more meta data it should be possible to setup workchains. For Example:

Anne sends a document to Bob. Bob edits the document, when he finished his task, he is asked if he wants to notify Jane (she is the next in the chain). If he says yes jane will be notified.

This needs a more powerfull filter (perhaps send some XML-files aus attechment, with the meta data). It should be possible to develop this as an extension. --Driessel 07:32, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Ability to select menus that should appear in context menu

I'd love to have the possibility to determine which menu items should appear in the context menu on a folder/mail etc... without having to hack XUL. I especially miss the ability to run junk filters and message filters from the context menus.

Ability to answer to an already sent mail without changing To/CC

I would like to have the possibilty to "Reply to All" a mail in my Sent folder without having Thunderbird change all the To's into CC's and adding my own address as a new To. This would allow to send some kind of a follow-up without having to edit the whole header. --Bornheim 08:51, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)


  • Mailing list automation
  • mailman automation, registration and notification
  • detect that a message has been sent to a mailinglist and make it visible (special tag, icon, label, etc.)
  • support RFC 2369

|Mails identifiers

 * language identification (with flags)
 * using baysian and existing language identification algorithms 
 * "groups" of senders, e.g. buddy list, susing the address book

mail-merge letter

i sometimes had the wish to to create simple mail-merge letters with predefined variableslike xml-tags or something like this and data from adressbook

protection of unwanted opening of junk-mail

mails declared as junk should not be opened at once, but after clicking a button with a warning "this email is declared as junk! do you really want to open it? [Open]" in the email display-field. especially users with less experience often tap into this 'trap' when they want to delete the mails in the junk-folder finally by drag and drop or whatever.


there is an extension which displays in the statusbar on the right side the current quota, with a fillstand bar and the used space in per cent. would be nice if it would full implemented

minimize to (sys)tray

nearly all os except mac force the user to have thunderbird openend with a minimized window in the taskbar. with a build in function to minimze it always to systray would save a lot of space in the taskbar. i use it with an extension, which is a little bit buggy. So thunderbird can be started like a service, which watches all mailfolders without standing all day in the forground.

e-mail folders for each contact

- E-mails should be sorted automatically to folders of my addresses (one folder for each contact person in the address book) in order to get an overview of all in- and outgoing e-mails

- E-mails should be easilly exported / backed up and synchronized periodically

Ordering of E-Mail Accounts

It should be possible to order the diffrent E-Mail Accounts individually, e.g. per Drag and Drop, such that e.g. one's faovite account can be easely moved to the top.

Proper E-Mail 'Bounce' Functionality

One should be able to "bounce" incoming mails to another recipient. The entire mail content (including sender and subject information) should be left entirely untouched. I.e. the mail should appear as originating from the original sender to the new recipient(s). Cf. bounce functionality in eg. 'mutt' and other popular clients.

"Multi-Replies" -- reply to several messages in one outgoing mail

When participating in discussions on mailing lists, it often saves time and space if one replies to several messages in one go, as follows: You mark the messages you want to reply to and start the reply. The editor then opens a single reply with all the messages quoted. A separate quote header ("xyz wrote") is inserted for every message. You then edit out the unneeded quotation from each section, inserting your reply. The message is then sent back to the sender of the first message in the selection or all recipients (but see below).

This feature might need a separate menu entry and/or button, or should be restricted to mailing lists only -- depending on configuration or usability issues. Maybe TB could also guess if the user wants this functionality by looking at the recipients of the marked (replied to) messages -- if the recipients for all mails are the same, the above described use case is entered; if not, the old behaviour is used.

Allow Filters not only for Inbox

It would be nice to be able to set up Filter Rules that work on an arbitrary Folder, example:

For Folder |Sent| :

[ ]Match all of the following [x]Match any of the following

|Age in days| |is| |30|

Perform these actions:

|Move Message to| |Trash|

--Stebs 30 Nov 2005

Miscellaneous Stuff

I would love to see an email response tracker.

Here's how it should work:

When sending an email, there should be an option (only if a corresponding switch in the Thunderbird preferences is not switched off) to switch on response tracking, plus some clickable fields for specifying the maximum amount of hours or days until a response is expected (maybe even a text entry for numbers of hours and days).

Optionally, Thunderbird may add an additional text line like "please respond within XXX days" to the sent email. This text should be configurable, and Thunderbird should insert the amount of hours or days into that text at a specifiable place.

After sending the email, Thunderbird should check the inbox for a response for those emails that are to be tracked.

If the email arrives within the specified time, the response tracking is switched off for that email. If there is an email for which no response arrives within the expected time frame, a popup or an email in my inbox will be created to remind me that there was no response for an email - subject and sent time will also be mentioned. Plus, the email in the Sent folder will be marked so that one can easily see for which email no response has arrived. Emails for which no response arrived for a multiple of the tracking period (configurable) should be marked differently, and response tracking should be switched off for those emails.

An additional option when sending the email or in the preferences will make Thunderbird send a automated reminder email to the recipient each time the tracking period is expired, in addition to the popup or reminder email to the sender. Plus, Tunderbird optionally marks all email senders in my inbox and/or in my address book as "very reliable", "not always reliable", or "unreliable".

I think the email response tracker can be very powerful when using it together with the "Ability to setup Workflows" idea of user Driessel.

--Fingerling 14:01, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Improved handling of quoted text passages in the plain text editor. The angle brackets marking quoted passages should not become part of the text and thus move around when such passages are edited, but stick to the left margin like the bars in the HTML editor do. Also, editing quoted passages often leads to "comb quotes" when the mail body is rewrapped at sending. In short, the angle brackets should be decoupled from the text during editing and rewrapping and only be inserted into the actual mail body afterwards.

Groupware integration (sunbird, lightning); administration of IMAP ACLs and sieve scripts with a GUI; write access to LDAP addressbooks including creation of address lists--Bollin 13:48, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

A function which automatically changes the sender identity specific to the folder i'm in, when i create a new email (at the moment it changes only specific to the accounts). (see the bat).--RMM 13:40, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

I really miss the easy backup and restore options known from The Bat. For Mac OS X i would like a better integreation, easy migration from to thunderbird and the Option to use the Mac OS X address book.--Jan-42 13:30, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

hello, I wish to have the posibility to add a photo to a contact in the adressbook (don't know if this is already realized in 1.5).
An other more complex idea is that Thunderbird could be able to sort your mails automatically to multible different folders after a learning period, similar to the actual auto-learning junk filter. --Nimix13 10:03, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

filter mails from IMAP-folder automatically to offline folders --Skurt 09:14, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

set more then one person from adressbook to BCC with sparse clicks. building groups of adresses would be great --Skurt 09:13, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Import/export adressbook to Outlook, synchronization would be greatest --Skurt 09:13, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

To make the migration from Outlook Express to Thunderbird easier for non IT freaks, it would be nice to integrate the "Contacts sidebar" extention and have the 3-pane-window as default look... --Yann 29 Nov 2005

Change the Address Book. Currently if you have an address in more than one Address Book (e.g. friends and company) and you have to make changes (email-changed...) you have to make this changes in EVERY Address Book. Something like categories or links would improve the usability. I would prefer categories like the Address Book in KOrganizer. --aliB

I would like an easy way of reporting spam to DNSBLs (i.e. An assistant might help removing personal information from the mail (i.e. the reporter's email address) and send it to several DNSBL servers at a time. (rumpelstielzchen, 29 Nov 2005)

It would be very nice to export / inport all user data in a EASY way... If you plan to make a new installation of your OS, you would like to save emails, accounts, rules and so on. there are some extentions, but it should be integrated... It would be a good function for people who don't have good IT-knowledge --Yann 29 Nov 2005

I currently miss an easy way to "convert" a POP3 account to IMAP. Many mail providers support both, so switching from POP3 to IMAP should be made simpler. Furthermore, it should be possible to explicitly archive mails from IMAP accounts (a kind of "offline" mode that stores them on disk only and removes them from the server). A lot of IMAP providers severly limit the disk space, so archiving mails within Thunderbird gives you the "best of both worlds" (POP3 & IMAP). --phantasm 29 Nov 2005

The Bayes Filter should not only classify Mails als SPAM, it should be able to learn classify Mails as I move them to Folders (e.g. "Newsletter", "Work", "Friends" ...) (GOI)

Would be great if Thunderbird would support email templates. For example I create everyday a report containing the current date in the subject. Creating a template with the subject "Report: <date>" would be great. --aliB

I'd love to see an option to hyperlink phone numbers in the address book. Either to "sip:" or better still to any URL, so that a CGI script could connect to an Asterisk server to initiate a call.--Libits 05:41, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

It would be nice if the addressbook is integrated with the evolution addressbook (for the GNOME Desktop).--Driessel 03:42, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

It could be also interessting if calendar appointments could be storred in the evolution-datacenter-server.--Driessel 03:42, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

More integration in the corresponding Desktop would be nice --Driessel 03:42, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Perhaps these things could already be handled with with the existing plugin structure? If not it would be nice to to make this possible with some extensions. --Driessel 03:42, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Spotlight integration, Metadata support, Slideshow features like optional Dashboard Widget, better integration into existing iWork & iLife product --Chunk 05:17, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

UI Face Lift for the 3-pane Window: I like the 3-column view that Outlook 2003 has. It features a column with the mail folders (left), one with the headers, but every msg gets two lines (middle), and one column showing the actual message. --f00f 14:20, 29 Nov 2005 (CET)

I would appreciate a more flexible way for date-formating in the message list. Another nice feature would be the possibility to sort messages in the order of reception. --f00f 14:20, 29 Nov 2005 (CET)

I would appreciate microsoft entourage and apple mail support for the 'import of local mail' tool (Mac OsX version).

Mail notification and filters: Currently I'm notified of a new mail regardless of wether it's filtered away to another folder or not. I would like to filter unimportant mail and only be notified if a mail is filtered in a special folder or not filtered at all. : Swift 05:30, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Another features: - The ability in MS Windows to minimize Thunderbird to the Systray like MS Outlook.

- Prevention of showing HTML E-Mails (show text only). View->Message Body As->Plain Text

- Ability to show additional Header Informations in an extra windows - not on the message itselfs

- Ability to mark Messages (Done, Undone, Status : red/green/yellow...) Try the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 keys.

- Ability to say 'download all folder contents' on IMAP Thanks ! --Neversaid 05:37, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Generate a task in Evolution, Outlook or Sunbird from an email message. This should be done through an extension --Driessel 05:39, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

RFC 3028 Sieve/MANAGESieve Support

Support maildir format internaly. See Bug 58308. People have given enough arguments why this would be nice, but it would make it possible and fairly easy to write a mdimporter for mac os's spotlight (spotlight integration). Ibn 14:39, 29 Nov 2005 (CET)

Better integreation in Mac OS X: 1) Spotlight plug-in to search Thunderbird's e-mail (as mentioned above) 2) The Option to use Mac OS X's address book instead of Thunderbird's. --Setrok 05:46, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

PS: @Neversaid: A shortkey to change quickly between Plain Text/HTML view (only for this message) would be nice. I normally use the Plain Text view, but sometimes a messages requires (grumble) HTML. In that case, such a key would be nice.--Setrok 05:50, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

display connection errors in a dropdownlist above the statusbar and do not open a messagebox (try navigating in an imap-account when disconnected). Could look like "The Bat!" (screenshot - look at the dropdownlist at the bottom containing "FETCH ...").

ability to store searches in subfolders, even if real subfolders in imap-accounts are not allowed (e.g. imap).

I would like to specify in which folder to store the answered mail (the original) together with the copy of the outgoing message. Like in the mailer mulberry: I copy the respective mail AND my answer in a folder I select (this feature is in the mulberry email window available as "Copy to: (list of all folders) followed by a check box "_ Also copy original message"). --gep

You can specify to store a copy of an outgoing message (Options -> Send a copy to -> ...). But you can't change the settings after you have chosen a destination, and you can't see wether you have chosen to save a copy at all. It would be nice to have an indicator in the status line or at least be able to check the settings in the menu. --Swift 07:03, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

Related to the previous entry: when a copy of an outgoing message is enabled, a copy will be stored even if I only store a message as draft. In my opinion a copy only should be save when I really send the message. --Swift 07:03, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

i would like to see the cabinet concept (like virtual folders that can group folders from different account (not quite like the favorites mentioned!)) of mulberry implemented in thunderbird. This includes the possibility to tie identities to cabinets/folders. --bnz

I've got lots of email addresses at different providers, but they all share the same server inbox (e.g., they are all collected by a Yahoo! mailbox). Wouldn't it be nice to be able sending emails with all of these email addresses without having to create a dozen inbox accounts? --Manuel 06:14, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

I would appreciate a feature to delete all mails in junk folder with one click in the contextmenu of the junk folder or with a shortkey. (see Mac OS X) --Elmexz 06:54, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)

I'd like to have a data source interface as provided by the KDE Kontact suite: One can chose between different data sources and has a flexible tool to access and merge his data.

I am using kaddressbook with an imap addressbook ressource. Since thunderbird is already able to handle imap folders and even store them in offline mode, it would be cool to be able to use addresses from such an imap folder in my addressbook.

The same holds for sunbird: Korganizer can store its appointments as ical-Files in an imap folder (basically as e-mails with ical content). If Sunbird were able to use an imap folder (provided by Thunderbird) as data source, I could also synchronize my calender data.

Store configuration data on imap-server

Imagine your mail filtering rules stored where they belong: with your mail. While it would of course be much neater to have a standard to do this in a client independend way, it would already be a vast improvement if it just worked for Thunderbird. The address book is another object which would gain a lot of usability if it was autmagically synced between computers via IMAP.--Elm 16:21, 29 Nov 2005 (PST)