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| valign="top" | [[User:Bienvenu|Bienvenu]]
| valign="top" | [[User:Bienvenu|Bienvenu]]
| valign="top" | There is a lot of code in the Spotlight integration code that could be re-used for the Vista search integration.
| valign="top" | There is a lot of code in the Spotlight integration code that could be re-used for the Vista search integration.
| valign="top" | Thunderbird and Firefox Integration Points
| valign="top" | Make using Thunderbird and Firefox together a better user experience.
| valign="top" | [[User:mscott|mscott]]
| valign="top" | [[User:mscott|mscott]]
| valign="top" | Add some integration hooks between Firefox and Thunderbird such as: adding a url to Thunderbird could autocomplete against Firefox bookmark and history urls. Filling out an address form in Firefox could extract the address data from your Thunderbird address book. I'm sure there are other ideas that could be explored here too.
| valign="top" | Improve Thunderbird mail filters
| valign="top" | Improve Thunderbird mail filters
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| valign="top" | bienvenu
| valign="top" | bienvenu
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Revision as of 22:34, 21 March 2007

This page lists all the Google Summer of Code 2007 projects with confirmed mentors, and which have been approved by the SoC administrator. Please do not edit this page; new suggestions can be made on the Brainstorming page.

Potential students: you may choose from the list below, from the Brainstorming page, or submit your own proposal. Be wary when choosing from the Brainstorming page; there is often a good reason why the ideas haven't made it to this page.

If the idea has no mentor (or the person who has volunteered is unsuitable) then we would need to find a mentor; you will increase your chances of success if you find one for yourself and submit their name with your application. A mentor should generally be a respected Mozilla project contributor with expertise in the relevant field; projects involving integration with other code could be mentored by someone with expertise in the other codebase. However, lack of a mentor should not be a deterrent - please, still apply even if you don't have one.

You may wish to consider How Not To Apply For Summer Of Code before making your application.


Title Abstract - links to details/bugs/etc Reporter Mentor(s) Comments
Implement link fingerprints Link fingerprints are a method of making an HTTP or HTTPS URL reference not only a particular resource, but a particular version of that resource, in a way that the fetching client can validate. This would make it harder (not impossible) for crackers to change downloadable software packages without any user (and the site owner) noticing it. Further details can be found in the proposal by Gervase Markham, Gerv's blog post about the recent Wordpress tarball attack and bug 292481 Jens.b Gerv This is similar to Heikki's proposal above and could be done as part of that larger activity, but I think it deserves separate mention as its scope is specified more precisely, and it might be faster to implement. - Jens

There is already an extension which does some of this; a proper patch for the trunk would be required, and then the writing up of the idea as an RFC - Gerv
Firefox automation & Tinderbox integration Firefox 3 automated smoke-testing using Linux Desktop Testing Project; Tinderbox integration of LDTP results. Nagappan Nagappan and Emily Chen Once the system is integrated with Tinderbox, then we can extend it to use for Thunderbird automation testing too.


Title Abstract - links to details/bugs/etc Reporter Mentor(s) Comments
Thunderbird: Vista Desktop Search Integration Implement Vista Desktop Search for Thunderbird mail messages as described in bug 369283 Bienvenu Bienvenu There is a lot of code in the Spotlight integration code that could be re-used for the Vista search integration.
Thunderbird and Firefox Integration Points Make using Thunderbird and Firefox together a better user experience. mscott mscott Add some integration hooks between Firefox and Thunderbird such as: adding a url to Thunderbird could autocomplete against Firefox bookmark and history urls. Filling out an address form in Firefox could extract the address data from your Thunderbird address book. I'm sure there are other ideas that could be explored here too.
Improve Thunderbird mail filters Thunderbird's (and SeaMonkey's) mail filter system lacks features present in other clients. Implementing some of them (and new, unique features) would make it much more useful to advanced users, and could increase the user base.
  • Allow to define filters for outgoing messages (e.g. file messages to folders based on found keywords), bug 11039
  • Allow filtering on whether sender is in certain addressbook groups, bug 180013
  • Add ability to filter by attachment presence or file names (e.g. file extension), bug 224392, bug 105169
  • Allow extensions to tie in to filters (filter actions implemented in JS / XPCOM), bug 366094
The exact set of bugs fixed as part of SoC activity would be determined by the mentor and the participant. More ideas can be found in meta bug 66425
Jens.b bienvenu



Title Abstract - links to details/bugs/etc Reporter Mentor(s) Comments
Camino: Tabspose Expose for tabs, but in the browser window (bug 312007) pinkerton pinkerton I've wanted to do this for years...
Camino AppleScript Support Camino currently has very little AppleScript support. One of the most useful commands for a browser, "do javascript", remains unimplemented. Several other bugs separate Camino from parity with Safari's and OmniWeb's scripting support. Filed bugs include bug 178917, bug 160106, bug 314061, bug 253486, and bug 156078. Those bugs cover a lot of ground, including the ability to refer to tabs. Peter Jaros (Peeja, Bard College) Mike Pinkerton


Title Abstract - links to details/bugs/etc Reporter Mentor(s) Comments
Make SeaMonkey Not Suck As A News Reader Basically, get some traction on some of the highlights of bug 176238/bug 12699 , in particular: "clickable references" (bug 62033) and headers in general (bug 23114), a more usable subscribe dialog (bug 40260), reordering of the folder pane (bug 150274, maybe even hierarchical?). For bonus points, a correct implementation of the nntp/news protocols (bug 89939) would be really cool! Mnyromyr Mnyromyr UI stuff would be for SeaMonkey, but should be portable to Thunderbird easily. Both would profit from backend fixes.
Real Mail Templates Currently, mail templates are too static, their interaction with mails you respond to etc. is almost zero (bug 21210, bug 107876 and others). It would be an enourmous progress if we could have variables like $$EMailAddress$$, $$QuotedBody$$, $$Date$$, $$CustomVariable(with Parameter)$$ in a template which get filled in when replying or composing. Mnyromyr Mnyromyr UI stuff would be for SeaMonkey, but should be portable to Thunderbird easily. Both would profit from backend fixes.
Score Filter A score filter (bug 151622) would associate an integer with every message. This integer could then be changed by filter actions like "Increase by x", "Set to Y", etc. and have itself filter criteria like "If score is lower than A", "If score has value B", etc. Several other message properties alterable by filter actions (like isJunk or isThread) would need to be made usable as filter criteria for that for full points. In toto, this would allow for very fine-grained message control. Mnyromyr Mnyromyr UI stuff would be for SeaMonkey, but should be portable to Thunderbird easily. Both would profit from backend fixes.


Title Abstract - links to details/bugs/etc Reporter Mentor(s) Comments
Bugzilla: Plugin System bug 371333: Bugzilla has many methods for being extended, but they are not always clearly documented or coordinated. There is also no central repository for downloading plugins, or a standard way to install them. This task would be to make it easy for developers to write plugins, make it easy for administrators to install them, and write a useful sample plugin that demonstrates all of this. mkanat mkanat
Bugzilla: Overhaul Charting System Bugzilla currently has two charting systems, the Old Charts and the New Charts. Old Charts are very simple, and work. New Charts are very complex, and the code has been abandoned for several years. However, charting is a feature that many users want in a bug-tracking system.

This task would be to implement a charting system that is simple to use, respects Bugzilla's built-in security, and provides the flexibility that administrators want. In particular, the ability to go "back in time" and chart data about the past would be very welcome. (Our current system only starts charting data as soon as you set up a chart, so you can't find out anything about last month, or even yesterday.)

mkanat Gerv There may be some questions about importing data from the old systems. I think that New Charts are not in much use, since they aren't complete. The system would have to be able to import Old Charts, but the New Charts system could be entirely replaced by the system built in this project. (However, any left-over New Charts would have to be exported as CSV so that users wouldn't lose their data.)