Engagement/Developer Engagement/Dev Derby/Topics: Difference between revisions

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    Social API (need about:config-less multiple providers)
    Ask Christian and Rob Hawkes about other ideas, and which of the following are best supported and most important.
    Orientation + 2D Canvas (games!)
    Orientation + Multi-touch (mind blown?)
    Vibration API
    As of August 2012, not working in Chrome for Android of the Stock Browser
    Ambient Light Events
    Proximity Events
    Pointer Lock
    The Network Information API
    Battery Status API
    Gamepad API
    Mobile Games (the Game On competiton is running until February 2013)
    Settings API
    Already done:
    Camera API
    Touch events
    Media queries
    Full-screen API
    Works in Firefox for Android and the Stock Browser
    A "Living Standard" according to the W3C and not on a standardization track.
    The 1k (or 2k) challenge. Do the best with only 1 file and 2k chars :-)
    Luke:  Dev Derby idea: Mobile w/ < 1k of JavaScript? Great to see how much  can be done with very little js to save on file sizes sent to    mobile  devices. We should slant the judging towards smaller sizes.
    There is already a site for this: http://js1k.com/2012-love/demos
    They give prizes just like we do.
    But we can still use leverage community to compete with their efforts.
    JavaScript in general
    getUserMedia (by far the most-requested topic)
    PeerConnection API
    Redesign Derby, with "Level of Improvement" as a category, possibly the only category.
    Postponed until October as we work with legal to update the rules.
    From the MDN development team:
    HTML forms + CSS animation
    Geolocation part II, or geolocation + somehting else (WebGL?)
    Various other WebAPI things
    yes, something with typography
    OpenType Font feature (with FF & IE10 compatibility required) (see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/font-feature-settings), here is an exemple of ligatures used to build charts : http://typographica.org/typeface-reviews/chartwell/ I guess we could see awesome things of that sort.
    HTML5 games
    (we should categorize games as the diversity would be too larges: e.g. 'Puzzle')
    Or just do various aspects of games (eg. Gamepad, Mouselock, requestAnimationFrame, etc)
    Sort of conflicts with Mozilla's "Game On" contest.
    Gamepad API
    Pointer lock (a.k.a. Mouse lock) API
    Server-sent events
    "real-time demos" (based on server send events and websockets + other stuff)
    WebRTC (for the end of the year maybe, when it will be shipped into FF)
    Bookmarklet competition
    css3 zen garden - see who can create the best stylesheet for the same HTML content
    SVG SMIL Animation
    SVG Filters
    (There is room for kick ass demo with this) and if it comes to the end of the year it will maybe possible to double it with CSS filters.
    (Seems a bit to much Mozilla centric?)
    app cache
    (demos that run offline/could be anything i guess)
    Sounds like a great topic to me. It is important for the web, and devs could do some pretty creative/flashy stuff with it. -- John
    HTML menu tag: something that shows off the use of Menu
    I wasn't sure about this at first, but it's grown on me. The menu system of HTML5 isn't the most flashy topic in the world, but it could be low-hanging fruit for new developers and more senior developers could probably still find something fun to do with it. If we do this, we might want to also encourage the use of CSS3 (see http://is.gd/atmDju) and stipulate that JavaScript not be used. -- John
    (now available as an FF add-on Is it usable with other browsers?)
    Havi, you said that Labs recommended this topic. Were they interested in people building on pdf.js itself, generating PDFs that work with pdf.js, or something else? The former might be more interesting, IMHO. pdf.js is built on standard web technologies, so web developers could probably build some interesting/flashy extensions to it without much difficulty. We might just want to check with Labs before we decide what to ask for -- pdf.js is still experimental, after all. -- John
    HTML5 Drag and drop
    Full Screen API
    Popcorn.js ?
    I think the use of popcorn.js was encouraged in the July (video) Derby, but once it matures we can definitely run a full Derby on it. -- John
    +1 from Jeremie
    Integration / extension of Hackasaurus tools?
    Developer Tools
    Using languages other than JavaScript (CoffeeScript, Emscripten, etc.)
    Web workers
    getUserMedia/Stream API
    CSS Regions
Probably not in the Derby (too Mozilla-specific)
    add social media features to the browser
    track and visualize social media ineractions
    media management / publishing
    port a favourite addon to be restartless ( using the SDK or not )
    once mobile addons work: modify an existing site to be more mobile friendly
Already done
    HTML5 video
    CSS3 Animations
    History API
    CSS Media Queries
    Orientation (Jan)
    HTML5 audio
    Touch events
    CSS 3D Transforms
    "no JS allowed!" (see what they can do with just html and css)
    Possible taglines:
    Look ma, no code!
    Code with no.js

Revision as of 20:02, 1 May 2013