BrazilianEvents:2015/FISL15: Difference between revisions

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* Webdev hacking: Mozillians/Reps portal hacking sessions
* Webdev hacking: Mozillians/Reps portal hacking sessions
* Install Fest: Firefox Desktop and Mobile installations
* Install Fest: Firefox Desktop and Mobile installations
* L10n: Webmaker, MDN and SUMO localization

==== Totals ====
==== Totals ====

Revision as of 20:41, 25 April 2014

FISL 15 - International Free Software Forum


About FISL

The FISL is held annually in the city of Porto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The forum is one of the biggest events in the world and the largest in Latin America. Mozilla will be present during the 4 days of the forum, with activities for the audience.

Event date

May, 07 to 10 - 2014



Ricardo Panaggio -

Sergio Oliveira -

Mozillians participants


Name Role Needs Credentials? Needs Flight Needs Hotel
Sérgio Oliveira Organizer / Speaker / Webdev hacking No Yes Yes
Ricardo Panaggio Organizer / Speaker / Fx OS hacking No No No
Andre Garzia Speaker / Fx OS hacking No Yes Yes
Eduardo Urcullú Speaker No Yes Yes
Rocio Meza Speaker No Yes Yes
Andre Natal Speaker / Fx OS hacking No Yes Yes
Carlos Valim "Coragem" Speaker No Yes No
Marcio Galli Speaker No Yes No
Luigui Delyer Speaker No Yes Yes
Qaiq Rodrigues Speaker / SUMO No No No
Ricardo Pontes Speaker / Webdev hacking No Yes Yes
Raniere Silva Speaker No Yes Yes
Odin Ramirez Speaker No Yes Yes
Ricardo Brandão Fx OS hacking No No No
Guilherme Berghauser Install Fest No No No
Morvana Bonin Install Fest / Fx OS hacking No No No
Caroline Mazin Install Fest No No No
Eliezer Bernart Install Fest No No No
Geovani Santos Install Fest No No No
Samuel Flores Moraes Install Fest No No No
Marcus Saad Install Fest Yes Yes No
Fabricio C Zuardi Mozilla Community Booth / Fx OS hacking No Yes Yes
Bruno Vilar Install Fest No No No
Rodrigo Silva Mozilla Community Booth / Webdev hacking No No Yes
Melissa Devens Install Fest Yes No No
Edivânia Dias Mozilla Community Booth / SUMO No Yes Yes
Irwing Pinheiro Mozilla Community Booth / SUMO No No No
Vagner Mello Ribas Install Fest No No No
Zilmar de Souza Junior Install Fest / SUMO / L10n No No No


  • Speaker: will present talks.
  • Mozilla Community Booth: responsible for our ground space in the main exposition area
  • SUMO: Responsible by SUMO activities (pending)
  • Fx OS hacking: Firefox OS hacking sessions
  • Webdev hacking: Mozillians/Reps portal hacking sessions
  • Install Fest: Firefox Desktop and Mobile installations
  • L10n: Webmaker, MDN and SUMO localization


  • Volunteer attendance: 29
  • Employee attendance: 0 (ZERO)
  • Total Attendance: 29
  • Needs credentials: 2
  • Needs flight: 13
  • Needs hotel: 11


Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC-RS


Hotel: InterCity Premium Porto Alegre

Address: Borges de Medeiros, 2145 – Praia de Belas


TODO: Travel spreadsheet


Link to etherpad of budgeted restaurants:


Activities Confirmed

Title Author/Facilitator When Where
MozEdu: Mozilla na educaçao e no codigo Eduardo Urcullú / Rocio Meza May 7 - 17:00 to 18:00 TBD
Appmaker Party Ricardo Panaggio / Coragem May 7 - 9:00 to 12:00 TBD
SpeechRTC, reconhecimento de voz cross-browser para a Web e FirefoxOS Andre Natal May 8 - 17:00 to 18:00 TBD
Mozilla Django Webdev - Contribuindo com a mão na massa (parte 1) Sérgio Oliveira May 8 - 14:00 to 17:00 Sala Mozilla HQ
Aprenda a ensinar a web com Webmaker Ricardo Panaggio / Coragem May 9 - 9:00 to 12:00 TBD
Boot para a Web com Gecko: Desktop, dispositivos móveis, TVs e mais Marcio Galli May 9 - 12:00 to 13:00 TBD
Mozilla Django Webdev - Contribuindo com a mão na massa (parte 2) Sérgio Oliveira May 9 - 10:00 to 13:00 Sala Mozilla HQ
Webmaker: Faça algo incrível com a Web! Ricardo Panaggio / Coragem May 9 - 12:00 to 13:00 TBD
TBD Sérgio Oliveira May 9 - 15:00 to 16:00 41B
Oficina de construção de aplicativos para Firefox OS Andre Garzia / Ricardo Panaggio May 10 - 9:00 to 12:00 TBD
Envolva-se: Como você pode contribuir com a Mozilla Brasil Andre Garzia / Luigui Delyer / Ricardo Pontes / Qaiq Alves May 10 - 9:00 to 10:00 TBD
Workshop Web Science Raniere Gaia Costa da Silva May 12 and 13 (after event) FURG (

Etherpads used so far