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GeckoView is Firefox Quantum's engine, packaged as a reusable Android library.

Mozilla uses GeckoView to power Firefox Reality, Firefox Focus, and more.

GeckoView serves a similar purpose to Android's built-in WebView, but it has its own APIs and is not a drop in replacement.

Get Started

Building a browser? Check out Android Components, our collection of ready-to-use supporting libraries!

Configure Gradle

You need to add or edit four stanzas inside your module's build.gradle file.

1. Set the GeckoView version

Like Firefox, GeckoView has three release channels: Stable, Beta, and Nightly. Browse the Maven Repository to see currently available builds.

ext {
    geckoviewChannel = "nightly"
    geckoviewVersion = "64.0.20180927100037"

2. Add Mozilla's Maven repository

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

3. Configure build flavors

Note: Until we resolve Bug 1485045, you must configure a separate build variant for each CPU architecture.

android {
    // ...

    flavorDimensions "abi"

    productFlavors {
        x86     { dimension "abi" }
        x86_64  { dimension "abi" }
        arm     { dimension "abi" }
        aarch64 { dimension "abi" }

4. Add GeckoView Implementations

dependencies {
    // ...

    x86Implementation     "org.mozilla.geckoview:geckoview-${geckoviewChannel}-x86:${geckoviewVersion}"
    x86_64Implementation  "org.mozilla.geckoview:geckoview-${geckoviewChannel}-x86_64:${geckoviewVersion}"
    armImplementation     "org.mozilla.geckoview:geckoview-${geckoviewChannel}-armeabi-v7a:${geckoviewVersion}"
    aarch64Implementation "org.mozilla.geckoview:geckoview-${geckoviewChannel}-arm64-v8a:${geckoviewVersion}"

Add GeckoView to a Layout

Inside a layout .xml file, add the following:

    android:layout_height="fill_parent" />

Initialize GeckoView in an Activity

1. Import the GeckoView classes inside an Activity:

import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoRuntime;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoSession;
import org.mozilla.geckoview.GeckoView;

2. In that activity's onCreate function, add the following:

GeckoView view = findViewById(;
GeckoSession session = new GeckoSession();
GeckoRuntime runtime = GeckoRuntime.create(this);;

You're done!

Your application should now load and display a webpage inside of GeckoView.

To learn more about GeckoView's capabilities, review GeckoView's JavaDoc or the reference application.

Documentation and Examples


Building / Contributing / Bugs

Products / Examples