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[[Category:Mozilla Festival]]

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Mozilla Festival 2012

A yearly festival with hundreds of passionate people

Making, Freedom and the Web
November 9 - 11, 2012 | #mozfest
London, UK | Ravensbourne


  1. Make things with the tools Mozilla and others are creating
  2. Learn who is building what, how we can share and help each other
  3. Imagine making in 100 years: what future are we building?
  4. Design the things we want to build next, especially for mobile
  5. Fuel leaders who want to invent, teach and organize

Upcoming Dates

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  • Hackable games
  • Webmaking for mobile
  • Coding for kids
  • Make the web physical
  • Web-native cinema
  • Source code for journalism
  • Skills and badges
  • Hacktivate Learning

Anticipated Participants

Al Jazeera, The Guardian, BBC, Boston Globe, ProPublica, La Nacion, ZEIT Online, Knight Foundation, Blender, SoundCloud, Ushahidi, Open Knowledge Foundation, Creative Commons, Product Dundee, P2PU, ScraperWiki, Shuttleworth Foundation, Hacks/Hackers, Global Voices, MacArthur Learning Network, Institute of Play, WYNC Radio, Tribeca Film Institute, Intel Labs, Flattr, MIT Media Lab, Center for Civic Media, Young Rewired State, Tate Modern, London Zoo, Web FWD, and more!

All making the web they want.

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Draft Schedule

Thursday, Nov 8 (Prep) Friday, Nov 9 Saturday, Nov 10 Sunday, Nov 11 Monday, Nov 12 (Debrief)
Morning Mozilla staff arrive in London Pop-up Setup + Facilitator Huddle + Press Conference Welcome Learning Labs and Design Challenges Facilitator Debrief
Afternoon Facilitators arrive in London Youth Pop-Up + Facilitator Huddle Learning Labs and Design Challenges Learning Labs and Design Challenges Festival team debrief
Evening Staff team dinner + Volunteer Briefing Opening Science Fair Keynotes and Party Closing Science Fair Festival team departs

Sessions in progress

1. Make things with the tools Mozilla and others are creating

  • Popcorn Maker templates that are sexy and will grow interest and participation. Get as much of the hacking as we can to be around templates (Ben Moskowitz, Dave Humphrey)
  • Create new prototypes of web documentaries from The Living Docs project (Brett Gaylor)
  • Building Thimble projects and aligned badges (Erin Knight + Carla Casilli + Jess Klein + Chloe Varelidi)
  • Explore a next version of Thimble that supports Javascript to teach basic game development, design and system thinking skills to youth (Chloe Varelidi)
  • Testing Open Badges by using OpenBadger to create and share new badges developed by MozFest attendees (Chris McAvoy, Brian Brennan, Mike Larsson, Sunny Lee, Carla Casilli)
  • Hacking Popcorn Maker templates for the newsroom (Knight-Mozilla Fellows/Newshour(?))
  • Thimble hacks to help journalists learn to code (Dan Sinker)
  • Transform audio into images, and then play it back - the Web gramophone (Alex Lakatos and Brian King)
  • Hacking the browser - using the Add-ons SDK to hack inside and outside the box (Alex Lakatos and Brian King)
  • Youth Storytelling with Popcorn:* A learning lab activity station with access to awesome Popcorn templates and lesson materials for anyone (especially youth), to sit down and publish a Popcorn project on the web within minutes. (Jacob Caggiano)

2. Learn who is building what, how we can share and help each other

  • Science Fair (Michelle Thorne)
  • Hive Pop-Up+ > London / NYC / Chicago (Chris Lawrence + Erin Knight + John Bevan)
  • Thimble project show and tell, playtesting at MozFest (Erin Knight + Jess Klein + Chloe Varelidi)
  • Teach-ins based on from OpenNews hackathons (i.e. timelines from Argentina, Wall Street Journal) (Dan Sinker)
  • Open Badges in the wild, a DML joint session (Sunny Lee + Carla Casilli)
  • Election Hacking: Comparing notes, thoughts, and code from 2012 elections with newsroom developers. (Dan Sinker, Ben Simon)

3. Imagine making in 100 years: what future do we want?

  • Keynotes on the long game
  • Futurecasting of Internet threat scenarios over next 100 years
  • What does success look like with Webmaker - what will a webmaking generation be able to do, change, etc?
  • How might badges change the learning landscape, what types of things do we need to do to get there? (Carla Casilli + Sunny Lee + Chris McAvoy)

4. Design the things we want to build next, especially for mobile

  • Universal Level Editor for Hackable Web Games (Mark Surman + Bobby Richter + Alan Kligman + Pomax)
    • 3D games (Alan Kligman)
    • 2D games (Pomax)
  • Making the Web Physical (Mozilla Japan + University of Dundee)
  • Webmaking for Mobile
  • Hack session for a mobile version of OpenBadger (OBI tech team)
  • Hack the Second Screen (Knight-Mozilla Fellow Mark Boas)
  • Build a Festival News Dashboard (Knight-Mozilla Fellow Cole Gillespie)
  • Designing for Credibility (Knight-Mozilla Fellow Dan Schultz)
  • Fabrication Zone

5. Fuel leaders who want to invent, teach and organize

  • Session leaders drawn from Hive and other youth networks
  • Connecting and empowering grassroots instructors and teachers (Doug Belshaw + Michelle Levesque + John Bevan)
  • Traditional curriculum hacking (Chris Lawrence + Erin Knight + Laura Hilliger + Oliver Quinlan + Doug Belshaw)
  • Soft skills for supporting and leading the Webmaker Movement (Allen Gunn)
  • Knight-Mozilla Fellows (2012 & 13) talk about leadership in the new newsroom (Knight-Mozilla Fellows)
    • Working in the Open (Matt Thompson)
  • Badge system design hacking + yakking (Carla Casilli + Doug Belshaw)
  • Collect best practices for hack events
  • Youth Storytelling with Popcorn: A session on "training the trainers" -- how to teach web native storytelling and interactive video to youth. We'll reflect on experiences from Popcorn #StoryCamp and share successes and challenges on getting youth and youth leaders involved. (Jacob Caggiano)


  • June 10: Initial goals & high-level sessions on wiki
  • June 13: Board discussion, presentation of festival
  • July 15: Top partners & session leads confirmed
  • August 8: Open Registration
  • September 1: Rolling email campaign to promote content & sign-ups
  • September 15: Session proposal deadline
  • September 10: All-hands, Session & Facilitation bootcamp
  • September 23: Summer Code Party winds-up. Festival fellows announced.
  • late September - October: Pre-festival events, inc. with instructors.



  • Festival Lead: Michelle Thorne
  • Local Producer: Alex Deschamps-Sonsino
  • Participation Design: Allen Gunn
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Diana Proca
  • Mozilla Reps Coordinator: William Duyck
  • Partnerships: Geoffrey Macdougall