Mozfest/2023: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Mozilla Festival 2023: added spaces and experiences)
(→‎MozFest Spaces: added links to spaces)
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Spaces are thematic learning hubs based around a broad topic.  
Spaces are thematic learning hubs based around a broad topic.  
Spaces were determined by the 2023 cohort of Wranglers at the Wrangler Retreat in Amsterdam in October.
Spaces were determined by the 2023 cohort of Wranglers at the Wrangler Retreat in Amsterdam in October.
* '''Autonomy & Governance''' - We call on policy makers, tech giants, AI researchers, data journalists, and underrepresented groups to collectively build this hero with an aim to formulate appropriate regulations: from collecting data to applying AI models in the real world.
* [ Autonomy & Governance]
* '''Biodiversity''' - Calling all activists, researchers, academics, artists, hackers, and tech developers! We’re looking for sessions at the intersection of digital technology and topics related, but not limited to: the environment, Indigenous peoples, land defenders, sustainability, and food sovereignty. Your sessions will become the scenes for MozFest’s 2060 Sci-Fi Telenovela-inspired Space.
* [ Cosmos]
* '''Education & Access''' - We’re looking for participatory, accessible, and inclusive sessions that highlight tools and products, case studies, and research that broaden people’s experience to learn, engage, and raise awareness about data literacy, equal access, and accessibility of education.
* [ Education & Access: You're The Product Of Data]
* '''Humans Behind the Machine''' - We're seeking proposals that promote perspectives and artistic reflections of what it’s like to live or work behind the machine or below the algorithm. We’re looking for hands-on, practical sessions to unlock collective power to subvert the algorithm, and case studies and best practices for navigating AI in a way that promotes healthy power dynamics in the AI supply chain. We enthusiastically welcome those who work below the algorithm (including crowd workers, content moderators, and community organizers) and those who study, collaborate, and co-conspire with them.
* [ Humans Behind the Machine]
* '''MoZone''' - The MoZone Space brings together people and projects connected to the wide constellation of Mozilla's work, with a focus on Trustworthy AI. ''(Session proposals are being accepted for this Space by invitation only.)''
* [ MoZone]
* '''Utility of Transparency''' - We’re looking for sessions that bring research, auditing frameworks, art, and more to address big questions about what transparency means to both individuals and communities, as well as stories about experiencing delight or discontent from AI systems. This Space is an opportunity to connect the threads of our global and local efforts, and lift up work that shifts power and knowledge back to the people.
* [ Radical Inclusion]
* '''Youth Zone''' - We are looking for fun, inclusive, engaging sessions to educate and teach necessary digital skills in a way that all ages can understand.
* [ Tech & Biodiversity: Legado 2060]
* [ Utility of Transparency]
* [ Youth Zone]

The Space Wranglers leading this key topics are from across our community, made up of staff and community leaders. Without their dedication and creativity MozFest 2023 would be a very different festival so we thank them sincerely.  
The Space Wranglers leading this key topics are from across our community, made up of staff and community leaders. Without their dedication and creativity MozFest 2023 would be a very different festival so we thank them sincerely.


Revision as of 18:24, 17 November 2022

Mozilla’s annual festival committed to the pursuit of Trustworthy AI.
Arrive with an idea, leave with a community.

This page documents the developing progress of the MozFest program and should not be used as a primary source for information on the festival - please refer to the Mozilla Festival website as the primary and main resource for information on the festival.

Mozilla Festival 2023

Save the Date : 20th to 24th March 2023

MozFest will continue as a virtual event 20-24 March 2023, with the exciting addition of in-person, global events in a few strategic locations:

  • in Amsterdam, Netherlands for MozFest House (June 2023)
  • in Kenya with our Mradi friends (dates tbd)

2023 Festival Narrative

The Collective Power Of People

Central Issues:

  • Bias
  • Transparency
  • Data Stewardship
  • Movement Building

Read more about the narrative and central issues in this blogpost.

MozFest Spaces

Spaces are thematic learning hubs based around a broad topic. Spaces were determined by the 2023 cohort of Wranglers at the Wrangler Retreat in Amsterdam in October.

The Space Wranglers leading this key topics are from across our community, made up of staff and community leaders. Without their dedication and creativity MozFest 2023 would be a very different festival so we thank them sincerely.


We will continue to develop "experiences" which are interwoven between and across our Spaces bringing our participants through the festival narrative. This year's experiences fall under the following themes:

  • Cosmos - AI in the Cosmos invites contributions from thinkers, researchers, technologists, philosophers, creatives, and spiritualities. Particularly those whose worldviews and wisdoms have been historically absented, repressed, or otherwise under- utilized in thinking and sensing through different possible relations with tech.
  • Radical Inclusion - We're looking for artists, musicians, and content creators from under-resourced and underrepresented communities (including the disabled and neurodiverse communities) who want to collaborate to build immersive, inclusive, and accessible audiovisual experiences in the digital realm. (This is an experience that is not accepting proposals.)

Road Map


  • Wrangler program kickoff


  • Wrangler Retreat in Amsterdam


  • Call for Proposals opens


  • Call for Proposals closes


  • Sessions confirmed


  • Schedule released


  • 20-24 Festival live!


  • Feedback Meetings with program team, Space Wranglers and suppliers


  • Feedback Meetings with program team, Space Wranglers and suppliers


  • Lie in :)


MozFest would not exist without our Volunteer Heroes. If you volunteered at previous Mozilla Festivals and/or would like to get involved this year, sign up for the MozFest newsletter to be notified when our call for volunteers opens for MozFest 2023