CA/Bug Triage: Difference between revisions

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(Updated to the new way that CCADB SC uses Bugzilla Bugs to track enhancement requests.)
m (filter out resolved bugs)
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=Common CA Database (CCADB)=
=Common CA Database (CCADB)=
* [ &#91;ccadb-api&#93;] -- for requesting API access to the CCADB as per
* [ &#91;ccadb-api&#93;] -- for requesting API access to the CCADB as per
* [ &#91;ccadb-bug&#93;] -- for issues or problems using the CCADB.
* [ &#91;ccadb-bug&#93;] -- for issues or problems using the CCADB.
* All [ "CA Program : Common CA Database" Bugzilla Bugs] that do not have a whiteboard tag are considered to be enhancement requests that will be prioritized and schedule by the CCADB Steering Committee.  
* All [ "CA Program : Common CA Database" Bugzilla Bugs] that do not have a whiteboard tag are considered to be enhancement requests that will be prioritized and schedule by the CCADB Steering Committee.  

Revision as of 21:51, 3 May 2023

CA Program Bugzilla Dashboards

Bug Triage in Mozilla's CA Certificate Program

Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program governs inclusion of root certificates in Network Security Services (NSS), a set of open source libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. The NSS root certificate store is not only used in Mozilla products such as the Firefox browser, but is also used by other companies in a variety of products.

The Bugzilla products/components related to the CA Certificate Program are:

The CA Certificate Program deviates from Mozilla's standardized Bugzilla Bug Triage process for bug priorities (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5). Priorities are not used for CA compliance bugs because they do not directly include code changes to Mozilla's release trains or iterations. Priorities are used, however, for tracking CCADB enhancements and for prioritizing root inclusion requests. See

Compliance Problems and Incidents

To report a concern about certificates being issued by a CA in Mozilla's Program, or their audit statements:

If the bug concerns CA certificate issuance, then the bug summary should begin with the CA name (followed by a colon and then a space), so that sorting the bugs by Summary will sort the bugs by CA.

Open CA Compliance bugs:

If the bug concerns audit statements not containing expected information, then the bug summary should begin with auditor's name, so that sorting the bugs by Summary will sort the bugs by auditor name.

Open Auditor Compliance bugs:

The whiteboard tags for CA Program :: CA Certificate Compliance include:

New Whiteboard Tags appended to [ca-compliance] include the following:

  • [ca-misissuance] mis-issuance of a CA certificate
  • [dv-misissuance] mis-issuance of a DV certificate
  • [ov-misissuance] mis-issuance of an OV end-entity certificate
  • [ev-misissuance] mis-issuance of an EV end-entity certificate
  • [crl-failure] failure to provide certificate status via CRL; malformed, expired CRL
  • [ocsp-failure] failure to provide certificate status via OCSP; malformed, expired OCSP
  • [policy-failure] failure to update CP/CPS annually, failure to comply with practice in CP/CPS, misunderstanding requirements, failed implementation
  • [disclosure-failure] failure to disclose an ICA, failure to report revocation of an ICA, non-disclosure-of-EV-sources, miscommunication, poor communication, etc.
  • [audit-failure] failure to perform an audit, failure to upload audits, etc.

Root Inclusion/Change requests and EV Treatment Enablement Requests

A representative of a CA may begin the process of root inclusion, change, or ev-enablement by filing a Bugzilla Bug as described here:

Root Inclusion Requests are prioritized as described here:

The whiteboard tags for CA Program :: CA Certificate Root Program are:

CA Audit Statement Bugs

CA Program Process or Policy Related Bugs

Certificate Revocation Related Bugs

  • [ca-onecrl] -- bugs related to updating entries in OneCRL. Under normal circumstances a Bugzilla Bug is not needed for this. Rather, the CA should report the revocation via the Common CA Database.
  • OneCRL Entries Generated -- bugs for verifying OneCRL entries before they are pushed to production. These bugs are automatically generated from CCADB for standard revocations of intermediate certificates that are reported by CAs. Otherwise these bugs are generated by manually running the tools for specially requested additions to OneCRL.

Common CA Database (CCADB)

The Priority field is used for CCADB Enhancement Requests and bugs as follows:

  • P1 - Development in progress
  • P2 - Design complete
  • P3 - Prioritized
  • P4 or not set - To be prioritized and scheduled later

Bugs that unintentionally remove pre-existing functionality or negatively impact CCADB users should have priority over Enhancements, and should be set to P1. Low impact bugs will start at P4 and be considered with ERs. If it's a low LOE bug (less than 4 hours of work) it can go from P4 to P1 without prioritization/design.