Thunderbird/StatusMeetings/2009-03-10: Difference between revisions

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===== rkent =====
===== rkent =====
My mailnews work has focused recently on three primary activity threads:
*Bayesian filter feature extensions, including more precise control of application, and use with rss and nntp
** {{bug|478840}} (landed) Support inherited folder properties
** {{bug|481676}} (in review) Move bayes listeners to nsMsgDBFolder
** {{bug|471833}} (next) Provide hooks to control calculation of bayesian filter traits
*Prevent loss of message database information
** {{bug|459680}} (partial solution in review) Moves and copies should move all database info
** {{bug|340886}} (not started) Junk status changes to "unknown" when I delete or separate an attachment
*Search all address fields capability
** {{bug|310359}} (parent, partial solution landed) search all address fields capability (Bcc:s too!)
** {{bug|381667}} (in review) Support BCC in message summary files
** (unfiled) add BCC to All Messages search
** (unfiled) support reordering of message search terms
** (unfiled) support all message search in online IMAP search
I'm largely review limited at the moment, which I expect to get continually worse, so I think I only have another couple of weeks of mailnews patches before I can pretty much kiss further TB3 work goodbye.

===== rebron =====
===== rebron =====

Revision as of 21:03, 9 March 2009

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Thunderbird Meeting Details :


Action Items




Thunderbird 3 Beta 3

Thunderbird 3

  • Please set bugs to assigned status (as well as owner to you) if you want to do them.
  • If you have other bugs assigned to you that you don't want to do, please reassign or discuss with drivers.
  • Trying to put together a schedule that will land features every week or two. dmose will be putting a plan together.

QA Updates

  • Testing updates for releases prior to beta2
  • Organized a DUPME bug day -> 10 bugs got changes on the dupme query
  • Will continue with bugdays until we have a better schedule for beta 3.
  • Hope we will be able to update prior releases to beta2 in oreder to figure out what is crashig in beta2.

Marketing Updates


Google Summer of Code

Please add your suggestions to the brainstorming page, doesn't matter if you don't want to be a mentor, ideas are the important part at this stage. Remember it needs to be about an 8-week chunk.

Students start discussing ideas on 18th March, start applying on 23rd March.

Status Updates

  • bug 326483 - create sample email for test; seems WFM.
    • Won't Save Incoming Mail Attachment if Chinese file name
  • bug 460605 - Initial testing done, waiting on more info.
    • Message Reader: header pane context menu popup takes too long for contacts in long list with lots of addresses
  • Some security bug triage.
  • Bugdays, QA, etc.

Two week goals:

  • Reduce review backlog to zero
  • bug 450134 - Autocomplete perf improvement (inc restore autocomplete on other email addresses).
    • Proposed a patch for this, got review comments, need to improve.
  • bug 440794 - Implement policy for sending in background, pref off to begin with.
  • bug 457296 - Design interfaces for a separate service (i.e. not directly linked to address book) to determine allowing remote images to load or not.

My mailnews work has focused recently on three primary activity threads:

  • Bayesian filter feature extensions, including more precise control of application, and use with rss and nntp
    • bug 478840 (landed) Support inherited folder properties
    • bug 481676 (in review) Move bayes listeners to nsMsgDBFolder
    • bug 471833 (next) Provide hooks to control calculation of bayesian filter traits
  • Prevent loss of message database information
    • bug 459680 (partial solution in review) Moves and copies should move all database info
    • bug 340886 (not started) Junk status changes to "unknown" when I delete or separate an attachment
  • Search all address fields capability
    • bug 310359 (parent, partial solution landed) search all address fields capability (Bcc:s too!)
    • bug 381667 (in review) Support BCC in message summary files
    • (unfiled) add BCC to All Messages search
    • (unfiled) support reordering of message search terms
    • (unfiled) support all message search in online IMAP search

I'm largely review limited at the moment, which I expect to get continually worse, so I think I only have another couple of weeks of mailnews patches before I can pretty much kiss further TB3 work goodbye.

  • Done :
    • DUPME event - not satisfied by results
    • Attended MozCamp/Utrecht
      • Met a few interested people
      • Once STEEL's out we should attend Extension Workshop
  • Continuing:
    • QA plan
    • Engaging communities
  • Todo:
    • Try to communicate more effectively
    • explain what and why QA is important - to try to get w few more people onboard
    • Plan tb3.0b3 testing
