Webdev:Meetings:2010-07-20: Difference between revisions

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** Group chat, room monitors, some administrative controls still in the works.
** Group chat, room monitors, some administrative controls still in the works.
* More bugs for SUMO 2.2
* More bugs for SUMO 2.2
** In theory, fixed test_sphinx_down
** Lots of typography bugs to fix; {{bug|575882}}, {{bug|575723}}, {{bug|575645}}
** Lots of typography bugs to fix; {{bug|575882}}, {{bug|575723}}, {{bug|575645}}
* Favorite part of Summit? Probably the Friday night party, but the whole thing was a lot of fun.
* Favorite part of Summit? Probably the Friday night party, but the whole thing was a lot of fun.

Revision as of 18:20, 20 July 2010

Open Items



  • Getting the validator into Zamboni
  • AJAX!
  • Wow!
  • Fantastic!


  • Page performance
  • Firefox Home
  • Cleanup
  • Favorite Summit moment? When Jay ditched Keynote for HTML5, CSS3, Websockets, and an N900.


  • SUMO KB [1]
  • AMO Dev Tools [2]
  • L10n Dashboard [3]
  • Fx4 Beta [4] and Release [5]
  • Socorro 2.0 [6]
  • BYOB [7]
  • Too much else to remember



  • IE 6 CSS support for tags
  • Found a little hole in the HTML5 spec or W3C's validator where hidden inputs aren't labelable. Talked to the validator authors and ended up opening a spec bug: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10146
  • Explored memcaching for tags. django-cache-machine will need significant work on many-to-many and generic foreign key invalidation to make this feasible.
  • Implemented creation of new tags.
  • Improved visual feedback when applying tags: happens faster and folds case client-side.
  • Turned up a jQuery bug where autocomplete treats vocabulary entries as HTML for menu-drawing but text in the input box. Bad for XSS. Reported, and it's fixed: http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/5275.
  • Started on question-editing.
  • My favorite summit moment had to be jumping in an alpine lake on a whim. Last music was Right Now. Yay, DRM-free Amazon tracks.


  • More of remora in zamboni (search-tools, reviews, collections)
  • Removing invalidation in cache-machine to make z 2-5x faster
  • Logging timing info on every request
  • Playing with redis and mongodb for amo
  • Summit: Saturday: mountain biking ropes course, running, swimming in the lake
  • Music: One Day as a Lion


  • Progress with Inko (Live Chat)
    • Now with more chatting! Reference implementation for both Agent and Guest are working.
    • Server supports most of the agent-guest interaction requirements.
    • Group chat, room monitors, some administrative controls still in the works.
  • More bugs for SUMO 2.2
  • Favorite part of Summit? Probably the Friday night party, but the whole thing was a lot of fun.


  • Working to get SUMO 2.2 frozen.
  • Started a couple little ideas:
    • django-csp a small bit of middleware to inject the CSP headers. Needs work to actually be configurable.
    • Something called django-pulse or django-heartbeat, it's very early, but it's a way to hook up various signals to LegNeato's Mozilla Pulse.
  • Oh, and I moved to New York. Looking for apartments now.
  • Last music: The new BSS.
  • Favorite Summit Moment: The Labs/WebDev/IT mashup was the most useful, but getting kicked out of Wil's room was probably the best.


  • I'm going to work more closely with Labs on Webdev-related items
  • I'm looking at the http://graphs.mozilla.org service; planning to rewrite the CGI scripts, get it ready for further enhancements
    • I want to use Silver Lining somewhere, lacking any other takers I'll try to use it with graphs.
  • Consulting with Tarek on Python rewrite of Sync server
  • Trying to restart WSGI 2, Python 3 discussions; we've been hung up on a bytes-or-text question for a couple years now.
  • Last music: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
  • Favorite Summit moment: riding down from the mountain top


  • continued work on Socorro 1.8
    • fleshing out the registrar and its services
  • made emergency version 1.7.2
    • with extra retries to avoid HBase problems
  • another fire drill about duplicate crashes in Socorro
    • defensive action - trying to prove that it isn't our fault
    • working with Metrics
      • finding some crashes repeated identically over 1000 times
  • attended one day of OSCON for Hadoop Training
    • lecturer: "HBase is promising, but it's not ready for production deployment"
  • favorite Summit Moment:
    • riding the Sea To Sky highway at 30kph over the speed limit
  • most recent music:
    • Shostakovitch Symphony #11


  • Following up on all the Summit stuff took a chunk of last week
  • At OSCON this week learning all about Hadoop and Python. Talking Thursday about Declaring Technical Bankruptcy (when to rewrite vs just refactor)
    • I learned Hbase isn't appropriate for production :P
    • Also, Hbase vs RDBMS moves effort back from the hardware to the programmer
  • Working on Socorro 1.8, freeze in a week
  • Shipped 1.7.2
  • Looking into duplicate crashes
    • good news is it's not a new problem
  • Preparing for jetpack and content crashes
  • Have three blog posts in the works (1.7, crash spike, Socorro PRD)
  • Finalizing Socorro PRD
  • Favorite summit moment: world expo
    • Also, the bear which I forgot until I saw Les' update
  • Last music I bought was a CD of Gaelic lullabies.


  • BYOB v1 launched, wheee!
  • PluginDir bugfixes
  • Pitched in on some Firefox Home issues (including an iPhone app patch)
  • Started poking a Badger
    • Merit badges & achievements for people of the web
    • Inspired by the keynote slide of the Boy Scouts
    • Brief summit brainstorming with @dria and scribbling on the bus
    • Building on Django & Pinax
    • Planned and working features (trying out Cucumber/Freshen BDD-style feature tests)
    • Temporary prototype demo (dev server, deployment fail)
  • My last album downloaded:
  • My favorite summit moments (a tie):
    • Multi-player asteroids deathmatch over websockets
    • The 3D spaceship demo
    • Paul Rouget's demos
    • Laura and I saw a bear running off with stolen hamburger buns on the way back from the dinner at the end.


  • Fx4 redesign creative reviews and content gathering
  • Fx4 redesign IA
  • Web dev project initiation form
  • Kickoff engagement email initiative
  • Mobile beta 2 planning
  • Last record: John Martyn, Live at Leeds
  • Fave summit moment: The spirited conversations at the breakout sessions. Especially the Firefox UX breakout session (there was beer involved).


  • Summitr mashups
    • -moz-transform, zooming in, and JS-backed animations don't mix well
    • For rapid development, enabling mashups and self-hosting is an excellent thing
  • Phonebook bugs here and there
    • The plague that is offset undefined should hopefully be gone, bug 577006
    • Widen its scope, bug 571881
  • Near the end of staging Sheriff app
    • Can-o'-bash-scripts!
  • Favorite summit moments:
    • One of the Firefox interns, mmmulani, had a vader moment
    • Shotgunning a bear and watching other Mozillians (e.g. fwenzel) do it too
    • Partying Friday night
    • Getting non-intoxicated French-speaking Mozillians to admit that my French is decent


  • interviews
  • goals
  • mail stuff for fx home
  • 9-year old intern (pic, site)
  • current: testpilot & blocklist stuff
  • roget's demos


Favorite summit memory was meeting many new faces


  • on vacation in Romania for the 3 weeks preceeding summit, to celebrate graduation
  • started full time last week, woot!
  • lots of catching up
  • SUMO 2.2

Favorite summit moment: Friday night dancing.

Can't remember the last time I purchased or pirated music. I mostly listen online.


  • ozten and I were at FSWS in Portland on Sunday. Major outcomes: Private info discovery and SWAT test. Also managed to convince some people to contribute to Drumbeat rewrite.
  • Django rewrite of Drumbeat (batucada) is in progress. Cobbled together locale middleware from AMO and SUMO. Should probably try to generalize that code.
  • Working on user registration / signin. Have basic OpenID flow working. Next up is building basic social infrastructure (friends, groups).
  • Need to set up test structure, add project to Hudson.

Fav moz10 moment: 2am scotch party on hotel lobby floor after the roundhouse party.



  • SUMO 2.2
    • Adding features
    • Fixing bugs
    • Reviewing patches
  • Favorite Summit moment
    • Bear chasing Les, Laura and myself in the village after the closing party
    • When Shaver's demo crashed?




  • Favorite Summit moment: The awesome group photo. Holy crap there are a lot of Mozillians!


  • AMO is progressing. As usual, we have more work than people
  • I'm mostly not writing patches now, although:
  • I'm looking at flightdeck code for integration into AMO
  • working on some security stuff
  • AMO is moving pushes to thurs, freezes to fri
  • broke a keyboard this week
  • whistler was great
  • music!