Webdev:Meetings:2012-02-14: Difference between revisions

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== schalk ==
== schalk ==
== seanmonstar ==
== seanmonstar ==
- FlightDeck 1.0 soon!
- Shipyard 0.1 soon!
* FlightDeck 1.0 soon!
* Shipyard 0.1 soon!

== ubernostrum ==
== ubernostrum ==

Latest revision as of 19:31, 14 February 2012

Meeting Info

Open Items

  • Off-site
  • Mozcamps
  • Webdev in 2013



  • Programming, programming, programming...
  • Thinking a bit, too
  • It seems we'll soon have some ElasticSearch in Socorro!








  • Winding down on Press Center.
  • Ramping up on One Mozilla blog theme, plus other One Mozilla work as it comes.
  • New HTML5 landing page on MDN.
  • New Apps landing page on MDN tied in with our presence at Mobile World Congress.
  • Firefox Live is back! Restored video feeds of 24/7 adorability.

You can keep your chalky hearts with poor grammar, Cadbury creme eggs are already available in some stores.




  • Updating Haystack to make more sense.
  • LDAP removed from Mozillians
  • Helping plan Flux onsite's offsite with Vinny
  • Candy: Not the brazillian stuff, I think it made me sick.





  • Dev Engage week and event in NYC.
    • MDN workweek alongside.
  • SUMO Dev workweek.
  • MDN MindTouch contract.
  • Was in MV/SF for 3 days.
  • Erik left. Dave's leaving. I has a sad.
  • Small Arecibo patches.
  • Laura and Brandon came up to NYC for a day, we saw Rasmus talk about PHP.
  • Best Valentine's candy, hmm... some kind of dark chocolate something.


  • started the process of converting AMO to use the Django Storage API so we can host our files in the cloud (AMO will soon be served across multiple data centers)
  • built a devhub page where app developers can generate a key to use in-app payments
  • was out on some PTO
  • favorite candy? red hots



  • Socorro 2.4.2 and 2.4.3. Trying weekly pushes for a bit.
  • Pushing on various bits of IT for this list
  • Helped out getting server for Pontoon and secreview for Narro
  • Frighted infrasec with a pwned community website bug 723300
  • Learned about the world of Bouncer with Fred and Rik
  • Iterating on RelEng dashboard - lonnen and bear are working on it now
  • I don't know what else but it feels like a really long two weeks.
  • Giving a talk on 2/28 about Socorro at the NYC Tech Talks


  • mdn 2.2 pushing today
    • wiki migration
      • migrate redirects
      • start work to migrate tags & locales/translations
    • browserid
      • use progressive enhancement
  • mdn 2.3 backlog
    • wiki migration
      • migrate tags
      • migrate code samples
      • migrate file attachments
    • MWC page
    • bugs
  • candy


  • StatsD in Socorro

not candy, but more interesting: http://atlasobscura.com/place/relics-st-valentine-chelmno


  • Continuing work on MindTouch to Kuma migration
  • KumaScript madness
  • Migration madness
  • Valentine candy
    • Carrots, because candy does bad things to me


  • social sharing buttons
  • press center WP migration
  • Google analytics transition
  • Air Mozilla redesign
  • Mozilla Spaces website
  • Web prod housekeeping
  • getpersonas.com renaming/redirect
  • those chalky little candy hearts with the messages on them


  • Finishing up Flicks functionality
  • Trying to catch up on django-browserid fixes once Flicks is done
  • I'm on PTO next week!

Anything with the name Reese's on it is superior.




  • Working with lars to refactor and rewrite large parts of inner Socorro
    • Crashstorage to become a Configman app
  • Interviewing, interviewing, interviewing
    • 4th on-site yesterday since middle of last week
    • need to get better on reading up on people's resume before quizzing them
    • I like the nice free lunch but it bothers me how long time it takes as a total disruption
      • no solution in mind yet
  • Finally got the new design ready for Elmo
    • stalling on launching it because under-optimized view functions with excess queries is UBER-SLOW when the database isn't local
  • Been experimenting with Full-text indexing in Postgres as a potential alternative to ES

Favorite candy: Wings and beer!






I've been working on some code cleanup around groups and permissions in AMO, and some trailing default-to-compatible updates. AMO is now using ES for its API search (via Firefox). That leaves only a couple minor pieces on AMO that use Sphinx.



  • FlightDeck 1.0 soon!
  • Shipyard 0.1 soon!


  • Django 1.4 is trying very hard to kill me.
  • I like candy.



  • I went to Thailand
  • I'm back from Thailand
  • Thailand is weird

Also, I'm catching up on email and back onto working closer with Mozillians. We moved away from LDAP (yay all involved!) and now I'm cleaning out old LDAP code from the app.

Favourite Valentine's Day candy? Red wine and scotch.


  • got both hands full with the various One Mozilla related projects
  • also, phone screening and interviewing people to join our team!
  • Preparing for Flux onsite the week of Feb 27.

Favorite valentine's day candy:

  • Bacon.
  • Heart-shaped bacon.



  • continued work on migrating SUMO from Sphinx to ElasticSearch; indexing improvements, reduced downtime, search view performance improvements
  • fiddled with django 1.4 alpha 1
  • listened to everything davedash said about ES and haystack