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'''Electrical voltage''' is the same in all European countries ('''230 Volt/50 Hz''') and the electrical outlets are of type [ C] and [ E], like in most continental European countries.  
'''Electrical voltage''' is the same in all European countries ('''230 Volt/50 Hz''') and the electrical outlets are of type [ C] and [ E], like in most continental European countries.  

Guests coming from the UK will need an adaptor as the plug is different in Poland than in the UK. You can find this in any shop selling electrical goods.
Guests coming from the UK will need an adapter as the plug is different in Poland than in the UK. You can find this in any shop selling electrical goods.

If travelling from other than the European countries, please make sure to take into account possible differences in voltage and outlet shapes.
If travelling from other than the European countries, please make sure to take into account possible differences in voltage and outlet shapes.

Revision as of 17:44, 20 June 2012

Traveling to Warsaw

Entry Fee

There are no fees associated with entering or leaving the territory of Poland

Passport/VISA Requirements

More info here.

MozCamp Europe - Warsaw 2012 Facts

Map and Point of Interest

The official MozCamp Europe is here:

It includes 4 key locations of MozCamp:

  • Hotel
  • Venue
  • Friday Welcome Event
  • Saturday Dinner


Arriving in Warsaw


All flights will arrive to Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport.


Taxi Companies

There are official taxis in Warsaw, as well as "minicabs" (Polish: przewóz osób).

Minicabs are usually much cheaper than official taxis, but as their prices are unregulated, some may in fact be overly expensive. Check the fare before boarding a minicab.

A registered taxi will have a "TAXI" sign on the roof, a license number and a sticker with fare information. NOTE: some of the overly expensive minicab companies may trick you using sings like "TAKI" or "TAX1".

Złap Taxi is an iPhone / Android / Bada app that lists taxi and cheap minicabs companies with current fare information.

Public Transportation

In Warsaw, public transport consists of:

Underground, tramways, buses and municipal railways (with the exception of WKD trains) accept the same Municipal Transport Authority tickets.

Regional trains are operated by Koleje Mazowieckie. International and inter-regional trains are operated by PKP Intercity and Przewozy Regionalne. With the exception of a few Przewozy Regionalne trains, regional and inter-regional trains DO NOT accept Municipal Transport Authority tickets. is a site and phone app that will find you the shortest or fastest connection with all public transportation.

At major transfer points (metro stations, municipal railway stations, many bus/tram stops) you can find ticket vending machines. Tickets can also be bought in news agent stores. The MTA lists ticket prices here, the single-ride ticket costs 3.60 zł.


Hotel Wifi

Hotel Sponsorship

Conference Venue

Conference Venue Wifi

Power Outlets

Electrical voltage is the same in all European countries (230 Volt/50 Hz) and the electrical outlets are of type C and E, like in most continental European countries.

Guests coming from the UK will need an adapter as the plug is different in Poland than in the UK. You can find this in any shop selling electrical goods.

If travelling from other than the European countries, please make sure to take into account possible differences in voltage and outlet shapes.

Mobile Phones

Orange and T-Mobile have their local companies in Poland. Other mobile brands are Plus and Play.

Many news agent stores ("kiosk" in Polish) sell pre-paid starters of some or all of the major networks for a few złoty.

Money and Tiping

Local currency is Polish Złoty (zł, PLN). It's divided into 100 groszy (singular: grosz).

1 zł = 100 gr

The plural form is "złote" or "złotych" depending on the actual number.

  • 1 złoty
  • 2 / 3 / 4 złote
  • 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200 złotych

1 EUR is equal to 4.30-4.60 zł. The actual exchange rate varies - check National Bank of Poland website for the current one.

Information about Warsaw and Poland

Art and Culture



Maps and Points of Interest

Safety Guidelines

In an Emergency

  • 112 - Police / Ambulance / Fire Department
  • 997 - Police
  • 998 - Fire Department
  • 999 - Ambulance

Note: the "112" number is what usually works from mobile phones; the 99x numbers work from land line / phone booths.


In Poland, Polish is spoken by the whole population.

In major cities like Warsaw people younger than 40 should also be able to communicate in English. Older generations should be able to speak some basic Russian. German is also a popular foreign language.

Speakers of related Slavic languages (in particular: the West Slavic ones) can be understood by Polish speakers to a certain degree if they speak slowly.

See Wikipedia: Polish language for more information.

Common Polish Phrases

  • I don't speak Polish - Nie mówię po polsku [nyeh moov-ye poh pohls-koo]
  • Hi / Hello - Cześć [tsheshtch]
  • Good morning/afternoon! - Dzień dobry! [tchen-dob-ree]
  • Good bye - Do widzenia [doh-vee-dzen-ya]
  • Good night - Dobranoc [dohb-rah-notz]
  • See you - Do zobaczenia [doh-zoh-ba-tchen-ya]
  • Thank you - Dziękuję [tchen-koo-yeh]
  • Excuse me / I am sorry - Przepraszam [pshe-pra-sham]
  • How are you? - Jak się masz? [yak sheh mash]
  • Fine, thanks - W porządku, dzięki [fpo-zhond-koo, tchen-kee]
  • Yes - Tak [tak]
  • No - Nie [nyeh]
  • I don't know - Nie wiem [nyeh vyem]
  • I don't understand - Nie rozumiem [nyeh roh-zoo-myem]
  • I need help - Potrzebuję pomocy [pot-sheh-boo-yeh poh-mo-tzee]
  • My name is ... - Nazywam się ... [na-zee-vam sheh ...]
  • What's your name? - Jak się nazywasz? [yak sheh na-zee-vash] (informal)
  • What is your name, Sir/Madam? - Jak się Pan/Pani nazywa? [yak sheh pahn/pah-nee na-zee-va] (formal)
  • taxi - taxi
  • bus - autobus [aw-toh-boos]
  • tram - tramwaj [tram-vay]
  • train - pociąg [poh-tchong]
  • subway/underground - metro [met-roh]
  • car (automobile) - samochód [sah-moh-hood]
  • Where's the nearest underground/railway station? - Gdzie jest najbliższa stacja metra/kolejowa? [je yest nay-bleezh-shah statz-yah met-rah/koh-leh-yo-vah?]
  • Where's the nearest tram/bus stop? - Gdzie jest najbliższy przystanek tramwajowy/autobusowy? [je yest nay-bleezh-shee pshys-tah-nek tram-vay-oh-vee/awt-oh-boo-so-vee]
  • One single-fare ticket, please - Poproszę bilet na jeden przejazd [pop-roh-sheh bee-let nah yeh-den pshe-yazd]
  • I'm looking for this address - Szukam tego adresu [shoo-kahm te-goh ad-re-soo]
  • Can you call me a taxi? - Czy mógłby Pan/mogłaby Pani wezwać mi taksówkę? [tchee moog-bee pahn|mog-wa-bee pah-nee vez-vatch mee tak-soov-keh] (mógłby Pan - if talking to a man, mogłaby Pani - to a woman)
  • Please take me to this address - Proszę mnie zawieźć pod ten adres [proh-sheh mnyeh zah-vyeshtch pohd tehn ad-ress]
  • Please take me to Warsaw Chopin Airport (WAW) - Proszę mnie zawieźć na lotnisko Chopina [proh-sheh mnyeh zah-vyeshtch nah lot-nees-koh sho-peh-nah] (the airport for standard airlines like LOT, Lufthansa, Air France etc.)
  • Please take me to Warsaw-Mazovia Modlin Airport (WMI) - Proszę mnie zawieźć na lotnisko w Modlinie [proh-sheh mnyeh zah-vyeshtch nah lot-nees-koh vmod-lee-nyeh] (the airport for low-cost airlines, like Ryanair and Wizzair)
  • Please take me to the Central/East/West Railway Station - Proszę mnie zawieźć na Dworzec Centralny/Wschodni/Zachodni [proh-sheh mnyeh zah-vyeshtch nah dvo-zhetz tzen-tral-nee/fs-hod-nee/zah-hod-nee]
  • Please take me to the ... Hotel - Proszę mnie zawieźć do hotelu ... [proh-sheh mnyeh zah-vyeshtch doh ho-teh-loo ...]
  • Open - Otwarte [oht-far-teh] or Czynne [tcheen-neh]
  • Closed - Zamknięte [zamk-nyen-teh] or Nieczynne [nye-tcheen-neh]
  • How much does this cost? - Ile to kosztuje? [ee-leh toh kosh-too-yeh]
  • Do you accept credit cards? - Czy akceptujecie karty kredytowe? [tchee ak-tzep-too-yeh-tcheh kar-tee kreh-dee-to-veh]
  • Cash only - Tylko gotówką [teel-koh goh-toov-kom]
  • Cheers! - Na zdrowie! [nah-zdro-vyeh]
  • Beer - Piwo [pee-voh]
  • Wine - Wino [vee-noh]
  • Vodka - Wódka [vood-kah]
  • Shaken, not stirred - Wstrząśnięte, nie mieszane [fst-shon-shnen-teh, nyeh myeh-shah-neh]
  • One more, please - Proszę jeszcze jedno [proh-sheh yesh-tcheh yehd-no]
  • It's enough for me - Już mi wystarczy [yoozh mee vees-tahr-tchee]
  • A glass of beer for everyone - Po jednym kuflu piwa dla każdego - [poh yehd-neem koof-loo pee-vah dlah kazh-deh-goh]
  • Bon appetit! - Smacznego [smatch-neh-goh]
  • Police - Policja [poh-leetz-yah]
  • Ambulance - Karetka (pogotowia) [kah-ret-kah (poh-goh-tov-yah)] or Ambulans [am-boo-lans]
  • Fire department - Straż pożarna [strazh poh-zhar-nah]
  • I love Warsaw/Poland - Kocham Warszawę/Polskę - [ko-ham var-sha-veh/pohls-keh]
  • I am from Mozilla - Jestem z Mozilli - [yes-tehm zmoh-zeel-lee]

See also: BBC: Polish basics

Leaving Warsaw