MozCampEU2012/ProposedTalks: Difference between revisions

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2. [ Introduction To The WebAPIs]
2. [ Introduction To The WebAPIs]

3. [ Design Principles of the B2G UX]


Revision as of 14:42, 16 July 2012

MozCamp Format

For MozCamp Europe, we're evolving the format from presentation-based conference to an interactive camp featuring tracks, workshops, sprints, and hacking opportunities with clear deliverables + goals to achieve by the end of the weekend.

For a list of our MozCamp goals, please see here:

With this new format, we ask that at least 40% of each presentation be an interactive activity which results in an outcome or deliverable which furthers these goals. This activity can take many forms. Examples include:

  • Tutorial on how to contribute to B2G
  • Code of Conduct Discussion
  • Workshop on how to recruit HTML5 developers
  • Apps Brainstorm + Creation Sprint

Ways to Participate in MozCamp

There are two key ways in which an individual can participate in MozCamp:

1. Host a Session

2. Join the onsite team to help support and run the event

How to Propose a Session

1. Review the MozCamp goals, tracks, and sessions that we're on the lookout for here:

2. Make your proposal compelling by being able to illustrate in your wiki page how the content of your session will help accomplish the larger MozCamp goals.

3. Decide on the ideal length of your session. Proposals will be considered for sessions of 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes (with exceptions for shorter workshops and sprints).

4. Decide the track in which your session would best belong. The MozCamp are as follows:

  • Apps + B2G
  • Mobile + Desktop
  • Grow Mozilla

5. Create a wiki page (according to the format listed below) and post the link to this wiki page under the track in which you would anticipate giving your talk.

NOTE: You attendance at MozCamp Europe is dependent on your completion of a wiki page. All wiki pages must be linked to the appropriate track under "List of Participation Proposals" by JULY 26th. It should take you ~5 minutes to complete the wiki page.

Template for Participation Proposal [Hosting a Session]

Title of Session (should also be the title of your Wiki page):


Are you paid or volunteer staff?:

Area of Contribution (Team Name):

How are you currently involved with the community?:

Location of Work (where do you reside?):

Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes):


How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals (

Expected Outcome or Deliverable:

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set:

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): 


To Be Completed by the Audience-

(If you would like) Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) or indicate what 
information you hope to gain by attending this talk here:

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

List of Participation Proposals [Hosting a Session]

Desktop and Mobile






B2G and Apps

1. Bootstrap Your Apps With Mortar

2. Introduction To The WebAPIs

3. Design Principles of the B2G UX



Grow Mozilla






MozCamp Participation [Not Hosting a Session]

If you are not interested in giving a talk, but still would like to be an active participant at MozCamp Europe, there are many roles which you could propose to fill, including:

  • Recruit volunteers into a functional area
  • Volunteer coordinator (for those individuals who will be volunteering at the event)
  • Community Quilt Lead
  • Leadership Q&A moderator
  • Assistance with Welcome Event or Saturday night dinner
  • Track lead support
  • Communications lead (responsible for compiling the MozCamp Guidebook and daily communications at the event itself)
  • Gear organizer
  • Futbol game organizer
  • Keeper of the Firefox costume (and it's schedule)
  • Edit the wiki
  • Assemble a playlist for the keynotes
  • Dress up as Firefox to welcome people to the event :-)

For more questions on how to be directly involved with MozCamp (without giving a talk), please contact Kate directly at

Template to use for a Participation Proposal [Not Hosting a Session]


Area of Contribution (Team Name):

Paid or Non-paid Staff:

How are you currently involved with (or in) the community?:

Location of Work (where do you reside?):

How you would like to participate in MozCamp:

Goals in Attending MozCamp:

List of Participation Proposals [Not Hosting a Session]






Indicate which talks you'd like to attend

Please let us know which talk you are interested in attending by including your name on the talk's wiki page under the category, 'Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk'. Please indicate which talks you would like to attend by JULY 30th.