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/&gt;<ul><li>Weekly dial-in meeting</li><li>Conference Number: <b>+1 800-503-2899</b></li><li>7-Digit Access Code: <b>5435555#</b></li><li>International toll-free numbers: &lt;a href="http://mzl.la/International"&gt;<b>http://mzl.la/International</b>&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li><li>Back-up agenda, in case of etherpad fail:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/backup"&gt;http://mzl.la/backup&lt;/a&gt;</li></ul></li><li>Join us for video and camera sharing:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/screenshare"&gt;http://mzl.la/screenshare&lt;/a&gt; <i>(click and enter any name)</i></li></ul></li><li>Channels and Communications Resources:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Comms"&gt;http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Comms&lt;/a&gt;</li></ul></li><li>Subscribe to the Webmaker mailing list:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Newsgroup"&gt;http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Newsgroup&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li></ul></li></ul>=================================================================<br /><b>February 19th, 2013</b><br />================================================================<br /><b>Roll Call. Who's here?</b><br />&#160;(please add yourself to this list)<br /><ul><li>@OpenMatt</li><li>@secretrobotron</li><li>Mike McCarthy @drawnalong</li><li>Geoffrey @taliesan</li><li>Doug (@dajbelshaw)</li><li>Carla @carlacasilli</li><li>John (@bevangelist)</li><li>Emily @emgollie</li><li><br /></li><li>Laura Hilliger (@epilepticrabbit)<br /></li><li><br /></li><li><br /></li><li><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></li></ul>================================================================<br /><b>WELCOME! Introductions &amp; new team members</b><br />Any first-timers here?&#160;:) Say hello! (and maybe add your name?&#160;;)<br /><ul><li>Hello world! I'm Katie Webmaker. I love donuts, CSS and punk rock.</li><li><br /><br /><br /></li></ul>================================================================<br /><b>Reminders</b><br /><ul><li><b>Muting now. </b>All lines are muted by default. *7 to unmute.&#160;</li><li><b>Join us for screen sharing:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/screenshare"&gt;http://mzl.la/screenshare&lt;/a&gt; (enter any name)</li></ul></li><li><b>Recording now. </b>This meeting will be recorded.&#160;<br /><br /></li></ul>================================================================<br /><b>Weekly Update</b><br /><ul><li><b>Summary of last week's call:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Updates"&gt;http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Updates&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Video of last week's call:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://youtu.be/2nBHT_Un7HM"&gt;<u>http://youtu.be/2nBHT_Un7HM</u>&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Aggregated blog &amp; press coverage:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://www.netvibes.com/mozmaker#Mozilla_Web_Makers"&gt;http://www.netvibes.com/mozmaker#Mozilla_Web_Makers&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /><br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Anything missing? Please add blog posts &amp; press:</b><ul><li><br /></li><li><br /><br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Get your stuff on @mozilla:</b><ul><li>Click here: &lt;a href="https://etherpad.mozilla.org/Tweets"&gt;<b>https://etherpad.mozilla.org/Tweets</b>&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /><br /><br /></li></ul></li></ul>================================================================
/&gt;<ul><li>Weekly dial-in meeting</li><li>Conference Number: <b>+1 800-503-2899</b></li><li>7-Digit Access Code: <b>5435555#</b></li><li>International toll-free numbers: &lt;a href="http://mzl.la/International"&gt;<b>http://mzl.la/International</b>&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li><li>Back-up agenda, in case of etherpad fail:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/backup"&gt;http://mzl.la/backup&lt;/a&gt;</li></ul></li><li>Join us for video and camera sharing:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/screenshare"&gt;http://mzl.la/screenshare&lt;/a&gt; <i>(click and enter any name)</i></li></ul></li><li>Channels and Communications Resources:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Comms"&gt;http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Comms&lt;/a&gt;</li></ul></li><li>Subscribe to the Webmaker mailing list:<ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Newsgroup"&gt;http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Newsgroup&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li></ul></li></ul>=================================================================<br /><b>February 19th, 2013</b><br />================================================================<br /><b>Roll Call. Who's here?</b><br />&#160;(please add yourself to this list)<br /><ul><li>@OpenMatt</li><li>@secretrobotron</li><li>Mike McCarthy @drawnalong</li><li>Geoffrey @taliesan</li><li>Doug (@dajbelshaw)</li><li>Carla @carlacasilli</li><li>John (@bevangelist)</li><li>Emily @emgollie</li><li><br /></li><li>Laura Hilliger (@epilepticrabbit)<br /></li><li><br /></li><li><br /></li><li><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></li></ul>================================================================<br /><b>WELCOME! Introductions &amp; new team members</b><br />Any first-timers here?&#160;:) Say hello! (and maybe add your name?&#160;;)<br /><ul><li>Hello world! I'm Katie Webmaker. I love donuts, CSS and punk rock.</li><li><br /><br /><br /></li></ul>================================================================<br /><b>Reminders</b><br /><ul><li><b>Muting now. </b>All lines are muted by default. *7 to unmute.&#160;</li><li><b>Join us for screen sharing:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/screenshare"&gt;http://mzl.la/screenshare&lt;/a&gt; (enter any name)</li></ul></li><li><b>Recording now. </b>This meeting will be recorded.&#160;<br /><br /></li></ul>================================================================<br /><b>Weekly Update</b><br /><ul><li><b>Summary of last week's call:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Updates"&gt;http://mzl.la/Webmaker_Updates&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Video of last week's call:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://youtu.be/2nBHT_Un7HM"&gt;<u>http://youtu.be/2nBHT_Un7HM</u>&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Aggregated blog &amp; press coverage:</b><ul><li>&lt;a href="http://www.netvibes.com/mozmaker#Mozilla_Web_Makers"&gt;http://www.netvibes.com/mozmaker#Mozilla_Web_Makers&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /><br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Anything missing? Please add blog posts &amp; press:</b><ul><li><br /></li><li><br /><br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>Get your stuff on @mozilla:</b><ul><li>Click here: &lt;a href="https://etherpad.mozilla.org/Tweets"&gt;<b>https://etherpad.mozilla.org/Tweets</b>&lt;/a&gt;<br /><br /><br /><br /></li></ul></li></ul>================================================================
<h1> Valentine's Day Winners! Rebeccah 2 mins </h1>
<h1> Valentine's Day Winners! Rebeccah 2 mins </h1>
<br /><ul><li><b>Just wanted to share some of the great valentine's day projects that are definitely T-Shirt winners:</b><br /><br /><ul><li>&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0js/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0js/&lt;/a&gt;&#160;</li><li>(Diego)<br /><br /></li><li>***&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kj/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kj/&lt;/a&gt;</li><li>***&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kq/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kq/&lt;/a&gt;</li><li>@caseybecking (Husband and Wife exchanging cards)<br /><br /></li><li>&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0w8/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0w8/&lt;/a&gt;</li><li>Franz to Jeannette<br /><br /></li><li>***&lt;a href="http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lo9"&gt;http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lo9&lt;/a&gt; "Luna's New Boyfriend"</li><li><s>@</s>Fishytom&#160;<br /><br /></li><li>&lt;a href="http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lrr"&gt;http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lrr&lt;/a&gt; (from a fan of arabian anime to another)</li><li><s>@</s>ajsb85&#160;&#160;<br /><br /></li><li>***&lt;a href="http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/mhl"&gt;http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/mhl&lt;/a&gt; Code Scouts Wanna</li><li>@codescouts<br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>NOTES &amp; COMMENTS</b><ul><li>Jacob's amazing popcorn projects got a lot of love and the thimble trade actually worked in practice! Yay to everyone getting a Firefox-T Shirt!<br /><br /></li><li>From Sunday Feb 9th - now, the group project page (&lt;a href="https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/?topic=gift-card)"&gt;https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/?topic=gift-card)&lt;/a&gt; was viewed <b>9,012</b> times</li><li>the three projects ranked 5, 6 and 9 for that period, clearly the top projects&#160;</li><li>We blasted 18 tweets, four facebook promos, and 6 tumbls to promote these in only three* days</li><li>we had our best activity on tumblr yet from feb 12-14, and over 58 retweets on twitter promos<br /><br /></li></ul></li></ul><i>Note - these stats may be slightly off - but awesome stats reporting is inbound soon!</i><br /><br /><ul><li>thimble 'mash note' had 1,025&#160; views of this project, with 3:26 minutes spent on average</li><li>popcorn 'I &lt;3 you like' had 2,304 views with 2:21 minutes on project page (likely more within the make itself)</li><li>popcorn 'you make m wanna' had 02:21 views with 2:58 minutes spent on page&#160;<br /><br /></li><li><b>QUESTIONS&#160;</b></li><li><br /><br /><br /></li><li><b>How to Get Involved</b></li><li>We're working on our development process this week and soon will have some specific places for you to suggest projects, partners and leads for creative new content and projects. For now, contact Jacob or Rebeccah with your ideas via email!<br /><br /></li><li>check out our latest project: &lt;a href="https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/get-well-soon-gaga/"&gt;https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/get-well-soon-gaga/&lt;/a&gt; and tweet it with #GetWellSoonGaga thanks!<br /><br /></li></ul>================================================================
<br /><ul><li><b>Just wanted to share some of the great valentine's day projects that are definitely T-Shirt winners:</b><br /><br /><ul><li>&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0js/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0js/&lt;/a&gt;&#160;</li><li>(Diego)<br /><br /></li><li>***&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kj/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kj/&lt;/a&gt;</li><li>***&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kq/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0kq/&lt;/a&gt;</li><li>@caseybecking (Husband and Wife exchanging cards)<br /><br /></li><li>&lt;a href="https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0w8/"&gt;https://thimble.webmaker.org/p/f0w8/&lt;/a&gt;</li><li>Franz to Jeannette<br /><br /></li><li>***&lt;a href="http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lo9"&gt;http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lo9&lt;/a&gt; "Luna's New Boyfriend"</li><li><s>@</s>Fishytom&#160;<br /><br /></li><li>&lt;a href="http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lrr"&gt;http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/lrr&lt;/a&gt; (from a fan of arabian anime to another)</li><li><s>@</s>ajsb85&#160;&#160;<br /><br /></li><li>***&lt;a href="http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/mhl"&gt;http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/mhl&lt;/a&gt; Code Scouts Wanna</li><li>@codescouts<br /><br /></li></ul></li><li><b>NOTES &amp; COMMENTS</b><ul><li>Jacob's amazing popcorn projects got a lot of love and the thimble trade actually worked in practice! Yay to everyone getting a Firefox-T Shirt!<br /><br /></li><li>From Sunday Feb 9th - now, the group project page (&lt;a href="https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/?topic=gift-card)"&gt;https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/?topic=gift-card)&lt;/a&gt; was viewed <b>9,012</b> times</li><li>the three projects ranked 5, 6 and 9 for that period, clearly the top projects&#160;</li><li>We blasted 18 tweets, four facebook promos, and 6 tumbls to promote these in only three* days</li><li>we had our best activity on tumblr yet from feb 12-14, and over 58 retweets on twitter promos<br /><br /></li></ul></li></ul><i>Note - these stats may be slightly off - but awesome stats reporting is inbound soon!</i><br /><br /><ul><li>thimble 'mash note' had 1,025&#160; views of this project, with 3:26 minutes spent on average</li><li>popcorn 'I &lt;3 you like' had 2,304 views with 2:21 minutes on project page (likely more within the make itself)</li><li>popcorn 'you make m wanna' had 02:21 views with 2:58 minutes spent on page&#160;<br /><br /></li><li><b>QUESTIONS&#160;</b></li><li><br /><br /><br /></li><li><b>How to Get Involved</b></li><li>We're working on our development process this week and soon will have some specific places for you to suggest projects, partners and leads for creative new content and projects. For now, contact Jacob or Rebeccah with your ideas via email!<br /><br /></li><li>check out our latest project: &lt;a href="https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/get-well-soon-gaga/"&gt;https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/get-well-soon-gaga/&lt;/a&gt; and tweet it with #GetWellSoonGaga thanks!<br /><br /></li></ul>
Webmaker software releases:
Popcorn Maker:
-38 issues closed:
-Head Thimbler on Vacation!
-"project groups" in the trainyard ready to go
-Ross working on screencasts for how to submit projects
-won't steal the /mentor thunder, but this is underway
Good pipeline for user submitted bugs and improvements
<h1> Getting to Mentor Flow:" Your feedback on new mentor page </h1>
<h1> Getting to Mentor Flow:" Your feedback on new mentor page </h1>
<p>(Matt + mentor team)
<p>(Matt + mentor team)

Revision as of 16:08, 19 February 2013


February 19th, 2013
Roll Call. Who's here?
 (please add yourself to this list)

  • @OpenMatt
  • @secretrobotron
  • Mike McCarthy @drawnalong
  • Geoffrey @taliesan
  • Doug (@dajbelshaw)
  • Carla @carlacasilli
  • John (@bevangelist)
  • Emily @emgollie

  • Laura Hilliger (@epilepticrabbit)

WELCOME! Introductions & new team members
Any first-timers here? :) Say hello! (and maybe add your name? ;)

  • Hello world! I'm Katie Webmaker. I love donuts, CSS and punk rock.


Weekly Update


Valentine's Day Winners! Rebeccah 2 mins

Note - these stats may be slightly off - but awesome stats reporting is inbound soon!

  • thimble 'mash note' had 1,025  views of this project, with 3:26 minutes spent on average
  • popcorn 'I <3 you like' had 2,304 views with 2:21 minutes on project page (likely more within the make itself)
  • popcorn 'you make m wanna' had 02:21 views with 2:58 minutes spent on page 


  • How to Get Involved
  • We're working on our development process this week and soon will have some specific places for you to suggest projects, partners and leads for creative new content and projects. For now, contact Jacob or Rebeccah with your ideas via email!

  • check out our latest project: <a href="https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/get-well-soon-gaga/">https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/get-well-soon-gaga/</a> and tweet it with #GetWellSoonGaga thanks!


Webmaker software releases:

Popcorn Maker: -38 issues closed: https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/projects/65733-popcorn-maker/tickets/bins/577170

Thimble: -Head Thimbler on Vacation!

Webmaker: -"project groups" in the trainyard ready to go -Ross working on screencasts for how to submit projects -won't steal the /mentor thunder, but this is underway

Good pipeline for user submitted bugs and improvements


Getting to Mentor Flow:" Your feedback on new mentor page

(Matt + mentor team)

Proposed answers / draft text (please hack)

  • What are Webmaker Mentors?
    • Webmaker Mentors help learners make amazing things on the web, levelling up their digital skills as they go.  
    • We’re a global community of techies, instructors, educators and everyday people like you. Our non-profit mission: build a more web literate world. Sharing free tools, resources and networks that turn web users into web makers. Join us!

  • Key calls to action for mentors:
    • Join. Join our global community. Get access to free kits and resources, connect with other mentors near you, and help build a more web literate world. 

    • Secondary on-ramps:
      • Access free kits and resources. Get started in 5 minutes or less.
100% free, fun and hackable. All you need is a laptop and a friend. 
      • Connect with other mentors. Find other mentors near you. 
Share ideas, resources and stories. See what others are up to. 
      • Team up with groups in your hometown. Connect learning in your community. 
Bring together libraries, hackerspaces,code clubs and more. Our Hive network can help.

    • Does this page tell the overall mentor story? What's missing or not coming across?
    • Is the value of "Join" clear and compelling enough? Would you click join?
    • What's the best headline? If you imagine mentors wearing a t-shirt or holding a sign at a rally, what would it say? 
      • "Let’s teach the world the web" / "Let’s teach the world the web together"
      • "Building a more web literate planet"
      • Creating a generation of webmakers 
      • ???

    • From our users perspective, what's the best way to describe the value of hosting a Hive-style pop up event in their hometown? 
      • Team up with groups in your hometown. Bring together libraries, hackerspaces,code clubs and more. Our Hive network can help.

  • How to Get Involved
    • Provide feedback above. Or as comments on this post:

New team members

Please welcome Erica Sackin!



Take a look at upcoming events! Add new ones. 
<a href="https://webmaker.org/en-US/events/all/">https://webmaker.org/en-US/events/all/</a>

Agenda for next week's call: 
<a href="https://etherpad.mozilla.org/Feb26">https://etherpad.mozilla.org/Feb26</a>
<a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Webmakers/Community_Calls">https://wiki.mozilla.org/Webmakers/Community_Calls</a>

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