Websites/ Difference between revisions

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If a page on does not fit with the vision for the site, there are three options: archive it, migrate it or update it.  Deleting a page is not one of the options because we feel that it is impossible to know what might be useful for someone in the community and we also want to preserve a record of past contributions to the Mozilla site.

== Archive Obsolete Pages ==
== Archive Obsolete Pages ==

Revision as of 06:39, 28 August 2007

This page is being used to create a plan for to address comments raised in bug 345664.

Establish Identity

A discussion about the site's mission is taking place on See:

If a page on does not fit with the vision for the site, there are three options: archive it, migrate it or update it. Deleting a page is not one of the options because we feel that it is impossible to know what might be useful for someone in the community and we also want to preserve a record of past contributions to the Mozilla site.

Archive Obsolete Pages

A discussion about how to handle archiving or removing content from is taking place on See:

Migrate Content

Owner: Sheppy

Action Items: Move developer content to and identify other content that may belong on other community sites.

  • Suggestion: Maybe we should set up a sandbox-like area on MDC to copy developer-related articles from to; from there, they can make their way to the main MDC site as they're vetted and updated as appropriate, while remaining available with some sort of "This article may be obsolete" banner across the top of the page.

Update Content

Owner: Simon Paquet

Action Items:

  • Reorganize the Projects page
    • by removing projects, which are clearly inactive or outdated
    • Determine the activity/validity status of other projects, whose project pages were not updated within the last 18 months
    • Remove/archive all content of inactive/outdated projects
    • create a valid definition of what constitutes a project and what does not. Remove all items, which do not fall under that category.
    • Proposal posted to
    • Tracking Bug - Bug 393447

Reorganize Structure

Owner: TBD

Action Items: Once content has been migrated, archived and updated it is likely that the remaining content will need to be reorganized.

Select Owners

Owner: TBD

Action Items: A module owner for the site needs to be identified that will make sure the site is following the identity established in this plan.