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This is a test.
This is a test.
<bugzilla type="count" display="bar">
        "component":"JavaScript Engine",
        "status":["UNCONFIRMED", "READY", "NEW", "ASSIGNED", "REOPENED"],
        "include_fields": "id, summary, whiteboard, status, resolution"
        "component":"JavaScript Engine",
        "status":["UNCONFIRMED", "READY", "NEW", "ASSIGNED", "REOPENED"],
        "include_fields": "id, summary, whiteboard, status, resolution"

Revision as of 00:24, 17 September 2013

Chris Peterson

This is a test.

Bugzilla query error

Array ( [type] => error [message] => http-bad-status [params] => Array ( [0] => 400 [1] => Bad Request ) ) 1

Full Query
ID Summary Whiteboard Status Resolution
422864 dtrace code still assumes that the interpreter maintain pc stack (and so does not recover useful names for anonymous functions) NEW
549543 Extend eval cache to cache setTimeout programs NEW
557354 [meta] Improve JSON performance NEW
585656 Consider refcounting string buffers in JS land NEW
592786 Peacekeeper test arraySplice 37 times slower in Firefox compared to Chrome NEW
606897 Profiling makes us much slower on the Celtic Kane Conway benchmark NEW
612930 HTML5 Sudoku slower than Opera and Chrome [jsperf] ietestdrive NEW
631911 defined function and function expression much slower than dynamic closure when using inner function NEW
674274 [meta] ARM JavaScript performance improvements NEW
705294 [meta] IonMonkey performance optimizations NEW
735661 Optimize switch() with string labels REOPENED
750947 IonMonkey: Optimize Uint32 values [js:p2][games:p?][ion:t][shumway:p1] NEW
797401 Array concatenation 9 times slower in Firefox than in Chrome [js:p2] NEW
874174 ClojureScript benchmark NEW
888398 Consider rotating loops in IonBuilder NEW
935929 Fix Octane-Typescript performance [Shumway] NEW
969765 Regression with javascript performance NEW
977658 Windows PGO builds much slower than non-PGO builds on "cold" code [js:p2] NEW
988353 Octane Code Load spends most time in full parsing NEW
998522 0.5MB script very slow to load when using <xul:script> but very fast when using the subscript loader NEW
1021224 Speed up JS::Call NEW
1057655 SVG/Canvas performance issues on NEW
1090584 3x slower on dart2js output of DeltaBlue benchmark vs v8 NEW
1097376 Poor performance in Ember app Discourse [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS] NEW
1111000 2x slower than v8 on BBC Micro emulator [platform-rel-BBC] NEW
1122908 Debugger statements make functions much slower NEW
1127095 Much slower than v8 on function creation microbenchmark [shumway] NEW
1133470 elliptic.js gets slower benchmark results on nightly than on stable NEW
1152893 [meta] Investigate remaining performance regressions in promises due to async stacks NEW
1154987 [Meta] Move JS parsing off of main thread and enable incremental parsing [games:p3][platform-rel-Games] NEW
1169501 Slow performance in Flux-Capacitor benchmark NEW
1177735 Investigate six-speed performance NEW
1207987 3% Linux*/WinXP/MacOS* tp5o memory regression on Mozilla-Inbound-Non-PGO (v.44) on September 22, 2015 from push ad320eee186e1f57aef89c322148cc3d73c3fc91 [talos_regression] NEW
1222086 Block JavaScript parser thread when source code characters are not available NEW
1236104 Allow scripts from pre-load cache to be off-thread compiled. REOPENED
1241091 [meta] Poor performance on JS frameworks benchmark ,DevAdvocacy, DevAdvocacy-React, DevAdvocacy-Angular [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS][platform-rel-ReactJS] NEW
1245279 [meta] Various tests in Speedometer seem to spend quite a bit time in jS [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS] NEW
1265980 Running jasmine is slower than Safari and Chrome NEW
1299643 [meta] Google Docs performance issues due to javascript execution [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs] NEW
1304984 Optimize WebKit's ARES-6 benchmark NEW
1307062 [meta] JS performance NEW
1316864 Google Apps extremely slow -- scrolling, updating text, etc -- unusable [platform-rel-Google][platform-rel-GoogleSuite][platform-rel-GoogleDocs][platform-rel-GoogleSheets][platform-rel-GoogleSlides][platform-rel-Gmail] NEW
1339557 [Meta] Quantum Release Criteria: Figure out why we are so slow on Speedometer v2 NEW
1341900 WriteStructuredClone can be slow on Google Drive REOPENED
1343588 [Meta] Make Facebook benchmark fast [platform-rel-Facebook] NEW
1344177 Need a faster DefineElement for ArraySpliceCopy NEW
1345706 [meta] Improve lazy parsing NEW
1347720 [meta] Improve Time to Interactive (TTI) and Display Done (DD) milestone times in FB feed workload NEW
1347824 [Meta] Make JS Parsing faster NEW
1347861 Consider storing hints during syntax parse NEW
1352486 [meta] Improve performance on EmberPerf benchmark [platform-rel-Frameworks][platform-rel-EmberJS] NEW
1363403 Facebook profile navigation start: access the user photo profile from a post [QRC_Analyzed] NEW
1365835 Lots of time spent in createScriptForLazilyInterpretedFunction() when playing a youtube video [QRC][QRC_Analyzed] NEW
1371659 Google Search profile [QRC][QRC_Analyzed] REOPENED
1374011 substring shows up in Preact profiles [sp3] NEW
1375676 Can JSObject::callHook() tail recurse and therefore be surprisingly expensive? NEW
1376698 speedometer v2 VueJS async subtests take about twice as long in Firefox vs. Chrome (mostly running JS) NEW
1377710 Compiling lots of unused branches can be expensive NEW
1381387 Performance analysis on gmail_ail_reply_mail [QRC][QRC_Analyzed] REOPENED
1391710 Nightly 36% slower than Chrome on Mozilla Log Analyzer NEW
1393712 for-await-of with Async Generator is slow [js:perf] NEW
1393977 Compiling the same script again and again for each embedded YouTube video NEW
1394761 Hasal input latency case facebook_ail_scroll_home_1_txt regressed median from 22ms to 44ms on 7/29 [QRC][QRC_NeedAnalysis] NEW
1404950 new Promise(resolve => {}) is a performance footgun NEW
1406870 Make C++ -> JS calls faster [js:tech-debt] NEW
1428972 RexBench is slower than Chrome/WebKit NEW
1498485 frame rate with an empty scene is too slow in FxR on Oculus Go [geckoview:fxr:p1][webvr] NEW
1504043 Jank on animation on wowhead NEW
1505192 site loads slow compared to Chrome NEW
1524334 Zooming in on Google Docs takes a long time NEW
1526288 sin() extremely slow NEW
1537661 Slow response in Gmail UNCONFIRMED
1539848 [Meta] Investigate JetStream 2 performance NEW
1540090 Investigate JetStream 2 code-load tests NEW
1540646 Figure out why JetStream 2's async-fs test is slow NEW
1543409 Wix editor is extremely slow in Firefox NEW
1555522 Enable JavaScript Startup Bytecode Cache for DevTools code NEW
1598384 13 seconds of jank when loading NEW
1618391 Avoid parsing and compiling self-hosted code during startup (takes 90ms on Android Moto G5) NEW
1619502 1.12 - 1.22% Base Content JS (windows7-32, windows7-32-shippable) regression on push d93e9fef86dd098bfce6b2e7b16da0366298a4b0 (Fri February 28 2020) NEW
1626719 Firefox Nightly hangs when displaying a Grafana NEW
1627111 Support relazifying async/generator functions [overhead:14kb] REOPENED
1645651 Changes in Reddit's comment section JS code makes selecting text slow on Nightly NEW
1647847 Huge lag typing into a slack popup NEW
1663360 Choppy Animation of Pie and Line chart during page load UNCONFIRMED
1690277 Snapshot delazification enclosing scope REOPENED
1701956 Scrolling twitter has more checkerboarding than Chrome NEW
1712882 Opening a ticket in JIRA from a kanban board is slow [sp3] NEW
1723891 responsiveness login is bad at login time NEW
1732049 Slow animation when using Mapbox GL REOPENED
1757191 Crash in [@ OOM | unknown | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | v8::internal::RegExpStack::EnsureCapacity] NEW
1759825 [meta] Improve matrix-react benchmark NEW
1769131 Firefox janks for ~1.5-2x as long as Chrome in click handler, when unchecking a topic at [sp3] NEW
1773332 Jank when clicking image on Twitter NEW
1828961 50% slower than Chrome loading this Google Sheet with graphs NEW
1833078 2.02% Base Content Heap Unclassified (Windows) regression on Mon May 8 2023 ASSIGNED
1846115 The debugger can cause webpage lagging UNCONFIRMED
1848440 Scrolling YouTube Taste Profile page causes unresponsive content process after enough slow scrolling NEW
1849956 - Extremely slow performance NEW
1892945 Optimize add-element code in AddOrUpdateSparseElementHelper NEW
1895678 7.54 - 4.26% pdfpaint colorspace_atan.pdf / pdfpaint bug1650302_reduced.pdf + 6 more (Linux, OSX, Windows) regression on Thu April 25 2024 [sp3] ASSIGNED
1899468 Twitch chat unusably slow and using 25% CPU after a few days on a stream NEW
1913159 0.28 - 0.27% Base Content JS / Base Content JS (OSX, Windows) regression on Wed August 7 2024 NEW

103 Total; 103 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Endgame schedule

Milestone Bug Estimated Date Actual Date Nightly Version
All unsafe references found by static analysis have been fixed (Burndown) 898608 2013-09-12 26
Nightly 26 is uplifted to Aurora 2013-09-16 27
All Exact Rooting hazards found by static analysis have been fixed (Burndown) 898606 2013-10-14 27
Static analysis is unhidden on TBPL 834909 2013-10-15 27
All Exact Rooting crashes found by fuzzers have been fixed 831379 2013-10-__ 27
Exact Rooting is enabled 753203 2013-10-__ 27
All GGC crashes found by fuzzers have been fixed 877471 2013-10-__ 27
AWFY with GGC >= AWFY without GGC 875863 2013-10-__ 27
GGC is enabled for desktop and Android 619558 2013-10-__ 27
GGC is enabled for B2G 619558 2013-10-__ 27
Nightly 27 is uplifted to Aurora 2013-10-28 28
... 28
Nightly 28 is uplifted to Aurora 2013-12-09 29


Quarter Firefox GC Compiler Front End
2013 Q3 25
26 Some fancy stuff! Exciting improvements!
2013 Q4 27 Exact Rooting Amazing, new features!
28 GGC
2014 Q1 30
2014 Q2 31