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Revision as of 17:03, 4 March 2014

This page has been archived and its contents may be out of date.

Meet mentors.jpg

Join the Webmaker List!

Hacktivate Learning!

Interested in helping others make things on the web?

You're in the right place. We are so excited about what we've learned and experienced over the last 18 months of launching and building Mozilla Webmaker. We developed new webmaking tools (play with them here) and shared our thinking throughout the process. We launched the 2012 Summer Code Party campaign and further engaged our Hive Learning Network to activate 600 educators across the globe to use, test, improve and teach others using our tools. Through this, it has become clear that what we need for Webmaker to continue to prosper is YOU!

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We believe that people learn best with others and that mentoring is a powerful, distributed way to connect learners with educators.

That's why the Mentor Community team will spend 2013 developing ways to link webmakers and mentors. The team will surface exemplary work from the community while also producing events, campaigns, hacktivity kits, tools and stories that help build a generation of Webmakers. We want to:

  • Lay the year's foundations with the team, key partners, and network
  • Launch an international campaign rallying around the theme "Making as learning"
  • Mobilize local communities and network them globally
  • Build platforms and social APIs for people to gather and teach skills for a digital age
  • Celebrate the community at Mozfest and set the stage for 2014

2013 Goals for the Mentor Community

  • 3.0 Grow a global community of mentors with a maker attitude
  • 3.1 Offer compelling on-ramps for mentors to participate in webmaking
  • 3.2 Merge Hive + Code Party to create a global mentor community w/ local roots
  • 3.3 Make it easier to find local mentors, events, and learning resources online
  • 3.4 Create more + better mentor resources: step by step guides for teaching that are hackable
  • 3.5 Surface localization opportunities. Tools and starter content should all eventually be translatable for different communities.

What success looks like

  • Webmaker.org/mentor is a destination for mentors. It includes community stories, remixable resources, events, and a marketplace for needs and offerings.
  • Remixable hacktivity kits released. Mentors are regularly ripping, remixing, and reposting content to Webmaker.org.
  • "Making as learning" narrative is widely known and has momentum
  • Participation metrics for campaign(s) are hit
  • Hive "Cookbook" used to grow & on-ramp new learning networks. 3+ new cities at a Hive Learning Network stage.
  • An active webmaker mentoring program with ReMo
  • 30+ campaign events as feeder events to MozFest
  • A kick-ass Mozfest that wraps with clear community leaders who own part of Webmaker and are set for 2014

UK roadmap: https://events.etherpad.mozilla.org/2013-roadmap-UK

What are we doing?

  • Supporting mentors everywhere
  • to rip, remix and repost web learning content
  • in a peer community and in their city
  • so they can help people they care about
  • make amazing things using the web

Who are we talking about?

Making is learning.png

We see the mentor community as the intersection of:

  • Makers interested in learning
  • Educators interested in making

For example:

  • A hackerspace founder interested in running HTML courses
  • A museum director interested in a digital making program

These two groups, makers and educators, are situated in two larger movements:

  • the "Maker Movement": with a DIY ethos and an "If you can't open it, you don't own it" approach. A strong culture of documentation and sharing, collaboration and remixing. Has roots in physical spaces and physical objects, but important ties to the web. Examples include: Maker Faire, hackerspaces, tinkerers in electronics, 3D printing, CNC and more.
  • the "Learning Movement": challenges traditional education with its learner-centric, web-inspired approach to learning. A strong culture of peer learning, open course materials, and new kinds of assessment. Has roots in peer production, participation, networks of institutions & learners. Examples include: Massive Open Online Courses, YOUMedia spaces, instructors from computer clubs and more.

What will we do together?

Hacktivate Learning! This is our siren call to educators who are motivated by the concept of the "4th R," web literacy, an open ethos and the Webmaker mission. "Hack" with us and help get others "activated" to learn by making. Let's take inspiration from the Summer Code Party and make it happen 365 days a year in classrooms, coffee shops, museums, libraries and parks, in cities and towns around the globe.

  • This group will be a skunkworks incubator for radical ideas about learning, webmaking and mentoring.
  • It will be powered by a Github for Learning Stuff, an open repository where mentors can rip, remix and repost materials.
  • We'll run webmaking campaigns, train the trainer workshops, and other activities that grow this community.
  • In cities where mentors and institutions want to team up, we'll help bring new Hive learning networks online. Hives are vibrant learning clusters; they are city labs and a place to see "making is learning" in action.
  • We're dedicated to documentation and on-boarding new mentors, so many processes will be easily replicable, remixable and teachable.

If this sounds interesting, get involved!

How will Hive Learning Networks and the mentor community work together?

  • Hive Learning Networks are clusters of people and institutions in a city that care about connected learning. They organize events and joint projects, and they share experiences locally and globally. Members of Hives are part of the mentor community, although not all mentors will be formerly part of Hives. Hive partners believe that:
    • School is not the sole provider in a community’s educational system
    • Youth need to be both sophisticated consumers and active producers of digital media
    • Learning should be driven by youth’s interests
    • Digital media and technology are the glue and amplifier for connected learning experiences
    • Out-of-school time spaces are fertile grounds for learning innovation
    • Organizations must collaborate to thrive
  • Webmaker Mentors may be part of Hive Learning Networks, aspire to start one in their city, or just be individuals who care about making and learning. Hive members and mentors share experiences, increasing the breadth and depth of knowledge about learning. Mentors are encouraged to visit and participate in nearby Hives, to try out smaller test events in their city to see if Hives are viable there, or to continue their work individually with the feedback and support of these networks.

User Stories

Already teaching webmaking?

Brian runs an organization that teaches web skills to senior citizens so they can stay in touch with their families more easily. His organization holds events in over 10 cities worldwide. Most of his instructors are volunteers so he's looking for help figuring out lesson plans that are easy for volunteers to pick up.

Webmaking Resources | Help Out

Teaching, but not yet teaching webmaking?

Chantal leads an after school program for girls ages 8-10 and wants to get her kids interested in technology. She's looking for cool, accessible tools that kids can use to build fun things and learn about the web in the process.

Webmaking Resources | Learn More

Tinkering in tech, thinking about teaching?

Aliyah participates in a code club at a local community college. One evening, one of the other members shows a Popcorn demo, and they spend the next few hours hacking on popcorn.js. Aliyah is so taken with what popcorn.js can do, she decides she wants to run a Popcorn hackjam for film students.

Webmaking Resources | Level Up

What needs to be done?

You can:

The mentor community team will:

  • Set up communication channels
  • Initiate train the trainer programs
  • Scaffold mentor relationships
  • Design a "Github for Learning Stuff"
  • Issue badges and celebrate community successes

Open Questions and Ideas

  • Community micro-grants. Pitch fund.
  • Marketplace for mentors and expertise, including non-profit and for-profit listings
  • Affiliated spaces
  • Mozilla Summit
  • Webmaker Module Owners from the Mozilla communities

Relevant Blog Posts

Groups to learn from

These people know about mentoring.


We're still working on this wiki! Please give us your feedback, use the discussion pages, edit, add resources, etc.