L10n:Home Page

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Revision as of 07:50, 23 July 2005 by Pawell (talk | contribs) (FF/TB 1.5)
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This is the start of the wiki pages for the Mozilla Localization Project.

Background information can be found in the localization overview.

We currently already have some content on a private Mozilla l10n Wiki that should move here in the future.

If you want to register a new L10n project, look at our Project Registering Page and our locale names document.

Some members of MLP staff have L10n-related stuff on their personal pages here, see Robert Kaiser, Tim Maks van den Broek, Søren Munk Skrøder
For a full list of MLP staff members and their tasks in the project, please look at bug 257931 for now.

Status pages for product localizations:

L10n:Firefox 1.0.x Status, L10n:Firefox 1.5 Status, L10n:Thunderbird 1.5 Status


Resources and Information for product localization:

Firefox:1.1 Localization, L10n:Firefox Extras, L10n:Updating Localizations in CVS, Sunbird:Localization, L10n:Tools

Ideas and plans:

L10n:Centralized Localization, L10n:MLP page structure