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Meeting Info

  • 11 am Pacific Time
  • Vidyo room: DeveloperServices
  • Backchannel in #vcs

Hot items

  • On Call Handoff!!!
    • bkero → hwine


Last week

  • bkero
    • Bug handoff
    • Finishing up sorting through backlog
  • fubar
  • gps
    • bundleclone data analysis follow-ups. bug 1181783 is interesting
    • bundleclone S3 expiration fire drill (bug 1182739
    • mach mercurial-setup prompting (bug 1182677)
    • Core Mercurial performance work (derived from issue noticed by hwine)
    • CentOS 7 headaches related to hgweb1 and admin server
  • hwine
    • vcs-sync odds & ends - all in parallel, one item to fix before scl3 turn down
    • various b2g repos needed mirroring
    • TCW & other releng stuff
  • lmandel
    • shipped 40 beta 2 and 3
    • (re)org stuff
    • more work on deliverables (but still not done)
  • smacleod
    • Investigated switching MozReview request creation to single API call
    • More r+ carryforward + autoland stuff

Planned for this week

  • bkero
    • Bug handoff
    • Do most the things the sticky notes on my monitor say
    • Offboarding stuff
  • fubar
    • DXR - prod cutover to SCL3?, merge build changes to master and document
    • BMO - new jobs on ETL node, https for esfrontline, BMO RRA
  • gps
    • Mercurial performance work (trying to beat 3.5 patch deadline this week)
    • Continue keeping an eye on bundleclone foo
    • Land mach mercurial-setup prompting (bug 1182677)
    • CentOS 7 follow-ups/potential workarounds
  • hwine
    • vcs-sync - disable scl3!!!!
    • clean up all the repo things
  • lmandel
    • Aug comp cycle
    • getting up to speed on things like budget, hc
  • smacleod
    • Keep working on r+ carryforward / autoland
    • Figure out if we want to switch to single API for request posting & if so, do it

Other business

  • [lmandel] Tentative plan for the team

PTOs, etc


Q2 Goals