Firefox3.1/Server-Sent DOM Events

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Add support for WhatWG's Server-Sent DOM Events HTML5.

Background links

Security and Privacy

  • What security issues do you address in your project?
    • Accessing cross domains, and events security issues.

Exported APIs

  • Please provide a table of exported interfaces (APIs, ABIs, protocols, UI, etc.)
    • nsIRemoteEventSourceManager interface
    • text/event-stream protocol
    • nsIDOMRemoteEventTarget interface
    • nsIDOMHTMLEventSourceElement interface (add the eventsource tag)
  • Explain the significant file formats, names, syntax, and semantics.
    • Main C++ code:
      • content/events/public/nsIRemoteEventSourceManager.h
      • content/events/src/nsRemoteEventSourceManager.cpp
      • content/events/src/nsRemoteEventSourceManager.h
      • content/html/content/src/nsHTMLEventSourceElement.cpp
      • dom/public/idl/events/nsIDOMRemoteEventTarget.idl
      • dom/public/idl/html/nsIDOMHTMLEventSourceElement.idl
    • Main test file: content/events/test/test_bug338583.html
    • Terminology:
      • Message Event or Remote Event: An actual event object that is created by the browser in response to a remote server's command
      • Remote Event Target: A DOM object that can have Remote Event Sources
      • Remote Event Source: The object which is responsible for maintaining a connection to the server and parsing events.
      • DOM Event Stream: The stream of characters a server sends to the browser to create events. Its MIME type is text/event-stream
  • Are the externally visible interfaces documented clearly enough for a non-Mozilla developer to use them successfully?
    • Yes, dom/public/idl/events/nsIDOMRemoteEventTarget.idl and dom/public/idl/html/nsIDOMHTMLEventSourceElement.idl
  • Does it change any existing interfaces?
    • Yes, nsPIDOMEventTarget.

Module interactions

  • What other modules are used (REQUIRES in the makefile, interfaces)
    • mimetype, htmlparser, content, dom.


  • What data is read or parsed by this feature
    • text/event-stream
  • What is the output of this feature
    • Server-sent events (Message Events)


  • What failure modes or decision points are presented to the user?
    • Failures are transparently handled and when necessary there is some information in the errors console.
  • Can its files be corrupted by failures? Does it clean up any locks/files after crashes?
    • No files to corrupt.


  • Can the end user configure settings, via a UI or about:config? Hidden prefs? Environment variables?
    • No.
  • Are there build options for developers? [#ifdefs, ac_add_options, etc.]
    • No.
  • What are its on-going maintenance requirements (e.g. Web links, perishable data files)?
    • None.

Relationships to other projects

Are there related projects in the community? No.


Review comments