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Mozfest-header.png MozFest Wrangler Program
Owner: Zannah Marsh Years Active: 2010-present Updated: 2021-07-22

About MozFest Wranglers & this Wiki

While Mozilla provides a basic structure, resources, and support, the festival is essentially designed and produced by volunteers (called "wranglers)— teams of educators, activists, engineers, artists, and researchers who care about the open web and a healthy internet. Wranglers are a large, diverse group of contributors who collaborate with a small group of Mozilla staff to produce a truly unique event. Throughout an extended 6 to 7 month co-design experience, Wranglers dedicate time to this project on a weekly basis.

For an in-depth intro to Wrangling, click here.

This wiki documents the 2022 Wrangler process and serves as a gathering space for resources, materials, work and other documentation related to co-design work and teams from July 2021 through March 2022.

2022 Wrangler Experience Phases

PHASE 1 - July & August, 2021 - Cohort-building and content exploration

MISSIONS in this phase:

  • Meet other Wranglers
  • Share and explore new ideas, perspectives and content
  • Begin to generate SPACE ideas, thematic groupings for topics at MozFest

Coming Phases

  • PHASE 2- September 2021 - Teams, Narratives & Community Engagement
  • PHASE 3- October 2021 - Outreach & Call for Proposals
  • PHASE 4- November 2021 - Curation
  • PHASE 5- December 2021 - Confirmation & Scheduling
  • PHASE 5- January & February 2022 - Storytelling, Facilitator Support, Community Engagement
  • PHASE 6- March 2021 - FESTIVAL(s)

List of 2022 Wranglers