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Mozfest-header.png MozFest Wrangler Program
Owner: Tyler Munyua Years Active: 2010-present Updated: 2023-11-14
Information about the Wrangler experience

About MozFest Wranglers & this Wiki

The Wrangler programme is our foundational anchor of the federated design strategy in practice. A small cohort of our community, called Wranglers, help us co-design and co curate MozFest. Wranglers are a large, diverse group of contributors who collaborate with a small group of Mozilla staff and others to produce a truly unique event. For more background, see this blog post on the Making of MozFest.

Wranglers are practitioners, activists, academics, and artists across geographies who collaborate to create an arc that ties together the festival narrative and festival themes (aka Spaces) to bring attention to pressing issues in the TAI space. They share an invitation to participate at the festival that convenes diverse communities through community-led sessions and hands-on experiences.

These wiki pages document and inform the Wrangler experience, gathering resources, materials, and work by Wrangler teams.

The Wrangling experience is divided into phases, as documented below.

PHASE 1 - Cohort-building and topic exploration

Missions in this phase:

  • Meet other Wranglers
  • Share and explore new ideas, perspectives and insights
  • Begin to generate Space and Experience ideas, which are thematic groupings for topics at MozFest
  • Agree on collaborative practices and approaches


  • Successful program onboarding and co-design work begins
  • Wranglers feel ready, comfortable, and excited to start the co-design process

PHASE 2 - Teams, Narratives & Community Engagement

Missions in this phase:

  • Define and select MozFest Spaces and Experiences, and teams to produce those spaces
  • Begin to engage communities around Space/Experience concepts & ideas
  • Space/Experiences/themes brainstorming, defining the “big picture” for MozFest
  • Discussion with Mozilla Staff


  • Wranglers choose Space/Experience teams and define Space/Experience narratives
  • Community engagement around Space/Experience narratives and themes starts and is ongoing

PHASE 3 - Outreach & Call for Proposals & Rolling Curation

Missions in this phase:

  • Wranglers lead community-facing Space/Experience calls to share Space/Experience narratives and build momentum
  • Begin outreach in community spaces and individual networks
  • Open Call for Proposals with rolling curation


  • Space/Experience narratives shared and Call for Proposals open
  • Wranglers start curating
  • Outreach efforts in community spaces result in diverse proposal submissions

PHASE 4 - Curation Continues

Missions in this phase:

  • Close Call for Proposals and continue curation
  • Continue Wrangler-led Community-facing Space/Experience calls as needed
  • Storytelling and Space/Experience narratives continue to be shared with the community


  • Wranglers curate sessions to accept to their Space/Experience
  • Increased community engagement and co-design through Wrangler-led Community-facing Space/Experience calls

PHASE 5 - Confirmation & Scheduling

Missions in this phase:

  • Desired sessions are accepted and Facilitators are asked to confirm their session(s)
  • Continue Wrangler-led Community-facing Space/Experience calls as needed
  • Session scheduling begins


  • A first version of the schedule is released
  • Continued engagement with Facilitators and Facilitator support begins

PHASE 6 - Storytelling, Facilitator Support, Community Engagement

Missions in this phase:

  • Continue and complete scheduling
  • Continue Wrangler-led Community-facing Space/Experience calls as needed
  • Facilitator support calls start, including session design essentials and scheduling support as needed


  • Facilitator All-Hands call takes place the week before the festival
  • The schedule is maintained and up to date, and a final version is published


  • MozFest takes place!

PHASE 8 - Review and Reflections

Missions in this phase:

  • Wranglers attend a feedback session(s) with MozFest staff to celebrate the festival and reflect on the Wrangler experience
  • Wranglers and Facilitators have the opportunity to provide feedback (written, verbalised in a group, in a 1:1 session with MozFest Staff) on their overall festival experience


  • Feedback from Wranglers and Facilitators is reflected on and used in planning and goal setting to shape future iterations of the festival