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The Client Agent supports an RPC-like API which allows clients to register themselves with the notification service, as well as create and remove subscriptions to web app notifications.

Scenario 1: New (Potentially First) Client

  1. Client registers with Client Agent
    C: POST /1.0/new_queue HTTP/1.1
    C: Authorization: Basic BASE64==
  2. Client agent generates Client ID (CID), creates User Exchange if necessary, creates and binds Client Queue CID, returns CID to Client.
    S: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    S: {"host":"",
        "queue_id": "ASCII (max 255 chars)"}
  3. Client records CID.
  4. Client fetches notifications/subscriptions WBO from Sync, decrypts with sync key. This returns the following (encrypted) JSON:
    { "T in Base64": {
        "app_name": "GMail", 
        "app_host": "", 
        "app_account": "",  // Optional
        "key": "BASE64=="
      "T2 in Base64": {...}

Scenario 2: New Subscription

  1. Client generates symmetric key K = 256 random bits AES and and token T = 256 random bits.
  2. Client registers token T with Client Agent.
    C: POST /1.0/new_subscription HTTP/1.1
    C: Authorization: Basic BASE64==
    C: {"token": "T in Base 64"}
  3. Client Agent subscribes User Exchange to token T.
    S: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  4. Client uploads new notifications/subscriptions WBO to Sync (see Scenario 1, Step 4).
  5. Client passes key K, token T, and POST Office URL to web app (see Scenario Alpha).

Scenario 3: Terminate Subscription

  1. Client tells Client Agent to remove subscription with specified token T.
    C: POST /1.0/remove_subscription HTTP/1.1
    C: Authorization: Basic BASE64==
    C: {"token": "T in Base 64"}
  2. Client Agent removes binding T from User Exchange.
    S: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Scenario 4: Broadcast to Other Users

  1. Client tells another Client to open a tab through the Client Agent with the client id ID.
    C: POST /1.0/broadcast HTTP/1.1
    C: Authorization: Basic BASE64==
    C: body  ciphertext{ ....
                         "type": "send_tab",
                         "client_id" : BASE64 ==,
                         "url": "...",
                         "fxtabinfo": "..." / "tabinfo" : {abstract data}
  2. Client Agent puts this notification in the appropriate queues for a client.