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Current Release Schedules
Thunderbird 3.3 Beta 1 Thunderbird 3.1.10
Releases/Thunderbird 3.3b1
  • Code freeze: 12 Apr
  • L10n freeze: 12 Apr
  • Builds start: 13/14 Apr
  • QA with builds start: 13/14 Apr
  • Beta period starts: Week of 15 Apr
  • Final release: 28 Apr

Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!

Feel free to ask questions in the meeting either by speaking up or by asking them in #maildev on IRC.

Other ways to get in touch with us can be found on our communications page


  • Who's taking minutes? --> sancus
  • Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida or dmose for schedule changes/additions.
  • Note: this meeting is for interactive discussion. Feel free to ask questions!

Action Items

Friends of the Tree

Thanks to our Friends of the Tree When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size and send it to so that he can send them a shirt!

Conversion Funnel (Priority 0 side project)

Thunderbird Development

For more details, see also the driver meeting notes.

Feature Work

Account Provisioner:

Search Integration:


Thunderbird Conversations
  • Bugfixes, released a3, then a4 and a5 because of last-minute issues that hadn't been spotted so far. Feedback seems positive on the mozilla-labs Google Group.
  • Wrote a chapter of the Thunderbird FLOSS about Thunderbird Conversations, translated it to French, once it's released and integrated in the public version of the FLOSS Manual, will point AMO, the wiki and everything to that page as the official reference for documentation.
  • Still the usual polish and minor improvements.
Compose in a tab
Thunderbird Sync
Account Summary
Ubuntu Unity Integration

Trunk (Miramar) Development

  • Alpha 3 - releasing today or tomorrow.
    • First release where we've run unit tests on the release builds on all supported platforms (only two failures, both known intermittent, reported)
  • Trunk version bumped to 3.3a4pre - the next preview release is expected to be a beta release, but using alpha for now in case we slip in another alpha release.
  • Branching for mozilla-2.0
  • Help on fixing blockers would be very useful and appreciated, see this list of higher priority bugs.

Thunderbird Stability & Security Releases

  • Schedule for 3.1.10 is now up.
  • Updater fixes now landed which will hopefully resolve the update issues we've been seeing (with mis-matched versions).
  • SQLite upgraded to 3.7.4 which should fix a topcrash we've been seeing.
  • Bug Lists: 3.1

QA Updates

  • tester's mailing list is low traffic you should subscribe to be warned when testing is going on.
  • The QA page is going under a lot of rewrite : feedbakc wanted !

Marketing Updates

Infrastructure Update

Build / Release Update

Web Update



(If you support Thunderbird or write documentation to help support Thunderbird, please subscribe to the tb-support-crew mailing list and briefly introduce yourself to the list)

  1. 614 new support topics (not sure why traffic is so high, last week 665) - Media:14-20March2011-Community_stats_for_Mozilla_Messaging.png
  2. Kitsune KB migration: [Project Plan], All English content and images move over were delayed a wee bit by missing permissions Localizers have been notified via email and tb-support-crew of a wiki page with complete instructions on how to localize their data on SuMoMo Kitsune with pre-converted files. Localizers are busy with Firefox 4 docs localization so we have pushed back launch date to April 19
  3. 3.1 Support Issues
  4. See this week's Support Appendix for full Get Satisfaction metrics and other support details

Lightning Updates

Status Updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights
