Power Up Selftests

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Power-Up Self-Tests

The module can perform the following power-up self-tests:

Cryptographic algorithm tests

A known-answer test is conducted for all cryptographic functions (e.g., encryption, decryption, authentication, and random number generation) of each Approved cryptographic algorithm implemented by the cryptographic module. (See the power-up self-tests source code.)




RC2-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
RC2-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption
RC2-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
RC2-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption


Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
Single-Round Known Answer Decryption


DES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
DES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption
DES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
DES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption

Triple DES

DES3-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
DES3-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption
DES3-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
DES3-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption

AES-128, AES-192, AES-256

AES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
AES-ECB Single-Round Known Answer Decryption
AES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
AES-CBC Single-Round Known Answer Decryption


Single-Round Known Answer Hashing


Single-Round Known Answer Hashing

SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512

Single-Round Known Answer Hashing


Single-Round Known Answer HMAC


Single-Round Known Answer Encryption
Single-Round Known Answer Decryption
Single-Round Known Answer Signature Test SHA-1
Single-Round Known Answer Signature Test SHA-256
Single-Round Known Answer Signature Test SHA-384
Single-Round Known Answer Signature Test SHA-512


Single-Round Known Answer Signature
Single-Round Known Answer Verification


FIPS 182-2 Change Notice 1 Known Answer Test

ECDSA - NIST Curve P-256 (the Extended ECC version of the module also tests Curve K-283)

Single-Round Known Answer Signature
Single-Round Known Answer Verification

Note: Cryptographic algorithms whose outputs vary for a given set of inputs (DSA and ECDSA) are tested using a known-answer test. The message digest algorithms have independent known-answer tests.

Random number generator test

See the known-answer test for RNG above.

Software/firmware integrity test

An integrity check is performed on the libraries that contain the NSS cryptographic module. If the check fails, the module immediately enters the Error state.

Critical functions test

No other critical functions tests are performed on power-up.