Upgrade to MediaWiki 1.23

In the coming days, we will be upgrading the software that powers MozillaWiki. This upgrade includes several significant changes to the software behind MozillaWiki, as well as extremely obvious changes to the wiki's appearance. Some of these changes may affect your user preferences.

This page will be updated as the changes are determined and deployed.

MediaWiki changes

For users

  • Support for skins other than Vector (the current default skin) and Monobook (a former default skin) has been dropped.

For administrators

  • The Information page has returned.

MozillaWiki changes

  • The default skin for new and anonymous users will change from GMO to Vector. Custom styling will be applied to give Vector a more Mozilla-y feel. Note that any pages relying on custom styling applied to the GMO skin will need to be updated.
  • Users will no longer be given the option to use a skin other than Vector or Monobook. However, users who have already selected such skins (such as Cavendish, GMO, or Modern) will be permitted to continue to use them for a limited time. Note that the MozillaWiki team will no longer maintain any of these unsupported skins, so any remaining bugs will not be fixed.
  • The Main Page has been redesigned to emphasize information that visitors are likely to be looking for. (The old Main Page is still available at Main Page/Legacy.)
  • The sidebar has been improved immensely to include links to important and widely-used pages.
  • The MozillaWiki namespace has been cleaned of cruft and claimed for meta pages about MozillaWiki and the MozillaWiki team. See MozillaWiki:About and MozillaWiki:Team for more information.


Why are these changes being made to the MozillaWiki?

Cavendish, GMO, Modern, and all other unsupported skins (themes) are being removed because they are not fully compatible with the current stable version of MediaWiki.

Why has Vector been chosen as the default theme?

Vector is the main theme supported by core MediaWiki software. As such, it is the easiest to maintain. We are using a slightly modified version of Vector in order to provide a more Mozilla look and feel.