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« QA/Firefox3.1/TestPlan

Firefox 3.1 Alpha1 Test Results

The covered testing for this release will focus on smoketests and spotchecks. This will only be on the en-US locale.

Related Pages

Firefox 3.1 Tracking Site

Contact Info

PM: Mike Beltzner (beltzner)
Build: John O'Duinn (joduinn)
QA: Tony / Marcia


Builds hand to QA
ETA 7/23
QA test signoff
ETA 7/25
  • Smoketests result
  • Spotchecks result

Build Location and IDs

Test Coverage

  • Areas Covered (en-US):
    • Spotchecks
    • Smoketests
  • Areas Not Covered:
    • BFTs
    • FFTs
    • Updates
    • L10n
    • Web regression

Test Results

Types of Tests Windows XP Mac 10.5 Linux
Smoketests Hasham - result Marcia - result Hasham - result
Spotchecks Hasham - result Marcia - result Hasham - result

Smoketests Results

=Mac Leopard

  • Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1a1) Gecko/2008072306 Shiretoko/3.1a1
  • Bugs Filed

Spotcheck Results

Please just run a few visual and quick user tests across the sites to ensure there is nothing vividly broken. Test a few extensions and plugins to make sure web compatibility looks good.